The University of Burdwan Contact No.

All India Number(s): 
  • 0342-263 4975 (Contact Support)


  • webmaster [at] buruniv [dot] ac [dot] in (Contact Support)

Telephone Directory

Name Telephone/Email
1. EPABX (Rajbati) 0342-2634975 (30 lines) 
2. EPABX (Golapbag) 0342-2656566,
3. EPABX Operator  
4. Vice-Chancellor
Prof. Nimai Chandra Saha
vc [at] buruniv [dot] ac [dot] in 
5. Pro-Vice-Chancellor
(Administration & Academic)
Prof. Ashis Kumar Panigrahi
provc [at] buruniv [dot] ac [dot] in 
6. Dean, Faculty Council for PG
Studies in Arts, Commerce, Law,
Fine Arts & Music
dean_arts [at] buruniv [dot] ac [dot] in 
7. Dean, Faculty Council for PG
Studies in Science
dean_science [at] buruniv [dot] ac [dot] in 
8. Registrar
Dr. Sujit Kumar Chowdhury
registrar [at] buruniv [dot] ac [dot] in 
9. Joint Registrar
Dr. Debidas Mondal
jtregistrar [at] buruniv [dot] ac [dot] in 
10. Assistant Registrar asstregistrar2 [at] buruniv [dot] ac [dot] in 
11. Assistant Registrar
Mr. Subrata Nandi
asstregistrar1 [at] buruniv [dot] ac [dot] in 
12. System Enginee
rMr. Md. Najimuddin Biswas
systemengineer [at] buruniv [dot] ac [dot] in 
13. Co-ordinator for SC/ST Cell coordinator_scstcell [at] buruniv [dot] ac [dot] in 
14. Publication Officer
Dr. Santu Ghosh
pubofficer [at] buruniv [dot] ac [dot] in 
15. Superintendent (Press)
Mr. Chandan Pal
supdt_press [at] buruniv [dot] ac [dot] in 
16. Development Officer
Dr. Indrajit Ray
do [at] buruniv [dot] ac [dot] in 
17. Controller of Examinations
Dr. Anindya Jyoti Pal
ce [at] buruniv [dot] ac [dot] in 
18. Joint Controller of Examination
Dr. Rambilash Mahapatra
jtce [at] buruniv [dot] ac [dot] in 
19. Deputy Controller of Examination
Dr. Pradip Kumar Roy
dyce2 [at] buruniv [dot] ac [dot] in 
20. Assistant Controller of Examination
Mr. Krishnendu Mazumder
asstce2 [at] buruniv [dot] ac [dot] in 
21. Assistant Controller of Examination 0342-2533262
asstce3 [at] buruniv [dot] ac [dot] in 
22. Assistant Controller of Examination asstce1 [at] buruniv [dot] ac [dot] in 
23. Finance Officer
Dr. Sougata Chakrabarti
fo [at] buruniv [dot] ac [dot] in 
24. Audit and Accounts Officer
Mr. Indra Narayan Ghosh
aao [at] buruniv [dot] ac [dot] in 
25. Trust Officer
Mr. Debasis Pal
to [at] buruniv [dot] ac [dot] in 
26. Accounts Officer ao3 [at] buruniv [dot] ac [dot] in 
27. Accounts Officer
Mr. Sujan Das
ao2 [at] buruniv [dot] ac [dot] in 
28. Accounts Officer
Mr. Susobhan Ghosh
ao1 [at] buruniv [dot] ac [dot] in 
29. Inspector of Colleges 0342-2533920
icburuniv [at] gmail [dot] com
ic [at] buruniv [dot] ac [dot] in 
30. Deputy Inspector of Colleges 0342-2533920
dyic [at] buruniv [dot] ac [dot] in 
31. Secretary, Faculty Council (Arts)
Mr. Kalyan Kumar Mukhopadhyay
secretary_arts [at] buruniv [dot] ac [dot] in 
32. Secretary, Faculty Council (Science)
Mr. Subha Prasad Nandi Majumdar
secretary_sc [at] buruniv [dot] ac [dot] in 
33. Sectrary, Council for UG Studies in Sc.,
Arts, Commerce, Law, Fine Arts & Music
Mr. Shyamaprosad Dey
secretary_ug [at] buruniv [dot] ac [dot] in 
34. Director (CDOE)
Prof. Sourangshu Mukhopadhyay
director [at] dde [dot] buruniv [dot] ac [dot] in 
35. Assistant Director, CDOE
(Administration & Examination)
Mr. Angshuman Goswami
asstdirector_ae [at] dde [dot] buruniv [dot] ac [dot] in 
36. Assistant Director, CDOE
(Administration & Accounts)
Mr. Nani Gopal Sen
asstdirector_aa [at] dde [dot] buruniv [dot] ac [dot] in 
37. University Engineer
(Additional Charge)
Dr. Arijit Chatterjee
ue [at] buruniv [dot] ac [dot] in 
38. Assistant Engineer (Civil)
Mr. Nirmal Kumar Pal
ae_civil [at] buruniv [dot] ac [dot] in 
39. Assistant Engineer (Electrical)
Mr. Hitendra Nath Ghosh
ae_electrical [at] buruniv [dot] ac [dot] in 
40. Placement and Students
Welfare Officer
pswo [at] buruniv [dot] ac [dot] in 
41. Senior Medical Officer smo [at] buruniv [dot] ac [dot] in 
42. Junior Medical Officer
Dr. Santanu Pramanik
jmo [at] buruniv [dot] ac [dot] in 
43. Estate Officer
Dr. Dipendra Nath De
eo [at] buruniv [dot] ac [dot] in 
44. University Institute of Technology principal [at] uit [dot] buruniv [dot] ac [dot] in 
Academic Department
1. Bengali : Office hod [at] beng [dot] buruniv [dot] ac [dot] in 
2. Bio-Technology : Office hod [at] biotech [dot] buruniv [dot] ac [dot] in 
3. Botany : Office hod [at] bot [dot] buruniv [dot] ac [dot] in 
4. Business Administration : Office hod [at] mba [dot] buruniv [dot] ac [dot] in 
5. Business Administration
(Human Resource) : Office
hod [at] mbahr [dot] buruniv [dot] ac [dot] in 
6. Central Library : Office librarian [at] buruniv [dot] ac [dot] in 
7. Central Library : Librarian
(Additional Charge)
librarian [at] buruniv [dot] ac [dot] in 
8. Central Library : Deputy Librarian dylibrarian1 [at] buruniv [dot] ac [dot] in 
9. Central Library : Information Scientist infoscientist [at] buruniv [dot] ac [dot] in 
10. Central Library : Assistant Librarian asstlibrarian3 [at] buruniv [dot] ac [dot] in 
11. Central Library : Assistant Librarian asstlibrarian3 [at] buruniv [dot] ac [dot] in 
12. Chemistry : Office hod [at] chem [dot] buruniv [dot] ac [dot] in 
13. Commerce : Office hod [at] com [dot] buruniv [dot] ac [dot] in 
14. Computer Centre : Office webmaster [at] buruniv [dot] ac [dot] in 
15. Computer Centre : System Manager biplab_bu [at] yahoo [dot] com 
16. Computer Centre : Programmer ajayauddy [at] rediffmail [dot] com 
17. Computer Science : Office hod [at] cs [dot] buruniv [dot] ac [dot] in 
18. Department of Arabic : Office hod [at] arabic [dot] buruniv [dot] ac [dot] in 
19. Department of Education : Office hod [at] edu [dot] buruniv [dot] ac [dot] in 
20. Department of Electronics &
Communication : Office
hod [at] elccomm [dot] buruniv [dot] ac [dot] in 
21. Department of Molecular Biology
& Human Genetics : Office
hod [at] mbhg [dot] buruniv [dot] ac [dot] in 
22. Department of Nutrition &
Public Health : Office
hod [at] nutph [dot] buruniv [dot] ac [dot] in 
23. Department of Physiology : Office hod [at] physlgy [dot] buruniv [dot] ac [dot] in 
24. Department of Psychology : Office hod [at] psyclgy [dot] buruniv [dot] ac [dot] in 
25. Economics : Office hod [at] eco [dot] buruniv [dot] ac [dot] in 
26. English : Office hod [at] eng [dot] buruniv [dot] ac [dot] in 
27. Environmental Science : Office hod [at] envsc [dot] buruniv [dot] ac [dot] in 
28. Foreign Language : Office hod [at] forlang [dot] buruniv [dot] ac [dot] in 
29. Geography : Office hod [at] geo [dot] buruniv [dot] ac [dot] in 
30. Geospatial Science : Office hod [at] gss [dot] buruniv [dot] ac [dot] in 
31. Hindi : Office hod [at] hindi [dot] buruniv [dot] ac [dot] in 
32. History : Office hod [at] hist [dot] buruniv [dot] ac [dot] in 
33. Law : Office hod [at] law [dot] buruniv [dot] ac [dot] in 
34. Library and Information
Science : Office
hod [at] lis [dot] buruniv [dot] ac [dot] in 
35. Lifelong Learning : Office 0342-2531885 
36. Lifelong Learning : Director
(Lifelong Learning) (Additional Charge)
director_lll [at] buruniv [dot] ac [dot] in 
37. Lifelong Learning : Joint Director
(Lifelong Learning)
jtdirector2_lll [at] buruniv [dot] ac [dot] in 
38. Lifelong Learning : Assistant
Director (Lifelong Learning)
asstdirector_lll [at] buruniv [dot] ac [dot] in 
39. Lifelong Learning : Asst. Director asstdirector_lll [at] buruniv [dot] ac [dot] in 
40. Lifelong Learning : Joint Director 0342-2531885
jtdirector2_lll [at] buruniv [dot] ac [dot] in 
41. Mass Communication : Office hod [at] masscomm [dot] buruniv [dot] ac [dot] in 
42. Mathematics : Office hod [at] math [dot] buruniv [dot] ac [dot] in 
43. Meghnad Saha Planetaurium : Office 0342-2656470, 8900713675
planetarium [dot] bu [at] gmail [dot] com 
44. Microbiology : Office hod [at] microbio [dot] buruniv [dot] ac [dot] in 
45. Philosophy : Office hod [at] phil [dot] buruniv [dot] ac [dot] in 
46. Physical Education : Office hod [at] phedn [dot] buruniv [dot] ac [dot] in 
47. Physics : Office hod [at] phys [dot] buruniv [dot] ac [dot] in 
48. Physics : M. Tech. (Microwave) mtece [at] phys [dot] buruniv [dot] ac [dot] in 
49. Physics : Scientific Officer abose [at] phys [dot] buruniv [dot] ac [dot] in 
50. Physics : Scientific Officer chakravorty [dot] joydeep [at] gmail [dot] com 
51. Physics : Scientific Officer 2005 [dot] tanmoy [at] gmail [dot] com 
52. Political Science : Office hod [at] polsc [dot] buruniv [dot] ac [dot] in 
53. Sanskrit : Office hod [at] sans [dot] buruniv [dot] ac [dot] in 
54. Santali : Office hod [at] santali [dot] buruniv [dot] ac [dot] in 
55. Sociology : Office hod [at] soc [dot] buruniv [dot] ac [dot] in 
56. Sports Board : Sports Officer sportsofficer [at] buruniv [dot] ac [dot] in 
58. Statistics : Office hod [at] stat [dot] buruniv [dot] ac [dot] in 
59. Tourism Management : Office hod [at] mbatr [dot] buruniv [dot] ac [dot] in 
60. U.G.C.- Human Resource
Development Centre : Office
office [at] hrdc [dot] buruniv [dot] ac [dot] in 
61. U.G.C.- Human Resource
Development Centre : Director
(UGC-HRDC) (Additional Charge)
director [at] asc [dot] buruniv [dot] ac [dot] in 
62. University Institute of Technology : Office 9476322966
principal [at] uit [dot] buruniv [dot] ac [dot] in 
63. University Institute of Technology : Principal principal [at] uit [dot] buruniv [dot] ac [dot] in 
64. University Science Instrumentation
Centre and Central Instrumentation
Facility : Office
hod [at] usic [dot] buruniv [dot] ac [dot] in 
65. University Science Instrumentation
Centre and Central Instrumentation
skarmakar [at] usic [dot] buruniv [dot] ac [dot] in 
66. University Science Instrumentation
Centre and Central Instrumentation Facility
subhadip [dot] bhowmik [at] gmail [dot] com 
67. Womens Studies : Office hod [at] wmstudies [dot] buruniv [dot] ac [dot] in 
68. Yoga Centre : Yoga Instructor  
69. Zoology : Office hod [at] zoo [dot] buruniv [dot] ac [dot] in 
Administrative Office
1. Placement and Students
Welfare Office : PSW
2. Registrar‘s Department : 
Registrar‘s Secretariat
registrar [at] buruniv [dot] ac [dot] in 
3. Registrar‘s Department : 
Museum and Art Gellery
curator [at] buruniv [dot] ac [dot] in 
4. Registrar‘s Department :
Publication Unit (Reg.)
pubofficer [at] buruniv [dot] ac [dot] in 
5. Registrar‘s Department : 
Sports Board
sportsofficer [at] buruniv [dot] ac [dot] in 
6. Controller of Examinations : 
C E Section
ce [at] buruniv [dot] ac [dot] in 
7. Controller of Examinations : 
Appointment Section
ce [at] buruniv [dot] ac [dot] in 
8. Controller of Examinations : 
A.P. Section
ce [at] buruniv [dot] ac [dot] in 
9. Controller of Examinations :
Result Section
ce [at] buruniv [dot] ac [dot] in 
10. Controller of Examinations : 
Review Section
ce [at] buruniv [dot] ac [dot] in 
11. Controller of Examinations : 
Remunaration Bill
ce [at] buruniv [dot] ac [dot] in 
12. Finance : Accounts Section fo [at] buruniv [dot] ac [dot] in 
13. Finance : Cash Section fo [at] buruniv [dot] ac [dot] in 
14. Inspector of Colleges : 
I.C. Office
icburuniv [at] gmail [dot] com  
15. Faculty Council of Arts,
Commerce, Law, Fine Arts &
Music : Office
secretary_arts [at] buruniv [dot] ac [dot] in 
16. Faculty Council of Science : Office 9475629313
secretary_sc [at] buruniv [dot] ac [dot] in 
17. U. G. Council for Science, Arts,
Commerce, Law, Fine Arts &
Music : Office
secretary_ug [at] buruniv [dot] ac [dot] in 
18. Directorate of Distance Education
: Office
director [at] dde [dot] buruniv [dot] ac [dot] in 
19. Engineering Department : 
Engg. Dept. Office
engineer [at] buruniv [dot] ac [dot] in 
20. Engineering Department :
Electric Office (Rajbati)
ae_electrical [at] buruniv [dot] ac [dot] in 
21. Engineering Department : 
Electric Office (Golapbag)
ae_electrical [at] buruniv [dot] ac [dot] in 
22. Estate : Car Booking estateofficer [at] buruniv [dot] ac [dot] in 
23. Estate : Guest House Office

Administration Contact

Name Designation Contact Details
1 Prof. Nimai Chandra Saha Vice-Chancellor 9051342474
Email: vc [at] buruniv [dot] ac [dot] in,
dpiwb1960 [at] gmail [dot] com,
vcbunsaha [at] gmail [dot] com
2 Prof. Ashis Kumar Panigrahi Pro-Vice-Chancellor
(Administration & Academic)
Email: provc [at] buruniv [dot] ac [dot] in,
panigrahi [dot] ashis [at] gmail [dot] com
3 Dr. Sujit Kumar Chowdhury Registrar registrar [at] buruniv [dot] ac [dot] in
4 Dr. Sougata Chakrabarti Finance Officer fo [at] buruniv [dot] ac [dot] in
5 Dr. Anindya Jyoti Pal Controller of Examinations 9433353673
Email: ce [at] buruniv [dot] ac [dot] in
6 Dr. Sujit Kumar Chowdhury Inspector of Colleges
(Additional Charge)
registrar [at] buruniv [dot] ac [dot] in
7 Dr. Swapan Bhattacharyya Director(CDOE) 9474698485
Email: swapanbhattacharyya [at] ieee [dot] org
8 Dr. Debidas Mondal Director(LifeLong Learning)
(Additional Charge)
jtregistrar [at] buruniv [dot] ac [dot] in
9 Dr. Biplab Sarkar System Manager 0342-2656566,
Email: biplab_bu [at] yahoo [dot] com,
systemmanager [at] buruniv [dot] ac [dot] in
10 Dr. Debidas Mondal Joint Registrar jtregistrar [at] buruniv [dot] ac [dot] in
11 Dr. Rambilash Mahapatra Joint Controller of Examinations dyce1 [at] buruniv [dot] ac [dot] in
12 Dr. Indrajit Ray Senior Development Officer do [at] buruniv [dot] ac [dot] in
13 Dr. Subhajit Karmakar Senior Scientific Officer subhajit [dot] usicbu [at] gmail [dot] com
14 Dr. Anindya Bose Senior Scientific Officer 9434004478
Email: abose [at] phys [dot] buruniv [dot] ac [dot] in,
anibose [at] yahoo [dot] com
15 Dr. Joydeep Chakravorty Senior Scientific Officer 9434238592
Email: jchakraborty [at] phys [dot] buruniv [dot] ac [dot] in,
chakravorty [dot] joydeep [at] gmail [dot] com
16 Dr. Deb Prakash Pahari Senior Scientific Officer
Email: pahari_so [at] yahoo [dot] co [dot] in,
geo_so [at] buruniv [dot] ac [dot] in
17 Dr. Bikash Mukhopadhyay Senior Information Scientist
(Inflibnet Programme)
Email: bikash_mukherjee [at] yahoo [dot] com,
18 Mr. Subha Prasad
Nandi Majumdar
Senior Secretary, F.C. for P.G
. Studies in Science
0342-2558554 Extn.241
Mobile: 9434000814
Email: snandimajumdar [at] yahoo [dot] com,
subha1962 [at] gmail [dot] com
19 Mr. Shyamaprosad Dey Senior Secretary, Council
for U.G. Studies
0342-2634975 (30 lines)
Mobile: 9434932851
Email: secretary_ug [at] buruniv [dot] ac [dot] in
20 Dr. Soubhatra Bandopadhyay Joint Director(LLL) 0342-2531885
0342-2634975 (30 lines)
Email: soubhatra_banerjee [at] rediffmail [dot] com
21 Mr. Md. Najimuddin Biswas Joint System Manager systemengineer [at] buruniv [dot] ac [dot] in
22 Dr. Pradip Kumar Roy Deputy Controller of Examinations 0342-3510135
Email: dyce2 [at] buruniv [dot] ac [dot] in
23 Dr. Amarendra
Mahapatra (in Lien)
Deputy Inspector of Colleges 9433172737
Email: dyic [at] buruniv [dot] ac [dot] in
24 Mr. Kalyan Kumar
Secretary, Faculty Council
of Arts & Commerce
0342-2558554 Extn.210
Email: secretary_arts [at] buruniv [dot] ac [dot] in
25 Dr. Arijit Chatterjee University Engineer
(Additional Charge)
Email: asstdirector_lll [at] buruniv [dot] ac [dot] in
26 Dr. Santanu Pramanik Medical Officer 9433130100
Email: spramanik123 [at] yahoo [dot] co [dot] uk
27 Mr. Indra Narayan Ghosh Audit and Accounts Officer 8159078767
Email: aao [at] buruniv [dot] ac [dot] in
28 Dr. Arijit Chatterjee Assistant Director(Lifelong Learning) 9434740604
Email: asstdirector_lll [at] buruniv [dot] ac [dot] in
29 Dr. Surajit Nandi Sport Officer (Selection Grade) 9434441335
Email: surajitnandi39 [at] yahoo [dot] co [dot] in,
sportsofficer [at] buruniv [dot] ac [dot] in
30 Dr. Ajay Auddy System Engineer 0342-2656566,
Mobile: 9232472182,
Email: ajayauddy [at] rediffmail [dot] com,
programmer [at] buruniv [dot] ac [dot] in
31 Mr. Subrata Nandi Assistant Registrar (Senior Scale) 9832291178
Email: asstregistrar2 [at] buruniv [dot] ac [dot] in
32 Mr. Krishnendu Mazumder Assistant Controller of
Examinations (Sr. Scale)
Email: asstce2 [at] buruniv [dot] ac [dot] in
33 Mr. Tanmoy Sarkar Scientific Officer (Senior Scale) 0342-2656566,
Mobile: 8900136739
Email: tsarkar [at] phys [dot] buruniv [dot] ac [dot] in,
2005 [dot] tanmoy [at] gmail [dot] com
34 Mr. Susobhan Ghosh Accounts Officer (Senior Scale) ao1 [at] buruniv [dot] ac [dot] in
35 Mr. Sujan Das Accounts Officer (Senior Scale) 9547998988
Email: sujan [dot] das217 [at] gmail [dot] com,
ao2 [at] buruniv [dot] ac [dot] in
36 Mr. Hitendra Nath Ghosh Assistant Engineer (Electrical)
(Senior Scale)
ae_electrical [at] buruniv [dot] ac [dot] in,
hitendra_hm [at] yahoo [dot] in
37 Dr. Dipendra Nath De Estate Officer (Senior Scale) 9434199750
Email: eo [at] buruniv [dot] ac [dot] in
38 Mr. Arijit Adhya Placement & Students
Welfare Officer (Sr. Scale)
pswo [at] buruniv [dot] ac [dot] in
39 Mr. Subhadip Bhaumik Technical Officer - I
(Senior Scale)
Mobile: 9836261992
Email: subhadip [dot] bhowmik [at] gmail [dot] com,
to1 [at] usic [dot] buruniv [dot] ac [dot] in
40 Dr. Santu Ghosh Publication Officer (Senior Scale) pubofficer [at] buruniv [dot] ac [dot] in
41 Mr. Krishna Pada Bauri Assistant Registrar asstregistrar3 [at] buruniv [dot] ac [dot] in
42 Mr. Nirmal Kumar Pal Assistant Engineer (Civil) 9434992181
43 Dr. Indrajit Ray Co-ordinator for SC/ST
Cell (Additional Charge)
0342-2634975 (30 lines)
Email: do [at] buruniv [dot] ac [dot] in
44 Mr. Debasis Pal Trust Officer 9332102037
Email: to [at] buruniv [dot] ac [dot] in
45 Mr. Chandan Pal Superintendent (Press) 9433268637
Email: supdt_press [at] buruniv [dot] ac [dot] in
46 Dr. Pradip Kumar Roy Nodal Officer, NAD
(Additional Charge)
Email: dyce2 [at] buruniv [dot] ac [dot] in
47 Dr. Rajesh Das Nodal Officer, Unnat Bharat
Abhiyan (Additional Charge)
Mobile: 9051355065
Email: rajesh [dot] das [dot] cal [at] gmail [dot] com,
rajesh_das_cal [at] rediffmail [dot] com

Academics Departments Contact

Name Designation Contact Details
Departments of Arts & Commerce
1 Dr. Mohd. Alamgir Teacher-In-Charge 0342-2656566,
Email : hod [at] arabic [dot] buruniv [dot] ac [dot] in
2 Dr. Md. Shamim Nizami Assistant Professor 0342-2656566,
Email : msnizami [at] arabic [dot] buruniv [dot] ac [dot] in
3 Dr. Mohd. Alamgir Assistant Professor 0342-2656566,
Email: malamgir [at] arabic [dot] buruniv [dot] ac [dot] in
Business Administration
4 Prof. Tanmoy Dasgupta Head 0342-2656566,
Email : hod [at] mba [dot] buruniv [dot] ac [dot] in
5 Prof. Dev Malya Dutta Professor 0342-2656566,
Email: dmdutta [at] gmail [dot] com
6 Prof. Goutam Mitra Professor 0342-2656566,
Email: gautamnbp2160 [at] gmail [dot] com
7 Prof. Pradip Kumar Mallik Professor 0342-2656566,
Email: mallik_p59 [at] yahoo [dot] com
8 Prof. Pradyumna
Kumar Tripathy
Professor 0342-2656566,
Email: pktripathy [at] mba [dot] buruniv [dot] ac [dot] in,
pktripathy_in [at] yahoo [dot] com
9 Prof. Tanmoy Dasgupta Professor 0342-2656566,
Email: tanmoy [dot] dasgupta [at] gmail [dot] com
10 Dr. Abhijit Pakira Assistant Professor 0342-2656566,
Email: drapakira [at] gmail [dot] com
11 Dr. Abhik Kumar Mukherjee Assistant Professor 0342-2656566,
Email: akmukherjee [at] mba [dot] buruniv [dot] ac [dot] in,
akm123 [dot] bu [at] gmail [dot] com
12 Dr. Susmita Bandyopadhyay Assistant Professor 0342-2656566,
Email: sbandyopadhyay [at] mba [dot] buruniv [dot] ac [dot] in,
bandyopadhyaysusmita2014 [at] gmail [dot] com
13 Prof. Som Sankar Sen Head 0342-2656566,
Email : hod [at] com [dot] buruniv [dot] ac [dot] in
14 Prof. Arindam Das Professor 0342-2656566,
Email: adas [at] com [dot] buruniv [dot] ac [dot] in,
arindam_dasbu [at] yahoo [dot] co [dot] in
15 Prof. Arindam Laha Professor 0342-2656566,
Email: alaha [at] com [dot] buruniv [dot] ac [dot] in,
arindamlaha2004 [at] yahoo [dot] co [dot] in
16 Prof. Debasish Sur Professor 0342-2656566,
Email: dsur [at] com [dot] buruniv [dot] ac [dot] in,
debasishsur [at] yahoo [dot] co [dot] in
17 Prof. Debdas Rakshit Professor 0342-2656566,
Email: debdasrakshit69 [at] gmail [dot] com,
drakshit [at] com [dot] buruniv [dot] ac [dot] in
18 Prof. Som Sankar Sen Professor 0342-2656566,
Email: sssen [at] com [dot] buruniv [dot] ac [dot] in,
somsankarsen [at] gmail [dot] com
19 Dr. Manidipa Dasgupta Assistant Professor 0342-2656566,
Email: mdgupta [at] com [dot] buruniv [dot] ac [dot] in
20 Dr. Sumit Kumar Maji Assistant Professor 0342-2656566,
Email: skmaji [at] com [dot] buruniv [dot] ac [dot] in,
2009sumitbu [at] gmail [dot] com
21 Prof. Khagendra Nath
Head/ Professor 0342-2656566,
Email : hod [at] edu [dot] buruniv [dot] ac [dot] in
knc_bu [at] yahoo [dot] co [dot] in
22 Prof. Tuhin Kumar Samanta Professor 0342-2656566,
Email: tksamanta [at] edu [dot] buruniv [dot] ac [dot] in,
samantatuhinkumar [at] gmail [dot] com
23 Dr. Chandan Adhikary Associate Professor 0342-2656566,
24 Dr. Chitralekha Mehera Associate Professor 0342-2656566,
Email: cmehera [at] edu [dot] buruniv [dot] ac [dot] in,
chitramehera [at] gmail [dot] com
25 Dr. Puja Sarkar(Bal) Assistant Professor 0342-2656566,
Email: psarkar [at] edu [dot] buruniv [dot] ac [dot] in
26 Mr. Rajiba Lochan Mohapatra Assistant Professor 0342-2656566,
Email: rlmohapatra [at] edn [dot] buruniv [dot] ac [dot] in
27 Mr. Shuvankar Madhu Assistant Professor 0342-2656566,
Email: shuvankarmadhu [at] gmail [dot] com
28 Dr. Shweta Smrita Soy Assistant Professor 0342-2656566,
Email: sssoy [at] edu [dot] buruniv [dot] ac [dot] in
29 Dr. Subhankar Ghosh Assistant Professor 0342-2656566,
Email: sghosh [at] edu [dot] buruniv [dot] ac [dot] in,
sghosh [dot] edu [dot] vb [at] gmail [dot] com
Foreign Language
30 Dr. Goutam Kumar Nag Head/ Associate Professor 0342-2656566,
Email : hod [at] forlang [dot] buruniv [dot] ac [dot] in
goutamkumarnag [at] gmail [dot] com
31 Ms. Pooja Chauhan Assistant Professor 0342-2656566,
Email: mailpoojachauhan [at] gmail [dot] com
32 Dr. Aparajita Dhar Head/ Associate Professor 0342-2656566,
Email : hod [at] hist [dot] buruniv [dot] ac [dot] in
dhar_aparajita [at] rediffmail [dot] com
33 Prof. Achintya Kumar Dutta Professor 0342-2656566,
Email: akdutta [at] hist [dot] buruniv [dot] ac [dot] in,
akdutta6 [at] gmail [dot] com
34 Prof. Pradip Chattopadhyay Professor 0342-2656566,
Email: pchattopadhyay51 [at] gmail [dot] com
35 Prof. Syed Tanveer Nasreen Professor 0342-2656566,
Email: tanveer [dot] nasreen [at] gmail [dot] com
36 Dr. Malabika Ray Associate Professor 0342-2656566,
Email: indrabanerji [at] rediffmail [dot] com
37 Dr. Sudit Krishna Kumar Associate Professor 0342-2656566,
Email: skkumar [at] hist [dot] buruniv [dot] ac [dot] in
38 Dr. Binata Sarkar Assistant Professor 0342-2656566,
Email: binatas [at] rediffmail [dot] com
39 Dr. Rajarshi Chakrabarty Assistant Professor 0342-2656566,
Email: rchakrabarty [at] hist [dot] buruniv [dot] ac [dot] in,
rajarshic74 [at] yahoo [dot] co [dot] in,
jawpurroad [at] gmail [dot] com
Library and Information Science
40 Dr. Sukumar Mandal Teacher-In-Charge 0342-2656566,
Email : hod [at] lis [dot] buruniv [dot] ac [dot] in
sukumar [dot] mandal5 [at] gmail [dot] com
41 Dr. Rajesh Das Assistant Professor 0342-2656566,
Email: rajeshdas99 [at] gmail [dot] com,
rsdas [at] lis [dot] buruniv [dot] ac [dot] in
42 Dr. Sunil Kumar Das Head 0342-2656566,
Email : hod [at] phil [dot] buruniv [dot] ac [dot] in
43 Prof. Dhruba Acharyya Professor 0342-2656566,
Email: acharyya [dot] dhruba [at] gmail [dot] co,
dhruba [dot] acharyya [at] gmail [dot] com
44 Prof. Mridula Bhattacharyya Professor 983221034
Email: buamarmbh [at] gmail [dot] com
45 Prof. Rajat Bhattacharyya Professor Email: rbhattacharyya [at] phil [dot] buruniv [dot] ac [dot] in
46 Prof. Santosh Kumar Pal Professor 9475055039
Email: skpal [at] phil [dot] buruniv [dot] ac [dot] in,
palsantoshkbu [at] gmail [dot] com
47 Prof. Sunil Roy Professor 9433541364
Email: sunilroyphil [at] gmail [dot] com
48 Prof. Tafajol Hossain Professor 9083096827
Email: 786hossaint [at] gmail [dot] com
49 Mr. Prasanta Sarkar Associate Professor 9474174532
Email: psarkar [at] phil [dot] buruniv [dot] ac [dot] in
50 Dr. Sunil Kumar Das Associate Professor 9547028975
Email: philoskd [at] gmail [dot] com
Political Science
51 Dr. Arindam Roy Head 9474483688
Email : hod [at] polsc [dot] buruniv [dot] ac [dot] in
aray [at] polsc [dot] buruniv [dot] ac [dot] in,
arindambu [dot] du [at] gmail [dot] com,
arindambu [at] gmail [dot] com
52 Prof. Harihar Bhattacharyya Professor 9475243847
Email: hbhattacharyya [at] polsc [dot] buruniv [dot] ac [dot] in,
harihar59 [at] gmail [dot] com
53 Prof. Rabindranath
Professor 9433561112
Email: rbhattacharyya [at] polsc [dot] buruniv [dot] ac [dot] in,|
srirab [at] gmail [dot] com
54 Dr. Anil Kumar Biswas Associate Professor 7585093434
Email: akbiswas [at] polsc [dot] buruniv [dot] ac [dot] in
55 Dr. Arijit Bhattacharyya Associate Professor Email: abhattacharyya [at] polsc [dot] buruniv [dot] ac [dot] in
56 Dr. Arundhati Bhattacharyya Associate Professor 7044711057,
Email: arbhattacharyya [at] polsc [dot] buruniv [dot] ac [dot] in,
bhattacharyya [dot] arundhati4 [at] gmail [dot] com
57 Mr. Jogendranath Murmu Teacher-In-Charge/
Assistant Professor
Email : hod [at] santali [dot] buruniv [dot] ac [dot] in
jogendranathmurmu [at] gmail [dot] com
58 Ms. Tanushree Shing Murmu Assistant Professor Email: singhtanushree2 [at] gmail [dot] com
Tourism Management
59 Dr. Mir Abdul Sofique Head/ Associate Professor 9734048902
Email : hod [at] mbatr [dot] buruniv [dot] ac [dot] in
asofique [at] mbatr [dot] buruniv [dot] ac [dot] in,
masofique72 [at] gmail [dot] com
60 Prof. Bivraj Bhusan Parida Professor Email: bivraj [at] gmail [dot] com
61 Dr. Dillip Kumar Das Associate Professor 9433272428,
Email: dkdas [at] mbatr [dot] buruniv [dot] ac [dot] in,
dillip_das [at] rediffmail [dot] com,
das [dot] dillipkumar [at] gmail [dot] com
62 Mr. Sourav Choudhury Assistant Professor 9433316059
Email: souravchou [at] yahoo [dot] com
63 Dr. Srabani Basu Head Email : hod [at] beng [dot] buruniv [dot] ac [dot] in
64 Prof. Alok Kumar Chakraborty Professor 9434182595
Email: banglaakc9 [at] gmail [dot] com
65 Prof. Amitava Das Professor 9433240320
Email: amitaava [at] yahoo [dot] com
66 Prof. Anindita Bandyopadhyay Professor Email: baisakh69 [at] gmail [dot] com
67 Prof. Arindam Chattopadhyay Professor 9433111626
Email: buarin1 [at] yahoo [dot] com
68 Prof. Moloy Rakshit Professor 9432938155
Email: moloy [dot] manjari [at] gmail [dot] com
69 Prof. Ramen Kumar Sar Professor 9433270024
Email: ramensar [at] gmail [dot] com
70 Prof. Sangita Sanyal Professor 8017168941
Email: sangita [dot] sanyal2010 [at] gmail [dot] com
71 Prof. Sibabrata Chattopadhyay Professor 9474778401
Email: sibabrata [dot] chattopadhyay [at] gmail [dot] com
72 Prof. Uday Chand Das Professor 9433234920
Email: udayburuniv [dot] das [at] gmail [dot] com,
unmesh [dot] udvas [at] rediffmail [dot] com
73 Dr. Shyamal Chandra Das Associate Professor 9433293244
Email: scdbengali [at] gmail [dot] com
74 Dr. Srabani Basu Associate Professor 9434102308
Email: srabanibasu1122 [at] gmail [dot] com
Business Administration (Human Resource)
75 Prof. Partha Sarkar Head/ Professor 9434198025
Email : hod [at] mbahr [dot] buruniv [dot] ac [dot] in
psarkar [at] mbahr [dot] buruniv [dot] ac [dot] in,
psarkar [at] cms [dot] buruniv [dot] ac [dot] in,
parthasarkar [dot] bu [at] gmail [dot] com
76 Dr. Abhishek Mishra Assistant Professor 7355193352
Email: abhi1234mishra [at] gmail [dot] com
77 Dr. Nirmal Chandra Roy Assistant Professor 9749301072,
Email: roynirmal5 [at] gmail [dot] com,
ncroy [at] mbahr [dot] buruniv [dot] ac [dot] in
78 Dr. Suchismita Mondal (Sarkar) Head Email : hod [at] eco [dot] buruniv [dot] ac [dot] in
79 Prof. Atanu Sengupta Professor 9593542847
Email: asengupta [at] eco [dot] buruniv [dot] ac [dot] in,
sengupta_atanu [at] yahoo [dot] com
80 Prof. Bhaskar Goswami Professor 9433285834
Email: bgoswami [at] eco [dot] buruniv [dot] ac [dot] in,
callbhaskar03 [at] yahoo [dot] co [dot] in,
mailbhaskar08 [at] gmail [dot] com
81 Prof. Maniklal Adhikary Professor 9434660220,
Email: mladhikary [at] eco [dot] buruniv [dot] ac [dot] in,
drmaniklaladhikary [at] gmail [dot] com
82 Prof. Pravat Kumar Kuri Professor 9064281743
Email: pkkuri [at] eco [dot] buruniv [dot] ac [dot] in,
pkkuri [dot] bu [at] gmail [dot] com
83 Prof. Rajarshi Majumder Professor 9434671565
Email: meriju [at] rediffmail [dot] com,
rmajumder [at] eco [dot] buruniv [dot] ac [dot] in
84 Prof. Soumyananda Dinda Professor 9434214969
Email: sdinda [at] eco [dot] buruniv [dot] ac [dot] in,
sdinda2000 [at] yahoo [dot] co [dot] in ,
sdinda [at] gmail [dot] com
85 Prof. Soumyendra Kishore Datta Professor Email: skdutta [at] eco [dot] buruniv [dot] ac [dot] in,
soumyendra_d [at] rediffmail [dot] com
86 Dr. Jhilam Ray Associate Professor 9434061112
Email: jray [at] eco [dot] buruniv [dot] ac [dot] in,
jhilam [at] rediffmail [dot] com,
jhilamray [at] gmail [dot] com
87 Dr. Suchismita Mondal (Sarkar) Associate Professor Email: smondal [at] eco [dot] buruiv [dot] ac [dot] in,
suchi_sarkar [at] yahoo [dot] com
English & Culture Studies
88 Prof. Nandini Bhattacharya Head/ Professor Email : hod [at] eng [dot] buruniv [dot] ac [dot] in
nbhattacharya [at] eng [dot] burunivac [dot] in
89 Prof. Angshuman Kar Professor 8371964917
Email: akar [at] eng [dot] burunivac [dot] in,
angshus [at] gmail [dot] com
90 Prof. Arpita Chattaraj Professor Email: achattaraj [at] eng [dot] burunivac [dot] in,
lailychatt [at] gmail [dot] com
91 Dr. Arnab Kumar Sinha Associate Professor 9476415370
Email: aksinha [at] eng [dot] burunivac [dot] in,
arnab_ks [at] yahoo [dot] com,
arnab [dot] ks [at] gmail [dot] com
92 Dr. Subhajit Sen Gupta Associate Professor Email: ssgupta [at] eng [dot] burunivac [dot] in,
subhajits2000 [at] gmail [dot] com
93 Dr. Anway Mukhopadhyay
(On Lien)
Assistant Professor  
94 Dr. Sanjoy Malik Assistant Professor Email: smalik [at] eng [dot] burunivac [dot] in,
sanjoymalikbu [at] gmail [dot] com
95 Prof. Rupa Gupta Head 9836285868
Email : hod [at] hindi [dot] buruniv [dot] ac [dot] in
Rupagupt25 [at] gmail [dot] com
96 Dr. Neeraj Sharma Associate Professor 9477228902
Email: neerajbu77 [at] gmail [dot] com
97 Mr. Shashi Kumar Sharma Assistant Professor 8509580494
Email: sashibu07 [at] gmail [dot] com
98 Mr. Rakesh Mondal Teacher-In-Charge/
Assistant Professor
Email : hod [at] law [dot] buruniv [dot] ac [dot] in
99 Prof. Sanjeev Kumar Tiwari Professor 9831012250
Email: sktiwari [at] law [dot] buruniv [dot] ac [dot] in
100 Ms. Ambalika Karmakar Assistant Professor 8900503404
Email: akarmakar [at] law [dot] buruniv [dot] ac [dot] in
101 Dr. Debdatta Das Assistant Professor 8777096547
Email: ddas [at] law [dot] buruniv [dot] ac [dot] in
102 Ms. Monalisa Saha Assistant Professor 9831139246
Email: msaha [at] law [dot] buruniv [dot] ac [dot] in
103 Dr. Paresh Kumar Acharyya Faculty (Contractual) 9474552036
Mass Communication
104 Dr. Rajesh Das Teacher-In-Charge Email : hod [at] masscomm [dot] buruniv [dot] ac [dot] in
105 Prof. Saswati Gangopadhyay Professor Email: sgangopadhyay [at] masscomm [dot] buruniv [dot] ac [dot] in,
saswati [dot] gangopadhyay [at] gmail [dot] com,
saswati703 [at] yahoo [dot] com
106 Mr. Mugdha Sengupta Assistant Professor Email: msengupta [at] masscomm [dot] buruniv [dot] ac [dot] in
107 Dr. Rajesh Das Assistant Professor 9051355065
Email: rajesh [dot] das [dot] cal [at] gmail [dot] com,
rajesh_das_cal [at] rediffmail [dot] com
108 Dr. Jayati Kumar Faculty (Contractual) 9474198591
Email: jayatikumar [at] rediffmail [dot] com
Physical Education
109 Dr. Gopa Saha Roy Head/
Associate Professor
Email : hod [at] phedn [dot] buruniv [dot] ac [dot] in
gopasaharoy [at] yahoo [dot] in
110 Prof. Sumita Batabyal Head/ Professor 8145233155,
Email : hod [at] sans [dot] buruniv [dot] ac [dot] in
dr [dot] sumitabatabyal [at] gmail [dot] com,
sbatabyal [at] sans [dot] buruniv [dot] ac [dot] in
111 Prof. Aditi Sarkar(Mukhopadhyay) Professor 9433132999
Email: aditi [dot] sanskrit [at] gmail [dot] com
112 Prof. Bhaskar Jyoti Ghosal Professor 9434224521
Email: bhaskarjyotighosal61 [at] gmail [dot] com
113 Prof. Partha Pratim Das Professor Email: drppdas [at] rediffmail [dot] com
114 Prof. Satyabati Banerjee Professor 9933024748
Email: sbanerjeesansbu1967 [at] gmail [dot] com
115 Dr. Devalina Saikia Assistant Professor 8016708951
Email: devalina [dot] css [at] gmail [dot] com,
dsaikia [at] sans [dot] buruniv [dot] ac [dot] in
116 Mr. Laltu Ruidas Assistant Professor 9476355029
Email: lalturuidas111 [at] gmail [dot] com
117 Dr. Sougata Mukherjee Assistant Professor Email: smukherjee [at] sans [dot] buruniv [dot] ac [dot] in
118 Mr. Ananta Kumar Biswas Head Email : hod [at] soc [dot] buruniv [dot] ac [dot] in
119 Prof. Anirban Banerjee Professor 9153085106
Email: abanerjee [at] soc [dot] buruniv [dot] ac [dot] in
120 Prof. Biswajit Ghosh Professor Email: bghosh [at] soc [dot] buruniv [dot] ac [dot] in,
bghoshbu [at] gmail [dot] com
121 Dr. Ananda Mohan Kar Associate Professor Email: amkar [at] soc [dot] buruniv [dot] ac [dot] in,
ananda_bu [at] rediffmail [dot] com,
anandamohankar [at] gmail [dot] com
122 Mr. Ananta Kumar Biswas Associate Professor 9679290845
Email: akbiswas [at] soc [dot] buruniv [dot] ac [dot] in,
aanatabiswas [at] yahoo [dot] co [dot] in,
ananta65biswas [at] gmail [dot] com
123 Dr. Sourav Madhur Dey Associate Professor 9433410542,
Email: smdey [at] soc [dot] buruniv [dot] ac [dot] in,
souravmadhur [at] yahoo [dot] com,
souravmadhur [at] gmail [dot] com
124 Mr. Bibhas Bagchi Assistant Professor Email: bbagchi2003 [at] yahoo [dot] co [dot] in
Women's Studies
125 Prof. Santosh Kumar Pal Professor-In-Charge Email : hod [at] wmstudies [dot] buruniv [dot] ac [dot] in
Departments of Science
126 Dr. Indrani Chandra Teacher-In-Charge/
Assistant Professor
Email : hod [at] biotech [dot] buruniv [dot] ac [dot] in
ichandra_001 [at] rediffmail [dot] com,
hod [at] biotech [dot] buruniv [dot] ac [dot] in
127 Dr. Amal Kumar Bandyopadhyay Assistant Professor 9474723882
Email: akbanerjee40 [at] gmail [dot] com
128 Dr. Santanu Pailan Assistant Professor Email: santanu [dot] pailan [at] gmail [dot] com,
spailan [at] biotech [dot] buruniv [dot] ac [dot] in
129 Mr. Atanu Konar Faculty (Contractual) 9474374800
Email: atanukoner [at] gmail [dot] com
130 Dr. Sunil Kanti Mondal Faculty (Contractual) 9434129568
Email: sunil_mondal32 [at] yahoo [dot] com
131 Suvro Chatterjee UGC-FRP
Associate Professor
132 Dr. Rajarshi Ghosh Head/
Associate Professor
Email : hod [at] chem [dot] buruniv [dot] ac [dot] in
rghosh [at] chem [dot] buruniv [dot] ac [dot] in,
rajarshi_chem [at] yahoo [dot] co [dot] in
133 Prof. Alak Kumar Ghosh Professor 9434387256
Email: akghosh [at] chem [dot] buruniv [dot] ac [dot] in
134 Prof. Bholanath Mandal Professor 9475596564
Email: bmandal [at] chem [dot] buruniv [dot] ac [dot] in,
bmandal_05 [at] yhaoo [dot] com
135 Prof. Bidyut Saha Professor 9476341691
Email: bsaha [at] chem [dot] buruniv [dot] ac [dot] in,
b_saha31 [at] rediffmail [dot] com
136 Prof. Debasis Das Professor 9332021453
Email: ddas [at] chem [dot] buruniv [dot] ac [dot] in,
ddas100in [at] yahoo [dot] com
ddasbu [at] gmail [dot] com
137 Prof. Pabitra Chattopadhyay Professor Email: pchattopadhyay [at] chem [dot] buruniv [dot] ac [dot] in,
pabitracc [at] yahoo [dot] com
138 Prof. Sumanta Bhattacharya Professor 9433962777
Email: sbhattacharya [at] chem [dot] buruniv [dot] ac [dot] in
139 Dr. Tanmoy Das Associate Professor 9434202422
Email: tdas [at] chem [dot] buruniv [dot] ac [dot] in
140 Dr. Inul Ansary Assistant Professor 9932578075
Email: iansary [at] chem [dot] buruniv [dot] ac [dot] in,
inul [dot] ansary [at] yahoo [dot] co [dot] in
141 Dr. Moni Baskey(Sen) Assistant Professor 9432125697
Email: mbaskey [at] chem [dot] buruniv [dot] ac [dot] in,
moni [dot] baskey [at] gmail [dot] com
142 Dr. Sayani Ray Assistant Professor Email: sray [at] chem [dot] buruniv [dot] ac [dot] in,
ray_sayani1988 [at] yahoo [dot] co [dot] uk
143 Dr. Ujjwal Mandal Assistant Professor 8926450862
Email: umandal [at] chem [dot] buruniv [dot] ac [dot] in
mmujjwal [at] gmail [dot] com
144 Dr. Amalendu Sinhababu Selection Grade Teacher 9434478680
Email: asinhababu [at] chem [dot] buruniv [dot] ac [dot] in,
sinhababu04 [at] yahoo [dot] co [dot] in
Electronics & Communication
145 Prof. Tanmoy Banerjee Head Email : hod [at] elccomm [dot] buruniv [dot] ac [dot] in
146 Prof. Biswaranjan Mistri Head Email : hod [at] geo [dot] buruniv [dot] ac [dot] in
147 Prof. Biplab Biswas Professor Email: bbiswas [at] geo [dot] buruniv [dot] ac [dot] in,
biswas [dot] biplab [at] gmail [dot] com
148 Prof. Biswaranjan Mistri Professor 9433310867,
Email: bmistri [at] geo [dot] buruniv [dot] ac [dot] in,
brmistri [at] gmail [dot] com
149 Prof. Giyasuddin Siddique Professor 9474551217
Email: gsiddique [at] geo [dot] buruniv [dot] ac [dot] in,
gsbu2008 [at] gmail [dot] com
150 Prof. Gopa Samanta Professor Email: gsamanta [at] geo [dot] buruniv [dot] ac [dot] in,
gopasamanta [at] gmail [dot] com
151 Prof. Namita Chakma Professor 9475245227
Email: nchakma [at] geo [dot] buruniv [dot] ac [dot] in,
namitachakma [at] gmail [dot] com
152 Prof. Narayan Chandra Jana Professor Email: ncjana [at] geo [dot] buruniv [dot] ac [dot] in,
ncjana [at] yahoo [dot] co [dot] in,
jana [dot] narayan [at] gmail [dot] com
153 Prof. Sanat Kumar Guchhait Professor 9474490434
Email: sguchhait [at] geo [dot] buruniv [dot] ac [dot] in,
guchhait [dot] sanat37 [at] gmail [dot] com
154 Dr. Somasis Sengupta Assistant Professor 9051802210
Email: ssengupta [at] geo [dot] buruniv [dot] ac [dot] in,
somasis [dot] sengupta2015 [at] gmail [dot] com
155 Dr. Subodh Chandra Pal Assistant Professor 9832110304
Email: scpal [at] geo [dot] buruniv [dot] ac [dot] in,
geo [dot] subodh [at] gmail [dot] com
156 Dr. Sumana Sarkar Assistant Professor 9475564484
Email: ssarkar [at] geo [dot] buruniv [dot] ac [dot] in,
sumanasarkar83 [at] gmail [dot] com
157 Dr. Tapas Mistri Assistant Professor 9836251488
Email: tapasam76 [at] gmail [dot] com,
tmistri [at] geo [dot] buruniv [dot] ac [dot] in
158 Dr. Deb Prakash Pahari Senior Scientific
Officer [Cartographer]
Email: pahari_so [at] yahoo [dot] co [dot] in,
geo_so [at] buruniv [dot] ac [dot] in
159 Prof. Arijit Ghoshal Head Email : hod [at] math [dot] buruniv [dot] ac [dot] in
160 Prof. Absos Ali Shaikh Professor 9434546184
Email: aashaikh [at] math [dot] buruniv [dot] ac [dot] in,
aask2003 [at] yahoo [dot] co [dot] in
161 Prof. Amar Kumar Banerjee Professor Email: akbanerjee [at] math [dot] buruniv [dot] ac [dot] in,
akbanerjee1971 [at] gmail [dot] com
162 Prof. Arijit Ghoshal Professor 9434107364
Email: aghoshal [at] math [dot] buruniv [dot] ac [dot] in,
arijit98 [at] yahoo [dot] com
163 Prof. Asoke Kumar Bhunia Professor 8617097995
Email: akbhunia [at] math [dot] buruniv [dot] ac [dot] in,
bhuniaak [at] rediffmail [dot] com
164 Prof. Gorachand Layek Professor 9434590622
Email: gclayek [at] math [dot] buruniv [dot] ac [dot] in,
goralayek [at] yahoo [dot] com
165 Prof. Mantu Saha Professor 9434578881
Email: msaha [at] math [dot] buruniv [dot] ac [dot] in,
mantusaha [at] yahoo [dot] com
166 Prof. Shyamal Kumar Hui Professor 9332929024
Email: skhui [at] math [dot] buruniv [dot] ac [dot] in,
shyamal_hui [at] yahoo [dot] co [dot] in
167 Prof. Swati Mukhopadhyay Professor 9735119297
Email: smukhopadhyay [at] math [dot] buruniv [dot] ac [dot] in,
swati_bumath [at] yahoo [dot] co [dot] in,
smukhopadhyay [at] math [dot] buruniv [dot] ac [dot] in
168 Dr. Biswajit Mitra Associate Professor Email: b1mitra [at] gmail [dot] com,
bmitra [at] math [dot] buruniv [dot] ac [dot] in
169 Dr. Ali Akbar Shaikh Assistant Professor 8617422926,
Email: aliashaikh [at] math [dot] buruniv [dot] ac [dot] in,
aakbarshaikh [at] gmail [dot] com
170 Dr. Brojeswar Pal Assistant Professor Email: bpal [at] math [dot] buruniv [dot] ac [dot] in,
brojo_math [at] yahoo [dot] co [dot] in
171 Dr. Prasanta Malik Assistant Professor 9433579558
Email: pmalik [at] math [dot] buruniv [dot] ac [dot] in
172 Dr. Ritabrata Biswas Assistant Professor Email: rbiswas [at] math [dot] buruniv [dot] ac [dot] in,
biswas [dot] ritabrata [at] gmail [dot] com
173 Dr. Samten Tamang Assistant Professor Email: stamang [at] math [dot] buruniv [dot] ac [dot] in,
samtentamang [at] yahoo [dot] in,
samtentamang2012 [at] gmail [dot] com
Molecular Biology & Human Genetics
174 Dr. Sumit Kumar Hira Teacher-In-Charge Email : hod [at] mbhg [dot] buruniv [dot] ac [dot] in
175 Prof. Atis Chandra Mandal Head/ Professor 7001399026
Email : hod [at] phys [dot] buruniv [dot] ac [dot] in
acmandal [at] phys [dot] buruniv [dot] ac [dot] in,
mandal_atis [at] yahoo [dot] co [dot] in
176 Prof. Abhigyan Dutta Professor Email: adutta [at] phys [dot] buruniv [dot] ac [dot] in,
abhigyan [dot] dutta [at] gmail [dot] com
177 Prof. Pabitra Kumar Chakrabarti Professor Email: pkchakraborti [at] phys [dot] buruniv [dot] ac [dot] in,
pabitra_c [at] hotmail [dot] com
178 Prof. Partha Mitra Professor 9434387201
Email: pmitra [at] phys [dot] buruniv [dot] ac [dot] in
179 Prof. Sanjoy Mukherjee Professor 9830960447
Email: smukherjee [at] phys [dot] buruniv [dot] ac [dot] in,
sanseb68 [at] yahoo [dot] co [dot] in
180 Prof. Sourangshu Mukhopadhyay Professor 9434160599
Email: smukhopadhyay [at] phys [dot] buruniv [dot] ac [dot] in,
sourangshu2004 [at] yahoo [dot] com,
sourangshu2004 [at] gmail [dot] com
181 Prof. Subhasis Das Professor 9153152843
Email: sdas [at] phys [dot] buruniv [dot] ac [dot] in,
buphysd [at] gmail [dot] com
182 Prof. Swapan Kumar Pradhan Professor 9800162193
Email: skpradhan [at] phys [dot] buruniv [dot] ac [dot] in
183 Prof. Tanmoy Banerjee Professor Email: tbanerjee [at] phys [dot] buruniv [dot] ac [dot] in,
tanbanrs [at] yahoo [dot] co [dot] in
184 Prof. Udit Chatterjee Professor 7595908462
Email: uchatterjee [at] phys [dot] buruniv [dot] ac [dot] in,
duitudit [at] yahoo [dot] com
185 Dr. Abhijit Chakraborty Associate Professor Email: achakraborty [at] phys [dot] buruniv [dot] ac [dot] in
186 Dr. Amitava Choudhuri Assistant Professor Email: amitava_ch26 [at] yahoo [dot] com
187 Dr. Analabha Roy Assistant Professor 9903843109
Email: daneel [at] utexas [dot] edu
188 Ms. Chaitali Hansda Assistant Professor 9477120090
Email: chansda [at] phys [dot] buruniv [dot] ac [dot] in
189 Dr. Rahul Das Assistant Professor 9749373025
Email : rdas [at] phys [dot] buruniv [dot] ac [dot] in,
rahul04ph4004 [at] gmail [dot] com
190 Dr. Ritesh Kshetri Assistant Professor Email: ritesh [dot] kshetri [at] gmail [dot] com
191 Mr. Tanmoy Sarkar Scientific Officer
(Senior Scale)
Email: tsarkar [at] phys [dot] buruniv [dot] ac [dot] in,
2005 [dot] tanmoy [at] gmail [dot] com
192 Dr. Anindya Bose Senior Scientific Officer 9434004478
Email: abose [at] phys [dot] buruniv [dot] ac [dot] in,
anibose [at] yahoo [dot] com
193 Dr. Joydeep Chakravorty Senior Scientific Officer 9434238592
Email: jchakraborty [at] phys [dot] buruniv [dot] ac [dot] in,
chakravorty [dot] joydeep [at] gmail [dot] com
194 Prof. Rabindranath Das Head Email : hod [at] psyclgy [dot] buruniv [dot] ac [dot] in
195 Prof. Sanjoy Podder Head Email : hod [at] zoo [dot] buruniv [dot] ac [dot] in
196 Prof. Abhijit Mazumdar Professor 9434834258
Email: abhijitbu02 [at] gmail [dot] com
197 Prof. Anandamay Barik Professor 9433734183
Email: abarik [at] zoo [dot] buruniv [dot] ac [dot] in,
anandamaybarik [at] yahoo [dot] co [dot] in
198 Prof. Anupam Basu (On Lien) Professor Email: abasu [at] zoo [dot] buruniv [dot] ac [dot] in
199 Prof. Goutam Chandra Professor 8637363743
Email: gchandra [at] zoo [dot] buruniv [dot] ac [dot] in,
goutamchandra63 [at] yahoo [dot] co [dot] in,
gchandraprof [at] gmail [dot] com
200 Prof. Koushik Ghosh Professor 9434251606
Email: kghosh [at] zoo [dot] buruniv [dot] ac [dot] in,
kghoshbu [at] gmail [dot] com
201 Prof. Sanjib Ray Professor 9434643512
Email: sray [at] zoo [dot] buruniv [dot] ac [dot] in,
ray [dot] sanjibray [at] gmail [dot] com
202 Prof. Sanjoy Podder Professor  
203 Prof. Soumendranath Chatterjee Professor 9474780619
Email: schatterjee [at] zoo [dot] buruniv [dot] ac [dot] in,
soumen [dot] microbiology [at] gmail [dot] com
204 Dr. Niladri Hazra Associate Professor 9474141470
Email: hazra [dot] niladri [at] gmail [dot] com
205 Dr. Anirban Ash Assistant Professor 9433303480
Email: anirbanash [at] gmail [dot] com,
aash [at] zoo [dot] buruniv [dot] ac [dot] in
206 Dr. Arup Mistri Assistant Professor 7275872850
Email: mistriarup [at] gmail [dot] com
207 Dr. Asif Hossain Assistant Professor  
208 Ms. Moutushi Mandi Assistant Professor Email: mandimoutushi496 [at] gmail [dot] com
209 Dr. Paramita Mandal Assistant Professor Email: pmandal [at] zoo [dot] buruniv [dot] ac [dot] in,
paramita [dot] mandal2 [at] gmail [dot] com;
paramitamandal [at] yahoo [dot] com
210 Dr. Shubhajit Saha Assistant Professor  
211 Dr. Sumit Kumar Hira Assistant Professor 9163655722
Email: skhira [at] zoo [dot] buruniv [dot] ac [dot] in,
sumit [dot] hira2008 [at] gmail [dot] com
212 Prof. Sikha Dutta Head 9434672206
Email : hod [at] bot [dot] buruniv [dot] ac [dot] in
sikha_bu_bot [at] yahoo [dot] com,
sd [dot] bubot [at] gmail [dot] com
213 Prof. Abhijit Bandyopadhyay Professor 9433015523
Email: ab_bu [at] yahoo [dot] com
214 Prof. Jai Prakash Keshri Professor 9474363465
Email : jpkeshri [at] bot [dot] buruniv [dot] ac [dot] in,
keshrijp [at] gmail [dot] com
215 Prof. Rajib Bandopadhyay Professor 8170995469
Email: rbandopadhyay [at] bot [dot] buruniv [dot] ac [dot] in,
rajibindia [at] gmail [dot] com
216 Prof. Soumen Bhattacharjee Professor Email: sbhattacharjee [at] bot [dot] buruniv [dot] ac [dot] in
217 Prof. Tushar Kanti Maity Professor 9434167047
Email: tkmaiti [at] bot [dot] buruniv [dot] ac [dot] in,
tkmbu [at] yahoo [dot] co [dot] in
218 Dr. Asok Ghosh Associate Professor 9475110799
Email: asokcarex [at] rediffmail [dot] com,
asokcarex [at] gmail [dot] com
219 Dr. Dibyendu Saha Assistant Professor 9476322881
Email: dsaha [at] bot [dot] buruniv [dot] ac [dot] in,
dsbotbu79 [at] gmai [dot] com
220 Dr. Nishika Jaishee Assistant Professor Email: njaishee [at] bot [dot] buruniv [dot] ac [dot] in,
jaishee [dot] nishika [at] gmail [dot] com
221 Dr. Saikat Naskar Assistant Professor 9433519075,
Email: saikatnaskar [at] rediffmail [dot] com,
snaskar [at] bot [dot] buruniv [dot] ac [dot] in
222 Dr. Sujit Roy Assistant Professor 9331946837
Email: sujitroy2006 [at] gmail [dot] com
223 Ms. Tithi Soren Assistant Professor 9064852940
Email: 1tithisoren [at] gmail [dot] com
Computer Science
224 Prof. Abhoy Chand Mondal Head/ Professor 9434386968
Email : hod [at] cs [dot] buruniv [dot] ac [dot] in
acmondal [at] cs [dot] buruniv [dot] ac [dot] in,
abhoy_mondal [at] yahoo [dot] co [dot] in
225 Prof. Sunil Karforma Professor 9474553590
Email: skarforma [at] cs [dot] buruniv [dot] ac [dot] in,
sunilkarforma [at] yahoo [dot] com
226 Mr. Parthajit Roy Assistant Professor Email: proy [at] cs [dot] buruniv [dot] ac [dot] in,
roy_partha_jit [at] rediffmail [dot] com
227 Mr. Rahul Karmakar Assistant Professor 7430912849
Email: rkarmakar [at] cs [dot] buruniv [dot] ac [dot] in
228 Mr. Sanjib Mondal Faculty (Contractual) 9474551176
Email: smandal [at] cs [dot] buruniv [dot] ac [dot] in
Environmental Science
229 Prof. Apurba Ratan Ghosh Head/ Professor 9434003445
Email : hod [at] envsc [dot] buruniv [dot] ac [dot] in
arghosh [at] envsc [dot] buruniv [dot] ac [dot] in,
apurbaghosh2010 [at] gmail [dot] com
230 Prof. Naba Kumar Mondal Professor 9434545694
Email: nkmondal [at] envsc [dot] buruniv [dot] ac [dot] in
231 Prof. Srimanta Gupta Professor 9433968712
Email : sgupta [at] envsc [dot] buruniv [dot] ac [dot] in,
srimantagupta [at] yahoo [dot] co [dot] in
232 Dr. Sudipto Mandal Assistant Professor 9433332532
Email: smandal [at] envsc [dot] buruniv [dot] ac [dot] in
Geospatial Science
233 Prof. Sanat Kumar Guchhait In-Charge Email : hod [at] gss [dot] buruniv [dot] ac [dot] in
234 Dr. Pradipta Saha Head Email : hod [at] microbio [dot] buruniv [dot] ac [dot] in
235 Prof. Subhra Kanti Mukhopadhyay Professor 9474376192
Email: skmukhopadhyay [at] microbio [dot] buruniv [dot] ac [dot] in
236 Dr. Pradipta Saha Associate Professor 9433911957
Email: psaha [at] microbio [dot] buruniv [dot] ac [dot] in
237 Dr. Somasri Dam Assistant Professor Email: sdam [at] microbio [dot] buruniv [dot] ac [dot] in,
dam_somasri [at] rediffmail [dot] com
me123441 [at] gmail [dot] com
238 Dr. Debdoot Gupta Faculty (Contractual) 9732085150
Email: dg3004 [at] gmail [dot] com
239 Dr. Payel Choudhury Faculty (Contractual) 9800450552
Email: bpayel [dot] c [at] gmail [dot] com
240 Ms. Urmimala Sen Faculty (Contractual) 9836606451
Email: urmimalasen [at] rediffmail [dot] com,
urmimalasendas [at] gmail [dot] com
Nutrition & Public Health
241 Prof. Soumendranath Chatterjee Head Email : hod [at] nutph [dot] buruniv [dot] ac [dot] in
242 Prof. Sanjib Ray Head Email : hod [at] physlgy [dot] buruniv [dot] ac [dot] in
243 Dr. Arindam Gupta Head/Associate Professor 9433261178
Email : hod [at] stat [dot] buruniv [dot] ac [dot] in
agupta [at] stat [dot] buruniv [dot] ac [dot] in,
arindamdeep [at] yahoo [dot] com
244 Prof. Rabindranath Das Professor 9232638970
Email: rndas [at] stat [dot] buruniv [dot] ac [dot] in,
rabin [dot] bwn [at] gmail [dot] com
245 Dr. Ayan Pal Assistant Professor 8756723732
Email: ayan [dot] pal33 [at] gmail [dot] com,
apal [at] stat [dot] buruniv [dot] ac [dot] in
246 Dr. Jayabrata Biswas Assistant Professor 9051470242
Email: jbiswas [at] stat [dot] buruniv [dot] ac [dot] in
247 Mr. Pritam Sarkar Assistant Professor 8981386106
Email: psarkar [at] stat [dot] buruniv [dot] ac [dot] in

Internal Complaint Committee

Name and Affiliation Nature of Membership Phone Email
1 Prof. SwatiMukhopadhyay,
Department of Mathematics,BU
Presiding Officer, ICC 9735119297 smukhopadhyay [at] math [dot] buruniv [dot] ac [dot] in
2 Prof. Sanjeev Kumar Tiwari,
Department of Law,BU
Faculty Member 9831012250
samesivut [at] yahoo [dot] com
3 Dr. Srabani Dalui (Basu),
Department of Bengali, BU
Facuity Member 9434102308 srabanibasu1122 [at] gmail [dot] com
4 Dr. lndrajit Ray,
Development Officer, BU
Non-Teaching Member 9474486308 do [at] buruniv [dot] ac [dot] in
5 Dr. Asima Rez,
Co-ordinator, SC/ST Cell
(Selection Grade),BU
Non-Teaching Member 8240400214 coordinator_scstcell [at] buruniv [dot] ac [dot] in
6 Ms. Sumana Dey,
Society for People's Education
Environment and Development
(SPEED), Radhanagar Para,
NGO Representative 8250547381 sumonasukanta [at] gmail [dot] com
7 Kh. Amirullslam,
Department of Computer
Science, BU
Student Member (Research Scholar) 6290744734 ramiz [dot] amirul [at] gmail [dot] com
8 Mr. Abhishek Nandi,
Dept. of Library & Information
Science, BU
Student Member (Research Scholar) 9153073315 abhisheknandi99 [at] gmail [dot] com
9 Ms. Julfa Khatun,
Dept. of Education, B.U
Student Member, (PG Student) 8016474480 julfakhatun [at] gmail [dot] com

Intellectual Property Right Cell

Name Address
1 Prof. Nimai Chandra Saha Vice-Chancellor
The University of Burdwan
Burdwan, Dist. : Purba Bardhaman
Pin Code - 713104
Phone : 0342-2532900 (O)
2 Dr. Sujit Kumar Chowdhury Registrar, Registrar's Secretariat
The University of Burdwan
Burdwan, Dist. : Purba Bardhaman
Pin Code - 713104
Phone :0342-2634975 (O)
3. Dr. Indrajit Ray Development Officer
The University of Burdwan
Burdwan, Dist. : Purba Bardhaman
Pin Code - 713104
Phone :0342-2634975 (O)
4. Dr. Indrajit Ray Development Officer
The University of Burdwan
Burdwan, Dist. : Purba Bardhaman
Pin Code - 713104
Phone : 0342-2634975 (O)
5. Arijit Chatterjee Assistant Director, Life Long Learning
The University of Burdwan
Burdwan, Dist. : Purba Bardhaman
Pin Code - 713104
Phone : 0342-2634975 (O)

Affiliated Colleges

Library Contact

Prof. Sumanta Bhattacharya
Department of Central Library
The University of Burdwan Golapbag,
Bardhaman - 713104 West Bengal, INDIA.
Contact No.: 0342-2656566,
Email : librarian [at] buruniv [dot] ac [dot] in


The University of Burdwan
Rajbati, Bardhaman - 713 104,
West Bengal, India
Fax: 0342-2530452

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