Goodreads Customer Care No.



  • support [at] goodreads [dot] com (Support)

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Apply For Author Profile

To apply for the Author Program, you can follow these steps when visiting the
desktop version of Goodreads:

  1. Sign in or create an account, and then search for your most popular book
    via ISBN, ASIN, or title.
  2. On the book, click on your author name. Scroll to the bottom of your
    author profile page.
  3. Click “Is this you? Let us know!” to complete and submit the application.

We send you an email when you're approved within 2 business days. Your login
and password will stay the same.

Head Office

Goodreads LLC
188 Spear Street, 3rd Floor,
San Francisco, CA 94105
United States
Phone: +1-310-458-9164 (corporate)

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