Maharashtra State Government Contact Details

Toll free Number(s): 
  • 112 (For Emergency)
  • 100 (For Emergency Support)
  • 1800 120 8040 (Citizen Call Centre Number, 24/7)

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Emergency Numbers

Sr No. Emergency Services Number
1 For Emergency 112/100
2 For Ambulance 108
3 Fire Emergency 101
4 For Ambulance 102
5 For Medical helpline 104
6 Women Helpline 1091
7 Child Helpline 1098

Telephone Directory

Cabinate Ministers

Sr No. Department Office No. Residence No. Email
1 Home, Energy (Excluding Renewable Energy), Law & Judiciary, General Administration, Information & Public Relations (and Portfolio not specifically allotted to any other Minister) 022-22025151 , 022-22025222 , 022-22854166 , 022-22793340 , 022-22027000 022-23634950 , 022-23630408 , 022-23630958 cm [at] maharashtra [dot] gov [dot] in
2 Urban Development, Housing, Public Works (Public Undertakings) 022-22022401 , 022-22025014 , 022-22024383 022-23630286 , 022-23630609 dcm [at] maharashtra [dot] gov [dot] in
3 Finance & Planning, State Excise 022-22871440 , 022-22875441 , 022-22024301 022-23621612 , 022-23631606 , 022-23634877 dycm [at] maharashtra [dot] gov [dot] in
4 Revenue 022-22027174 , 022-22029742 022-23685501 , 022-23676951 -
5 Water Resources (Godavari & Krishna Valley Development Corporation) 022-22024850 , 022-22025247 022-23515889 , 022-23524664 minister [dot] revenue22 [at] gmail [dot] com
6 Medical Education 022-22024950 , 022-22025360 022-22817064 , 022-22817078 , 022-264215 , 022-264285 hasanmushrif [at] gov [dot] in
7 Higher and Technical Education, Parliamentary Affairs 022-22025398 , 022-22024751 022-22020092 , 022-22020615 cbpatil [dot] minister [at] gmail [dot] com
8 Water Resources (Vidharbha, Tapi, Konkan Development Corporation), Disaster Management 022-22026658 , 022-22024832 022-23637075 , 022-23633676 -
9 Forests 022-22875930 , 022-22876342 022-22020527 , 022-22020578 -
10 Water Supply & Sanitation 022-22843657 , 022-22843647 022-23630096 , 022-23634669 ministerwssd [at] gmail [dot] com
11 School Education 022-22025328 , 022-22843614 022-22023478 , 022- 22023479 ,022-2255188 ,022-2251405 -
12 Soil and Water Conservation 022-22886025 , 022-22886293 022-23632045 , 022-23634344 -
13 Food, Civil Supplies & Consumer Protection 022-22025300 , 022-22024688 022-23646612 , 022-23646613 officeofdm [at] gmail [dot] com , dhananjay [dot] munde [at] gov [dot] in
14 Skills , Employment, Entrepreneurship and Innovation 022-22025308 , 022-22024592 022-22020097 ,022-22880083 -
15 Industries and Marathi Language 022-22843628 , 022-22843664 022-23613514 , 022-23611589 , 022-287798 , 022-271998 -
16 Marketing, Protocol 022-22843246 , 022-22843264 022-23618585 , 022-23618686 -
17 Environment and Climate Change, Animal Husbandry 022-22023858 , 022-22025051 022-23620771 , 022-23620770 -
18 Other Backward Bahujan Welfare, Dairy Development and Renewable Energy 022-22023992 , 022-22022100 022-22882902 , 022-22882190 minatulsave [at] gmail [dot] com
19 Tribal Development 022-22025250 , 022-22025362 022-22023475 , 022-22023476 -
20 Tourism, Mining, Ex- Servicemen Welfare 022-22042810 , 022-22885104 022-23616699 , 022-23626699 -
21 Information Technology, Cultural Affairs 022-22024700 , 022-22025736 022-22025311 , 022-22024570 -
22 Sports & Youth Welfare, Minorities Development and Aukaf 022-22023059 , 022-22022924 022-22886096 , 022-22886294 -
23 Women & Child Development 022-22817040 , 022-22817074 022-22022219 , 022-22829535 -
24 Public Works (Excluding Public Undertakings) 022-22886188 , 022-22886093 022-22020334 , 022-22020433 -
25 Agriculture 022-22842559 , 022-22842440 - -
26 Rural Development & Panchayati Raj 022-22025241 , 022-22025225 022-22828214 , 022-22854631 -
27 Food & Drug Administration, Special Assistance 022-22831983 , 022-22025313 - -
28 Textiles 022-22842720 , 022-22842791 - -
29 Social Justice 022-22042314 , 022-22042315 - -
30 Transport 022-22025270 , 022-22026582 - -
31 Employment Guarantee Scheme, Horticulture, Salt Pan Land Development - 022-22020385 , 022-22020386 -
32 Relief & Rehabilitation - 022-22826964 , 022-22826698 -
33 Fisheries, Ports 022-22025277 , 022-22027075 , 022-22794329 022-22022540 , 022-22046114 -
34 Labour 022-22843718 , 022-22813623 - -
35 Co-operation 022-22843665 , 022-22023165 022-22027162 , 022-22020540 -
36 Public Health and Family Welfare 022-22020355 , 022-22020352 022-22020290 , 022-22020291 -
37 Finance, Planning, Agriculture, Relief & Rehabilitation, Law & Judiciary, Labour 022-22021501 , 022-22021502 022-22020251 , 022-22020252 -
38 Urban Development, Transport, Social Justice, Medical Education, Minorities Development & Aukaf 022-22025001 , 022-22871705 - -
39 Home (Rural), Housing, School Education, Co-operation, Mining 022-22886090 , 022-22843741 022-22021320 , 022-22021321 -
40 Public Health & Family Welfare, Water Supply and Sanitation, Energy, Women & Child Development, Public Works (Public Undertakings) - - -
41 Industries, Public Works (excluding Public Undertakings), Higher & Technical Education, Tribal Development, Tourism, Soil and Water Conservation 022-22021103 , 022-22021104 - -
42 Home (Urban), Revenue, Rural Development & Panchayati Raj, Food Civil Supplies & Consumer Protection, Food & Drug Administration 022-22020396 , 022-22020397 022-22021036 -


Sr No. Department Office No. Email
1 Chief Secretary, Government of Maharashtra 022-22025042 / 022-22028762 cs [at] maharashtra [dot] gov [dot] in
2 Additional Chief Secretary (Service) 022-22886141 acs [dot] gadservices [at] maharashtra [dot] gov [dot] in
3 Additional Chief Secretary (P. S. R. & K.) (Additional Charge) 022-22843711 acs [dot] arom [at] maharashtra [dot] gov [dot] in
4 Principal Secretary to the Chief Minister (Responsibility for Mining) 022-22020680 psec1 [dot] cm [at] maharashtra [dot] gov [dot] in
5 Additional Chief Secretary and Chief Protocol Officer (Additional Charge) 022-22024438 psec [dot] protocol [at] maharashtra [dot] gov [dot] in
6 Principal Secretary and Chief Electoral Officer 022-22029965 ceo_maharashtra [at] eci [dot] gov [dot] in
7 Additional Chief Secretary and Special Inspection Officer (1) 022-22821037 acs [dot] gadseo1 [at] maharashtra [dot] gov [dot] in
8 Additional Chief Secretary (in charge of Aviation) 022-22026534  
9 Principal Secretary (Information Technology) 022-22021850 -
10 Principal Secretary to Hon'ble Chief Minister 022-22021850 psec [dot] cm [at] maharashtra [dot] gov [dot] in
11 Principal Secretary to Hon'ble Chief Minister 022-22027956  
12 Special Inspection Officer (2) 022-22027151 sec [dot] gadseo2 [at] maharashtra [dot] gov [dot] in
13 Additional Chief Secretary (Home) 022-22048130 acs [dot] home [at] maharashtra [dot] gov [dot] in
14 Additional Chief Secretary (Transport and Ports) 022-22025009 acs [dot] transport [at] maharashtra [dot] gov [dot] in
15 Principal Secretary 022-22821743 psec [dot] homeapl [at] maharashtra [dot] gov [dot] in
16 Principal Secretary (Special) 022-22023572 psec [dot] homespl [at] maharashtra [dot] gov [dot] in
17 Additional Chief Secretary (Revenue, Registration, and Stamp Duty) 022-22024588 psec [dot] revenue [at] maharashtra [dot] gov [dot] in
18 . Principal Secretary and OSD (Appeals) 022-22836363 sec [dot] revenueappl [at] maharashtra [dot] gov [dot] in
19 Principal Secretary (Forests) 022-22023363 sec [dot] forest [at] maharashtra [dot] gov [dot] in
20 Principal Secretary (Relief and Rehabilitation) 022-22025274 -
21 Additional Chief Secretary (Finance) Addl. Charge, Additional Charge of Sports 022-22029721 acs [dot] finance [at] maharashtra [dot] gov [dot] in
22 Secretary (Reforms) 022-22025448 / 022-22023085 psec [dot] reforms [at] maharashtra [dot] gov [dot] in
23 Principal Secretary (Expenditure) 022-22837265 psec [dot] exp [at] maharashtra [dot] gov [dot] in
24 Secretary (Accounts & Treasury) 022-22029335 -
25 Additional Chief Secretary (Agriculture) (Additional Charge) 022-22025357 acs [dot] agri [at] maharashtra [dot] gov [dot] in
26 Secretary (Animal Husbandry and Dairy Development) 022-22027018 psec [dot] adf [at] maharashtra [dot] gov [dot] in
27 Secretary (Textile Industry) 022-22836819 sec [dot] texttile [at] maharashtra [dot] gov [dot] in
28 Additional Chief Secretary (Cooperation and Marketing) 022-22025283 psec [dot] coop [at] maharashtra [dot] gov [dot] in
29 Additional Chief Secretary (Energy) 022-22026767 psec [dot] energy [at] maharashtra [dot] gov [dot] in
30 Principal Secretary (Industry) 022-22025393 psec [dot] industry [at] maharashtra [dot] gov [dot] in
31 Principal Secretary (Labour) 022-22027433 sec [dot] labour [at] maharashtra [dot] gov [dot] in
32 Principal Secretary (Rural Development and Panchayati Raj) 022-22025201 sec [dot] rdd [at] maharashtra [dot] gov [dot] in
33 Secretary, Soil and Water Conservation Department 022-22025349  
34 Secretary, Tribal Development Department 022-22026742 sec [dot] tribal [at] maharashtra [dot] gov [dot] in
35 Secretary, Department of Skill Development and Entrepreneurship 022-22047236 psec [dot] skillcs [at] maharashtra [dot] gov [dot] in
36 Principal Secretary (Additional Charge), Other Backward Classes Welfare Department 022-22823811 sec [dot] vjntobcsbcw [at] maharashtra [dot] gov [dot] in
37 Principal Secretary (1), Urban Development Department 022-22026419 psec [dot] ud1 [at] maharashtra [dot] gov [dot] in
38 Principal Secretary (2), Urban Development Department 022-22824111 sec [dot] ud2 [at] maharashtra [dot] gov [dot] in
39 Principal Secretary, Department of Environment and Climate Change 022-22873845 psec [dot] env [at] maharashtra [dot] gov [dot] in
40 Additional Chief Secretary, Housing Department 022-22821969 acs [dot] housing [at] maharashtra [dot] gov [dot] in
41 Secretary, Tourism (Adl. Charge) Tourism and Cultural Affairs Department 022-22023472 psec [dot] tourism [at] maharashtra [dot] gov [dot] in
42 Principal Secretary, Cultural Affairs (Additional charge) - -
43 Principal Secretary, Water Supply and Sanitation Department 022-22626407 psec [dot] wssd [at] maharashtra [dot] gov [dot] in
44 Secretary and S J & S A, GAD, (Additional Charge) 022-22026688 psec [dot] socjustice [at] maharashtra [dot] gov [dot] in
45 Secretary, Department of Women and Child Development 022-22027050 psec [dot] wchd [at] maharashtra [dot] gov [dot] in
46 Principal Secretary, Higher and Technical Education Department 022-22025301 pses [dot] higheredu [at] maharashtra [dot] gov [dot] in
47 Secretary (Additional), Department of Marathi Language 022-22027554  
48 Principal Secretary (School Education) 022-22025292 acs [dot] schedu2 [at] maharashtra [dot] gov [dot] in
49 ACS, Public Health Department (1) and State Excise (Charge) 022-22617388 psec [dot] pubhealth [at] maharashtra [dot] gov [dot] in
50 Secretary (2), Public Health Department 022-22618455 psec2 [dot] pubhealth [at] maharashtra [dot] gov [dot] in
51 Principal Secretary, Medical Education and Drugs Department, Additional charge of EGS 022-22622179 psec [dot] mededu [at] maharashtra [dot] gov [dot] in
52 Secretary (Additional Charge), Food, Civil Supplies, and Consumer Protection Department 022-22024851 psec [dot] fcs [at] maharashtra [dot] gov [dot] in
53 Principal Secretary and Development Commissioner, Planning Department 022-22029496 acs [dot] planning [at] maharashtra [dot] gov [dot] in
54 Principal Secretary, Minority Development Department 022-22025264 sec [dot] mdd [at] maharashtra [dot] gov [dot] in
55 Principal Secretary and Legal Advisor, Department of Law and Justice 022-22027272 psec [dot] rla [at] maharashtra [dot] gov [dot] in
56 Secretary and Senior Legal Advisor, Department of Law and Justice 022-22822196  
57 Secretary (Legal Affairs), Department of Law and Justice 022-22856484 sec [dot] legislation [at] maharashtra [dot] gov [dot] in
58 Secretary (in charge), Parliamentary Affairs Department 022-22856484 sec [dot] pud [at] maharashtra [dot] gov [dot] in
59 Additional Chief Secretary, Public Works Department 022-22026612 acs [dot] pwd [at] maharashtra [dot] gov [dot] in
60 Secretary (Roads), Public Works Department 022-22020149 sec [dot] pwdroads [at] maharashtra [dot] gov [dot] in
61 Secretary (Construction), Public Works Department 022-22024800 sec [dot] pwdworks [at] maharashtra [dot] gov [dot] in
62 Additional Chief Secretary (Water Resources) 022-22023038 psecwr [dot] wrd [at] maharashtra [dot] gov [dot] in
63 Secretary (Command Area Development), Water Resources Department 022-22023109 sec [dot] cada [at] maharashtra [dot] gov [dot] in
64 Secretary (Project Coordination), Water Resources Department 022-22023574 sec [dot] pcwrd [at] maharashtra [dot] gov [dot] in

Chief Executive Officer

Sr No. Location Email
1 Gondia ceozp [dot] gondia [at] maharashtra [dot] gov [dot] in
2 Pune ceozp [dot] pune [at] maharashtra [dot] gov [dot] in
3 Satara ceozp [dot] satara [at] maharashtra [dot] gov [dot] in
4 Palghar ceozp [dot] palghar [at] maharashtra [dot] gov [dot] in
5 Beed ceozp [dot] beed [at] maharashtra [dot] gov [dot] in
6 Kolhapur ceozp [dot] kolhapur [at] maharashtra [dot] gov [dot] in
7 thane ceozp [dot] thane [at] maharashtra [dot] gov [dot] in
8 Amaravati ceozp [dot] amravati [at] maharashtra [dot] gov [dot] in
9 Washim ceozp [dot] washim [at] maharashtra [dot] gov [dot] in
10 Chandrapur ceozp [dot] chandrapur [at] maharashtra [dot] gov [dot] in
11 Jalna ceozp [dot] jalna [at] maharashtra [dot] gov [dot] in
12 Ahmednagar ceozp [dot] ahmednagar [at] maharashtra [dot] gov [dot] in
13 Sangli ceozp [dot] sangli [at] maharashtra [dot] gov [dot] in
14 Yavatmal ceozp [dot] yavatmal [at] maharashtra [dot] gov [dot] in
15 Nandurbar ceozp [dot] nandurbar [at] maharashtra [dot] gov [dot] in
16 Latur ceozp [dot] latur [at] maharashtra [dot] gov [dot] in


Sr. No. Department Email
1 Collector Mumbai Sub-Urban collector [dot] mumbaisuburb [at] maharashtra [dot] gov [dot] in
2 Collector Pune collector [dot] pune [at] maharashtra [dot] gov [dot] in
3 Collector Raigad collector [dot] raigad [at] maharashtra [dot] gov [dot] in
4 Collector thane collector [dot] thane [at] maharashtra [dot] gov [dot] in
5 Collector Palghar collector [dot] palghar [dot] mh [at] gov [dot] in
6 Collector Hingoli collector [dot] hingoli [at] maharashtra [dot] gov [dot] in
7 Collector Parbhani collector [dot] parbhani [at] maharashtra [dot] gov [dot] in
8 Collector Mumbai collector [dot] mumbaicity [at] maharashtra [dot] gov [dot] in
9 Collector Gadchiroli collector [dot] gadchiroli [at] maharashtra [dot] gov [dot] in
10 Collector Beed collector [dot] beed [at] maharashtra [dot] gov [dot] in
11 Collector Ahmednagar collector [dot] Ahmednagar [at] maharashtra [dot] gov [dot] in
12 Collector Ratnagiri collector [dot] ratnagiri [at] maharashtra [dot] gov [dot] in
13 Collector Sindhudurg collector [dot] sindhudurg [at] maharashtra [dot] gov [dot] in
14 Collector Latur collector [dot] latur [at] maharashtra [dot] gov [dot] in
15 Collector Nagpur collector [dot] nagpur [at] maharashtra [dot] gov [dot] in
16 Collector Nandurbar collector [dot] nandurbar [at] maharashtra [dot] gov [dot] in
17 Collector Nashik collector [dot] nashik [at] maharashtra [dot] gov [dot] in
18 Collector Chandrapur collector [dot] chandrapur [at] maharashtra [dot] gov [dot] in
19 Collector Wardha collector [dot] wardha [at] maharashtra [dot] gov [dot] in
20 Collector Akola collector [dot] akola [at] maharashtra [dot] gov [dot] in
21 Collector Buldhana collector [dot] buldhana [at] maharashtra [dot] gov [dot] in
22 Collector Jalgaon collector [dot] jalgaon [at] maharashtra [dot] gov [dot] in
23 Collector Solapur collector [dot] solapu [at] maharashtra [dot] gov [dot] in
24 Collector Dhule collector [dot] dhule [at] maharashtra [dot] gov [dot] in
25 Collector Amravati collector [dot] amaravati [at] maharashtra [dot] gov [dot] in
26 Collector Jalna collector [dot] jalna [at] maharashtra [dot] gov [dot] in

Divisional Commissioners

Sr. No. Department Contact Email
1 Divisional Commissioner Nashik Division 0253-2461909 ,0253-2461096 divcom [dot] nashik [at] maharashtra [dot] gov [dot] in
2 Divisional Commissioner Pune Division 020-26362223 divcom [dot] pune [at] maharashtra [dot] gov [dot] in
3 Divisional Commissioner Konkan Division 02141-22874132, 02141-27571324 divcom [dot] konkan [at] maharashtra [dot] gov [dot] in
4 Divisional Commissioner Chhatrapati Sambhajinagar Division 0240-2331294 , 0240-2331294 divcom [dot] aurangabad [at] maharashtra [dot] gov [dot] in
5 Divisional Commissioner Nagpur Division - divcom [dot] nagpur [at] maharashtra [dot] gov [dot] in
6 Divisional Commissioner Amravati Division - divcom [dot] amravati [at] maharashtra [dot] gov [dot] in

Department Under State Governement

Sr. No. Department
1 Agriculture Department
2 Animal Husbandry Department
3 Textile Department
4 Department Of Fisheries
5 Energy Department
6 Finance Department
7 Food And Public Distribution System (PDS)
8 Forest Department
9 Higher Education And Technical Department
10 Home Department
11 Maharashtra Maritime Board
12 Housing Department - MHADA
13 Slum Rehabilitation Authority
14 Industries Department
15 Labour Department
16 Revenue Department
17 Law And Judiciary Department
18 Maharashtra Jeevan Pradhikaran
19 Medical Education And Drug Department
20 Municipal Corporation Of Greater Mumbai
21 Public Health Department
22 Public Works Department
23 Rural Development And Panchayat Raj Department
24 Social Justice And Special Assistance Department
25 State Excise Department
26 Tourism And Cultural Affairs Department
27 Transport Department
28 Tribal Development Department
29 Water Resources Department
30 Women And Child Development Department

For Complaint/Grievance

  • For Complaint, you can call at 18001208040 (Citizen Call Centre number for Aadhaar, Consumer Dispute Redressal, Pension, School employee payroll (Shalaarth) And Roster register (Bindunamavali))
  • You can Also lodge complaint through CM Helpline Portal.

Social Sites

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बजाज फायनास च्या नावाखाली आर्थिक फसवणूक

मा. मुख्यमंत्री साहेब,
महाराष्ट्र राज्य
मी फायनास च्या शोधात असताना मला काल दिनांक १२ सप्टेंबर २०२३ रोजी पुणे विमाननगर येथील बजाज फायनास मधून कॉल आला. मला माझे आधार कार्ड पॅन कार्ड मागितले ते दिल्या नंतर सांगितले कि १० लाख रुपये लोन मंजूर झाले आहे त्यासाठी तुम्हाला आधी इन्शुरन्स घ्यावा लागेल. ४२५० रुपये चा तो घेतला नाही पण त्यांनी सांगितले कि हाफ पेमेंट तरी करावे लागेल. मग २१०० रुपये पे केली असता परत कॉल आला आणि त्यांनी लोन पाठवले पण फेल झाले त्याचा स्क्रीनशॉट आम्हाला पाठवला आणि सांगितले कि बँकिंग चार्जेस ७८०० भरावी लागतील तेव्हा १० मिनिट मध्ये लोन तुम्हाला मिळेल. वारंवार पैसे भरा म्हणत असताना लक्षात आले कि ही फसवणूक आहे आणि आज दिनांक १३ सप्टेंबर २०२३ रोजी मुंबई येथील गोरेगाव ईस्ट च्या ऑफिस ला भेट देऊन विचारले असता त्यांनी सांगितले कि हे फसवणूक करत आहेत.
तरी अश्या लोकांना सरकार ने वेळीच धडा शिकवावा व आर्थिक फसवणूक कोणाची होऊ नये.

request letter need

नमस्कार शिंदे साहेब ,
माझा नाव आतिश
राहनार ठाणे जिल्हा
मी २०१४ पसुन एक छोटा दुकान भाड़ने घेउन
धंदा करत होतो सर्व नीट चाले होते पन लॉकडॉउन नंतर जी कंडीशन डाउन झाली साहेब
ती आजुनप्रयन्त काय नीट झाली नाही धंदा मराठी मानसाने करायचा आसा विचार करुण बैंक मधून १० लाखचा कर्जा गेतला हरे नाही मनायचा पन आज़ेखुप गरज आहे साहेब तुमचा कड़ूँन काय मदत्क झाली तार नक्की एक्के मराठी मुलगा पुढ़े झाईल
माझा हा मेसेज तुम्हहाला भेटेल आशी आशा करतो

म्हाडा च्या नावाने फसवणूक

मा. एकनाथजी शिंदे साहेब
मुख्यमंत्री महाराष्ट्र राज्य

नमसकार ,
आपलं सरकार आल्यापासून खूप सारे घर गरीब लोकांना मिळू लागली आहेत . पण त्याच बरोबर आपल्याच म्हाडाच्या रजिस्टर वेबसाइट वर एक चड्डा रेसिडेन्सी नावाने म्हाडा कडून घरे कमी किमतीत घ्या अशी जाहिरात करून २ वर्ष झालीत गरिबाना कडून पैसे घेऊन कोणतेही घर बांधून देत नाहीत . आम्ही आपल्या म्हाडाच्या विश्वासाने इथे नोंद केली . पैसे परत मिळतील असे लिहून दिले असताना सुद्धा सर्व लॉटरी धारकांना तो हाकलवून लावत आहे . काय करायचंय ते करा. BMC म्हाडा ऑफिस मागेच रेंटल ने रूम घेऊन असे धंदे करत आहेत पण पोलिसांचे पण सहकार्य मिळत नाही . आता काय समजावे सामान्य माणसाने . RERA , BMC , MAHARASHTRA POLICE असून सुद्धा कोणीही पुढाकार घेत नाहीत . आता काय राजकारण करणाऱ्या लोकांचे पाय धरून भीक मागायची का ? हे कळावे .
BMC under Housing scam at mhada Register website

तुमचा मतदार,
हितेश मारुती सावंत
ठाणे प.
संभाजी नगर -४००६०४

संत शिरोमणी नामदेव महाराज यां बद्दल

मा. एकनाथजी शिंदे साहेब
मुख्यमंत्री महाराष्ट्र राज्य

आपल्या सरकारने श्री. संत शिरोमणी नामदेव महाराजांचे नावाने “संत नामदेव महाराज किर्तनकार सन्मान योजना” या २०२३च्या आर्थिक वर्षात (बजेटमध्ये) उपक्रम चालू करून कीर्तनकार, प्रवचनकार, निरूपणकार व समाज प्रबोधन करणाऱ्यांचा सत्कार करण्याचे जाहीर केल्याबद्दल मी समस्त शिंपी समाज व वारकरी समाजातर्फे आपले व उप मुख्यमंत्री मा. देवेंद्र फडणवीस साहेब तसेच सर्व मंत्रिमंडळाचे मनापासून आभार मानतो. या आपल्या चांगल्या उपक्रमाचे समस्त शिंपी समाज व वारकरी समाजाला विस्मरण होणार नाही.
महाशय गेले अनेक वर्षापासून शिंपी समाज व वारकरी समाजाची राष्ट्रीय थोर पुरुष व संत यांच्या यादीत संत नामदेव महाराजांचे नाव समाविष्ट करावे ही आग्रही मागणी असून, दोन वर्षांपूर्वी मा. देवेंद्र फडणवीस साहेब यांनी ही मागणी विधिमंडळात प्रभावीपणे मांडली होती परंतु २०२३ च्या राष्ट्रीय थोर पुरुष व संतांचे यादीत संत नामदेव महाराजांचे नाव समाविष्ट केले गेले नाही तरी कृपया पुरवणी यादीत आपण जातीने लक्ष घालून संत शिरोमणी नामदेव महाराजांचे नाव समाविष्ट करून संत नामदेव महाराज जयंती व समाधी सोहळा शासकीय व निमशासकीय कार्यालयात व शासकीय स्तरात साजरा करण्यात यावा व शिंपी समाजाच्या उन्नतीसाठी स्वतंत्र महामंडळ स्थापन करून शिंपी समाजाचा व वारकरी समाजाचा दुवा घ्यावा ही हात जोडून विनंती.

कळावे मे. जा. व्हावे.

आपला विश्वासू,

श्री.प्रकाश हरिश्चंद्र उनकुले
दत्तविहार मु.पो. खेर्डी, ता.चिपळूण, जि. रत्नागिरी मो. नं.७५८८८५५xxx
नामदेव सामाज्योन्नती परिषद कोकण विभाग प्रतिनिधी
(माजी) सह सेक्रेटरी नामदेव सामाज्योन्नती मंडळ चिपळूण email Id- unkuleprakash [at] gmail [dot] com

आपल्या माहितीसाठी.
तिथीप्रमाणे संत नामदेव महाराजांचा जन्म कार्तिक शुध्द एकादशी व समाधी सोहळा आषाढ वैद्य||१३ या तिथीप्रमाणेप्रमाणे साजरा केला जातो.

Malpractices ,Fraud and harrasment Against Teachers

Hon' Sir,

This is to know that we have been facing lot of Physical, Mental all kind of harassment against us at Podar International School, Kolhapur

We being ladies are forced to do work for minimum 10 hours wihtout any extra pay or remuneration.

Physical and mental torture is common thing which we face here since 2 years after covid.

Few of the teachers are forced to resign forcefully without prior intimation or notice just for Principals personal motive,

We would like to request you to please look into this matter at the earliest so our lives would be saved.

We are literally facing deathful harassment and only one Principal is responsible
Principals name: Ms. Shilpa Kapoor

We hope to look forward to hear from you soon with rightful decision.

Thank you

Regarding Durg licence in Maharashtra

Respected all,
I have complaint about medicine distributor in Maharashtra. Some of they licence holder not having any knowledge about medical drugs
Even they are not enough to read the names of drugs or medicines. And they are running medical distribution shops as wholesale dealer.. how is it possible???
So I can request you to recheck their licences.. if I will mail this though they will know before raid because they having strong network in govt system.... So do the needful

Stop Politics of OBC Resavation

Chief Minster of Maharashtra

Honnrrble Chief Minster

This is to inform you that The Politics of OBC Resavation to be stopped in the state and summit Imparcal data to Honnrrble Suprime Court till next Week.
We will not tolerate the miss governance in this issue .

Best Wishes
Narndra Modi
(Prime Minster of India)

Forest land encroachments and plots. Sold.

Respected hon'ble chief minister of Maharashtra.

We,have noticed forest land being plotted
Contructed and land being sold inspite of us giving information of the above matter to forest official, but because of political and failure by local administrations to act on these accused, matter are silently going on and matter is internally being suppressed.
In Titwala- revti pada, survey no-56,
Taluka - kalyan.
Hope to see immediate action on these officials, who have hidden this serious matter of encroachment.
With Regards

Citizen to protect forest.
Mr Andrew Jennings. Activist
Thane, (email- jenningsandrew10 [at] gmail [dot] com

Ring road plan me ghar toot rha hai

Sir Ji
Main MANDA TITWALA Distic thane me rhta hu
Mere area se ring road nikal rha hai Jis me hmari basti ja rhi hai
Hum logo ne Yeh ghar Yha ke biulder se liye hai
Hme road plan ka malum nhi tha
Humne Es ghar ka kdmc ko tax pay kiya hai
Ab kbmc Es jgah ka mubadla jgah Malik ko de rhi hai
Hmari Aap se request hai kdmc agar hmara ghar toode to humko badle me ghar de
Aap ki Bht kirpa hogi

Need Job

Dear Sir ji

I need Job please help me

I am working with tours and travels company now please
Help me I am 49 years old.
I work any ware in Mumbai.
I stay in Borivali West Mumbai.

For job

Any job for me

Corruption based project as to end this from nation wholly

I wanna request to Maharashtra government that I have an excellent project which is based on complete end of corruption from India whereas it has been dream to end corruption because of which whole nation is in problem but after very hard mindset and work I have made very effective and useful proper solution of corruption with gurenty after bringing it in implimentaion India will be above 90‰ corruption free that is why I request from Maharashtra government to give a chance so that I can light this project to nation sir truelly I can say with full heart it is very difficult to make as I made in the world because I took around 1 year to make this and I know because of political profit and mindset center government will not allow to implement such solution whether it is a complete relief of nation toward wrong fact of corruption really Sir central government can denie becoaue they think that they may have disadvantage because it and their wrong mindset, politics, policy, and many ways by which they have huge profit all think will be under surveillance that is why but Sir I tell you this project has been made by thinking and using smart mind and all future facter and negative and positive mindset even we have carefully made this it will play very amazing and phinominal role in India and will be very unexpected I am gurenty whole India will be corruption free if you will help me so I will show my whole project and tell how it will be implemented because people of nation want such solution and I thing some political party can have advantage with and some can have disadvantage even I tell you on base of its information that we have a solution of corruption if a simple person can go ahead for election so I am damn sure whole people of India due to happy ness they will ellect the same person as pm of India because of its relief so try to understand I want help from you that please give me a chance to show you my whole project which will remove corruption from all corner of our country really or you can help me by other way I am waiting sir for your response because now I am not desirous to give it to central government becosue they will not let this project be implemented because of personal loss what they have in their mindset but demand from you ANUP Mishra from MP even I am fan of balasahab thakre

Not able to get my refund from goibibo

Respected sir , we were going to go to Canada in April 2020 and we booked our tickets through goibibo of British airways .our airways cancelled our flight due to corona virus and given to understand that whole money would be refunded . Calling the customer care of goibibo where they stated that they have received the money from British airways and they will transfer it to us.I have not received my money it’s 3 months now I am able to get through any people from goibibo I have tried sending them mails but all are blocked .dont know what to do .please help sir

sellary probelum sir ji

Sir ji Mai Mumbai turbhe gav me rahta tha our duty Mai cufpared me lnt kompny me dusare contecter company me Norman virdhi infra llp me karta tha our Mai 28 may KO apne ghar chala gya to company sellary dene se mna kar rahi hai sir ji helf kijiye sir ji