Single Window Portal of Tamil Nadu Contact No.

Toll free Number(s): 
  • 1800 258 3878 (For Query,8:30am-8:30pm)
All India Number(s): 
  • 044-2434 6725 (For Alternate Query)


  • helpdesk [at] investtn [dot] in (For Query)
  • guidance [at] tn [dot] gov [dot] in (For Alternate Query)

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Officers Contact

SNo. Department/Name Contact No. Email
1 Managing Director & CEO 044-24340631 ,044-24346725 md [at] investtn [dot] in
2 Executive Director 044-24364630,044-24346725 ed [at] investtn [dot] in
3 Uthamacholan R - cholan [at] investtn [dot] in
4 Rajesh Kumar - rajeshk [at] investtn [dot] in

Department Contact details

Sl. No. Department/Agency Direct Line Email
1 Agriculture Directorate 044-28524894,044-28521998 doapc2014 [at] gmail [dot] com
2 Chennai Metropolitan Water Supply and Sewerage Board 044-28459000 md [at] cmwssb [dot] in
3 Commissionerate of Municipal Administration 044-29864457 indcomchn [at] gmail [dot] com
indcom [at] nic [dot] in
4 Greater Chennai Corporation 044-25619200,044-25381330 commisioner [at] chennaicorporation [dot] gov [dot] in
5 Directorate of Town Panchayats 044-25340352 dtpsystem [at] gmail [dot] com
dtp [dot] tn [at] nic [dot] in
6 Tamil Nadu Water Supply and Drainage Board 044-28416420 twadho [at] gmail [dot] com
mdtwadboard [at] gmail [dot] com
7 Chennai Metropolitan Development Authority 044-28415618,044-28414855 twadho [at] gmail [dot] com
mdtwadboard [at] gmail [dot] com
8 Rural Development and Panchayat Raj 044-24344624 drdchamber2021 [at] gmail [dot] com
drd [at] tn [dot] nic [dot] in
9 Directorate of Town and Country Planning 044-28521495 ctcptn [at] tn [dot] gov [dot] in
dtcpchennai [at] gmail [dot] com
10 Department of Public Health and Preventive Medicine 044-29510136 dphpm [at] rediffmail [dot] com
dphpm [at] tn [dot] nic [dot] in
11 Drug Control Administration 044-24321830 tndcad [at] gmail [dot] com
12 Department of Medical and Rural Health Services 044-24343271,044-24364755 dmrhstn [at] gmail [dot] com
13 Commissionerate of Labour 044-24321302 com [dot] tnlabour [at] nic [dot] in
14 Directorate of Industrial Safety and Health 9445869600,044-22502103,044-22502104,044-22502102 cif [at] tn [dot] gov [dot] in
15 Directorate of Boilers 044-28522233 dobtnche [at] gmail [dot] com
16 Public Works Department 044-28525367 eicbuildingspwd [at] gmail [dot] com pc2cebuildings [at] gmail [dot] com
17 Water Resources Department 044-28525351 cegwchennai [at] gmail [dot] com
18 Commissionerate of Transport 044-28520682 tc [dot] tn [at] nic [dot] in
19 Police Department 044-28447701,044-28448000 adgp [dot] scrb [at] tncctns [dot] gov [dot] in
20 Commissionerate of Land Administration 044-28544800 cla [dot] tn [at] nic [dot] in cla [at] tn [dot] gov [dot] in
21 Tamil Nadu Fire and Rescue Services Department 044-28554156 directorfrs [dot] tn [at] nic [dot] in
tnfrscamp [at] gmail [dot] com
22 Commissionerate of Prohibition and Excise 044-28523331 proexc [dot] tn [at] nic [dot] in
23 Tamil Nadu Forest Department 044-24348059,044-22337307 (F) tnforest [at] tn [dot] nic [dot] in
pccfhod [at] gmail [dot] com
24 Tamil Nadu Pollution Control Board 044-22353076 tnpcb-chn [at] gov [dot] in
25 Tamil Nadu Electrical Inspectorate 044-22500915 ceig [at] tn [dot] gov [dot] in ceig [at] tn [dot] nic [dot] in
eitech [at] tn [dot] gov [dot] in
26 Tamil Nadu Generation and Distribution Corporation Ltd 044-28194338 chairman [at] tnebnet [dot] org
27 Commissionerate of Industries and Commerce 044-22505013 indcomchn [at] gmail [dot] com
indcom [at] nic [dot] in
28 State Industries Promotion Corporation of Tamil Nadu Ltd 044-45261770,044-45261771 md [at] sipcot [dot] in
29 Tamil Nadu Industrial Investment Corporation Ltd 044-24344990 md [at] tiic [dot] org
30 Tamil Nadu Small Industries Development Corporation Ltd 044-29501422,044-29500317,044-29501461 ho [dot] sidco [at] nic [dot] in
md [dot] sidco [at] nic [dot] in
31 Directorate of School Education 044-28278796,044-28272827 comsedu [at] tn [dot] gov [dot] in
dirsedu [at] tn [dot] nic [dot] in
32 Inspector General of Registration 044-24643878 igrchennai [at] gmail [dot] com
igregn [at] tnreginet [dot] net
33 Geology and Mining Department 044-28269968 cgmchennai32 [at] gmail [dot] com
34 Department of Information and Public Relations 044-25671300 eicbuildingspwd [at] gmail [dot] com pc2cebuildings [at] gmail [dot] com
35 Highways Department 044-22354851 cehcandmoffice [at] gmail [dot] com
36 Social Welfare and Women Empowerment Department 044-25671545 dsw [at] tn [dot] nic [dot] in
37 Commissionerate of Revenue Administration 044-28523299 com-ra [at] nic [dot] in
ad-cra [at] nic [dot] in
38 Commissionerate of Survey and Settlement 044-28511210 dir-sur [at] nic [dot] in
39 Commissionerate of Land Reforms 044-28520669 dir [dot] clr [at] tn [dot] gov [dot] in
landref [at] tn [dot] nic [dot] in
40 Civil Supplies and Consumer Protection Department 044-28592255 ccs [at] tn [dot] gov [dot] in


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"11th Floor No.471, Anna Salai,
Rathna Nagar, Teynampet,
Chennai-600 035,India

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