Saurashtra University (SAUUNI) Contact No.

All India Number(s): 
  • 0281-257 8501 (Contact Support)


  • registrar [at] sauuni [dot] ac [dot] in (Contact Support)
  • admission [at] sauuni [dot] ac [dot] in (Admission)

Importnat Link

Important Contact Details

Administrative Contact
Contact No Fax Email
0281-2578501/ 0281-2578504/
0281-2578505/ 0281-2578506/
0281-2578507/ 0281-2578508/
0281-2578509/ 0281-25785010/
0281-2586983 registrar [at] sauuni [dot] ac [dot] in
Exam Contact
0281-2576511/ 0281-2576030/
0281-2576040/ 0281-2576050
0281-2586411 ce [at] sauuni [dot] ac [dot] in
Registrar Contact
0281-2576347 0281-2576347 registrar [at] sauuni [dot] ac [dot] in
Vice Chancellor
0281-2577633 0281-2576802 vc [at] sauuni [dot] ac [dot] in

Office Wise Contacts

Office Of The Vice Chancellor
Designation Name Email
PS to Vice Chancellor Ashish M. Vyas pstovc [at] sauuni [dot] ac [dot] in
Officer on Special Duty Mr. Vaibhav Shah osdtovc [at] sauuni [dot] ac [dot] in
Officer on Special Duty Mr. Vaibhav Shah osdtovc [at] sauuni [dot] ac [dot] in
Office Of The Registrar
Assistant Mr. Aditya Dudhrejiya dudhrejiyaaditya1 [at] gmail [dot] com
Driver Mr. V. K. Chauhan vimalchauhan12 [at] yahoo [dot] com
Peon Mr. S. P. Bhamani N/A
Peon Mr. Kishore Jethwa kcjethwa524 [at] gmail [dot] com
The Chancellor Shri Acharya Dev Vrat prisec-rajbhavan [at] gujarat [dot] gov [dot] in
Vice Chancellor Dr. Girish Bhimani vc [at] sauuni [dot] ac [dot] in
Acting Registrar Mr. Amit S. Parekh registrar [at] sauuni [dot] ac [dot] in
Acting Controller
of Examination
Mr. Nilesh Soni ce [at] sauuni [dot] ac [dot] in
Academic Council
Vice Chancellor Dr. Girish Bhimani vc [at] sauuni [dot] ac [dot] in
I/c Dean & Other Than Dean,
Faculty of Arts
Dr. Yagnesh M. Joshi Jjk_ac [at] yahoo [dot] in
I/c Dean & Other Than Dean,
Faculty of Education
Dr. Nidatt Prabhudasbhai
npb10571 [at] yahoo [dot] co [dot] in
Dean, Faculty of Science Dr. Girishbhai C. Bhimani gcbhimani [at] yahoo [dot] co [dot] in
Dean, Faculty of Law Dr. Mayursinh Jadeja mjjadeja1964 [at] gmail [dot] com
I/c Dean, Faculty of Medicine Dr. Nayanaben G Patel drnayanagpatel [at] gmail [dot] com
I/c Other than Dean,
Faculty of Medicine
Dr. Dipesh Parmar parmardipesh [at] yahoo [dot] com
Dean, Faculty of Commerce Dr. R. K. Dave ymmv_dhari [at] yahoo [dot] co [dot] in
Other than Dean,
Faculty of Commerce
Dr. J. L. Garmora jitendra [dot] garmora [at] yahoo [dot] in
I/c Dean, Faculty of Rural Studies Dr. R. K. Dave ymmv_dhari [at] yahoo [dot] co [dot] in
Dean, Faculty of Home Science Dr. Nilambari R. Dave drnilambarid [at] gmail [dot] com
Other than Dean, Faculty
of Home Science
Prof. Alpaben B. Chauhan alpachauhan888 [at] gamil [dot] com
I/c Dean, Faculty of Homoeopathy Dr. Nayanaben G. Patel drnayanagpatel [at] gmail [dot] com
Dean, Faculty of Architecture Dr. Devang H. Parekh ddevangg [at] gmail [dot] com
I/c Dean & Other than Dean,
Faculty of Business Management
Dr. S. J. Bhayani sanjaybhayani [at] yahoo [dot] com
I/c Dean, Faculty of Pharmacy Dr. Girishbhai C. Bhimani gcbhimani [at] yahoo [dot] co [dot] in
I/c Dean & Other than Dean,
Faculty of Performing Arts
Dr. Kaladhar A. Arya kaladhar [at] ascrajkot [dot] org.
Member from Syndicate Dr. Vimal R. Parmar vimalrparmar [at] gmail [dot] com
Finance Committee
Vice Chancellor Dr. Girish Bhimani vc [at] sauuni [dot] ac [dot] in
The Syndicate
Vice Chancellor Dr. Girish Bhimani vc [at] sauuni [dot] ac [dot] in
Syndicate Member Dr. Rajesh R. Kalariya shreeji_grace [at] yahoo [dot] co [dot] in
Syndicate Member Smt. Dakshaben P. Chauhan dakshagohil2006 [at] yahoo [dot] co [dot] in
Syndicate Member Shri Parthiv Joshi shivshamaliya44 [at] gmail [dot] com
The Chancellor Shri Acharya Dev Vrat prisec-rajbhavan [at] gujarat [dot] gov [dot] in
Vice Chancellor Dr. Girish Bhimani vc [at] sauuni [dot] ac [dot] in
Professor & Head Dr. Sanjay Mukherjee smukherjee [at] sauuni [dot] ac [dot] in
Professor & Head Dr. Ansuya V. Chothani avchothani [at] sauuni [dot] ac [dot] in
Associate Professor
and Head
Dr. Jayshree M. Naik naikjayshree_05 [at] yahoo [dot] com

Administrative Contacts

Academic Section
Contact No. Fax No. Emails
Extn.: 304, 202, 224
0281-2576347 academic [at] sauuni [dot] ac [dot] in,
academicsectionsur [at] gmail [dot] com
Account Section
0281-2578501  0281-2576347 accounts [at] sauuni [dot] ac [dot] in
Affiliation Section
Extn.: 214
0281-2576347 affiliation [at] sauuni [dot] ac [dot] in
Audit Section
0281-2578501/ 0281-2578502/
0281-2578503/ 0281-2578504/
0281-2578505/ 0281-2578506/
0281-2578507/ 0281-2578508/
0281-2578509/ 0281-2578501/
Extn.: 109
0281-2576347 audit [at] sauuni [dot] ac [dot] in
Establishment A Section
 Extn.: 201
0281-2586983 estaa [at] sauuni [dot] ac [dot] in
Establishment B Section
Extn.: 220
0281-2576347 estab [at] sauuni [dot] ac [dot] in
Establishment B Section
   Extn.: 220
0281-2576347 estab [at] sauuni [dot] ac [dot] in
Estate Section
  Extn.: 117/119
0281-2576347 estate [at] sauuni [dot] ac [dot] in
General Section
Extn.: 113
0281-2576347 general [at] sauuni [dot] ac [dot] in
General Store

Extn.: 123

0281-2576347 genstore [at] sauuni [dot] ac [dot] in
Extn.: 308/315
0281-2576347 iqac [at] sauuni [dot] ac [dot] in
Legal Section
Extn.: 215
0281-2576347 legal [at] sauuni [dot] ac [dot] in
NSS Section
Extn.: 112
0281-2576347 nss [at] sauuni [dot] ac [dot] in
P.G.T.R. Section
Extn.: 222
0281-2576347 pgtr [at] sauuni [dot] ac [dot] in
Physical Education Section
Extn.: 111 / 223
0281-2576347 phyedu [at] sauuni [dot] ac [dot] in
Publication Section
Extn.: 120
0281-2576347 publication [at] sauuni [dot] ac [dot] in
SC-ST Cell Section
Extn.: 212
0281-2576347 scstcell [at] sauuni [dot] ac [dot] in
Statistical Cell
Extn.: 302
0281-2576347 statisticalcell [at] sauuni [dot] ac [dot] in
Syndicate Section
Extn.: 116
0281-2586983 syndicate [at] sauuni [dot] ac [dot] in
Ugc Section
Extn.: 482
Extn.: 218
0281-2586983 ugcsec [at] sauuni [dot] ac [dot] in

Staff Contacts

Designation Name Email
Academic Section
Section Officer Ms. Anupama Sureja  
Account Section
Account Officer Shri M. K. Nandaniya accounts [at] sauuni [dot] ac [dot] in
Deputy Accountant Ms. Shital Jani shitaljani1412 [at] gmail [dot] com
Affiliation Section
Section Officer Mr. S. K. Ninama affiliation [at] sauuni [dot] ac [dot] in
Audit Section
Auditor Ms. L. Y. Gandhi leenaygandhi [at] yahoo [dot] com
Deputy Accountant Mr. K. K. Trivedi kktrivedi65 [at] gmail [dot] com
Establishment A Section
Section Officer Mr.Abhishek B. Muliyana abhi [dot] muliyana [at] gmail [dot] com
Establishment B Section
Section Officer Mr. R. A. Desai rajeshdesairajkot [at] sauuni [dot] ernet [dot] in
Estate Section
In-charge University
Mr. Amitbhai C. Dave estate [at] sauuni [dot] ac [dot] in
General Section
Section Officer Smt. K.R.Solanki  
General Store
Section Officer Ms.Anjana P Vagadiya    apvagadiya31 [at] gmail [dot] com
Director Dr. S. K. Vaidya directoriqac [at] sauuni [dot] ac [dot] in
Legal Section
Deputy Registrar Dr. G.K.Joshi legal [at] sauuni [dot] ac [dot] in
Jr. Superintendent Mr. Arvindbhai N. Chovatiya arvindchovatiya1974 [at] gmail [dot] com
Physical Education Section
Officer on Special Duty Dr. Minaxi Patel phyedu [at] sauuni [dot] ac [dot] in
Publication Section
Publication Officer Shri J.C.Sherasiya  
SC-ST Cell Section
Deputy Registrar Dr. R. G. Parmar scstcell [at] sauuni [dot] ac [dot] in
Syndicate Section
Sr. Clerk Mr. P. M. Tilavat prashant87 [at] live [dot] in
Section Officer
UGC Section Mr. J. C. Sherashiya jsherashiya69 [at] gmail [dot] com

Academic Contacts

Department Of Biochemistry
Contact No. Fax Email
0281-2578501/ 0281-2578502/
0281-2578503/ 0281-2578504/
0281-2578505/ 0281-2578506/
0281-2578507/ 0281-2578508/
0281-2578509/ 0281-2578510
0281-2576347 biochem [at] sauuni [dot] ac [dot] in
Department Of Biosciences
Extn.: 409/410
0281-2577633 bioscience [at] sauuni [dot] ac [dot] in
Departmetment Of Chemistry
0281-2576511, 0281-2576030/
0281-2576040/ 0281-2576050
0281-2586411 chemistry [at] sauuni [dot] ac [dot] in
Department of Commerce and Business Administration 
Extn.: 448
0281-2586983 commerce [at] sauuni [dot] ac [dot] in
Department of Computer Science 
0281-2576347 computerscience [at] sauuni [dot] ac [dot] in
Department of Economics
02812587505 /2578501 
Extn.: 258(Head) & 259 (Office)
0281-2586983 economics [at] sauuni [dot] ac [dot] in
Department of Education
Extn.: 449,450
0281-2576347 education [at] sauuni [dot] ac [dot] in
Department of Electronics
0281-2579006 electronics [at] sauuni [dot] ac [dot] in
Department of English & Comparative Literary Studies
Extn.: 466
0281-2586983 english [at] sauuni [dot] ac [dot] in
Department of Gujarati
0281-2578501/ 0281-2578502/
0281-2578503/ 0281-2578504/
0281-2578505/ 0281-2578506/
0281-2578507/ 0281-2578508/
0281-2578509/ 0281-2578510
Extn.: 439/440
0281-2576347 gujarati [at] sauuni [dot] ac [dot] in
Department of Hindi
Extn.: 437-438
0281-2586983 hindi [at] sauuni [dot] ac [dot] in
Department of History
 Extn.: 454, 455
0281-2586983 history [at] sauuni [dot] ac [dot] in
Department of Home Science 
0281-2578501/ 0281-2578504/
0281-2578505/ 0281-2578506/
0281-2578507/ 0281-2578508/
0281-2578509/ 0281-2578510/
 Extn.: 431/432
0281-2586983 homescience [at] sauuni [dot] ac [dot] in
Department of Human Rights And IHL
Extn.: 485, 486
0281-2576347 humanrights [at] sauuni [dot] ac [dot] in
Department of Journalism and Mass Communication
 Extn.: 435-436
N/A journalism [at] sauuni [dot] ac [dot] in
Department of Law
Extn.: 433/434
0281-2578501 law [at] sauuni [dot] ac [dot] in
Department of Library & Information Science
0281-2587360 0281-2576347 libinfosc [at] sauuni [dot] ac [dot] in
Department of Nanoscience & Advanced Materials 
0281-2582510 0281-2576802 nanoscience [at] sauuni [dot] ac [dot] in
Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences
0281- 2585083/
0281-2585083 pharmacy [at] sauuni [dot] ac [dot] in
Department of Philosophy
0281- 2578501 0281-2576347 philosophy [at] sauuni [dot] ac [dot] in
Department of Physical Education
Extn.: 423-424
0281-2576347 phyedudept [at] sauuni [dot] ac [dot] in
Department of Physics
0281-2588428 /
physics [at] sauuni [dot] ac [dot] in
Department of Psychology
0281-2578509 0281-2578509 psychology [at] sauuni [dot] ac [dot] in
Department Of Sanskrit
Extn.: 444
0281-2576347 sanskrit [at] sauuni [dot] ac [dot] in
Department of Social Work 
0281-2588143 socialwork [at] sauuni [dot] ac [dot] in
Department of Statistics
Extn.: 407, 408
0281-2576347 statistics [at] sauuni [dot] ac [dot] in
SMT. R.D. Gardi Department of Business Management
Extn.: 452 /453
  sumba [at] sauuni [dot] ac [dot] in

Staff Contacts

Designation Name Email
Department of Biochemistry
Assistant Professor
& Head
Dr. Ranjan Khunt biochem [at] sauuni [dot] ac [dot] in
Assistant Professor Dr. Kruti Dangar kruti_biotech [at] yahoo [dot] com
Lab Technician Ms. Meera Pambhar meerapatel15597 [at] gmail [dot] com
Clerk Mr. Divyesh Dave divyeshdave999 [at] gmail [dot] com
Department of BioSciences
Professor Dr. VrindaThaker thakervs [at] gmail [dot] com
Professor and Head Dr. Rahul Kundu rskundu [at] sauuni [dot] ac [dot] in
Professor Dr. Ramesh Kothari  kothari1971 [at] gmail [dot] com
Professor Emeritus Dr. Satya Prakash Singh satyapsingh [at] yahoo [dot] com,
spsingh [at] sauuni [dot] ac [dot] in
Assistant Professor Dr. Jigna Patel  jigna_msu [at] yahoo [dot] com
Assistant Professor Dr. Sangeeta Gohel  sangeetagohel [at] gmail [dot] com
Assistant Professor Dr. Jigna Tank jignagtank [at] gmail [dot] com
Assistant Professor Dr. Mital Kaneria mitalkaneria [at] gmail [dot] com
Assistant Professor Dr. Kiran Chudasama kiranchudasama [at] gmail [dot] com
Assistant Professor Dr. Shweta Pathak sapathak [at] sauuni [dot] ac [dot] in
spathak [dot] 26 [at] gmail [dot] com
Assistant Professor Dr. Jalpa Rank  Jrank91 [at] gmail [dot] com
Assistant Professor Dr. Jyoti Jigyasi  jjigyasi [at] gmail [dot] com
Assistant Professor Dr. Bhavik Vakani bkvakani [at] sauuni [dot] ac [dot] in
Assistant Professor Dr. Kavan Andharia kavanandharia [at] gmail [dot] com
Lab Technician Ms. Lopamudra Joshi lopaajoshi [at] gmail [dot] com
joshilopa [at] yahoo [dot] co [dot] in
Lab Technician Ms. Diksha Thakur dishuthakur1908 [at] gmail [dot] com
Lab Assistant Ms. Vinkal Dhorajiya dvinkal [at] yahoo [dot] com,
dhorajiyavinkal [at] gmail [dot] com
Assistant Ms. Anjali Yagnik yagnik [dot] anjali [at] yahoo [dot] com
DEO cum Clerk Ms. Sheetal M. Trivedi
DEO cum Clerk
ersheetal9 [at] gmail [dot] com
Assistant Accountant Mr. Lalit Vaghela lalitvaghela398 [at] gmail [dot] com,
lalitvaghela [at] yahoo [dot] co [dot] in
Assistant Mr. Dharak Ramavat dharakramavat66 [at] gmail [dot] com
dharakramavat34 [at] gmail [dot] com
Peon Mr. R. B. Parmar rajuparmar2019 [at] gmail [dot] com
Sweeper Mrs. Sonal Vaghela sonalben [dot] vaghela2019 [at] gmail [dot] com
Lab Technician Krina Chikhalia krinachikhalia [at] gmail [dot] com
Department of Chemistry
Professor and Head Dr. Hitendra Joshi hsjoshi [at] sauuni [dot] ac [dot] in
Professor Dr. Yogesh Naliapara naliapara [at] yahoo [dot] com
Associate Professor Dr. Umed Bhoya drucbhoya [at] gmail [dot] com
Associate Professor Dr. Manish Shah mkshah [at] sauuni [dot] ac [dot] in
Assistant Professor Dr. Ranjan Khunt rckhunt [at] sauuni [dot] ac [dot] in
Typist Mr. Narendra Jitiya  ndjfrom1966 [at] gmail [dot] com
Department of Commerce & Business Administration
Professor and Head Dr. Daksha Chauhan sucommerce08 [at] gmail [dot] com
Professor Dr. Shailesh Parmar shaileshparmar101 [at] yahoo [dot] com
Professor Dr. Alok Kumar Chakrawal chakrawal [at] rediffmail [dot] com
Professor Dr. Kailash Damor kailash_damor [at] yahoo [dot] co [dot] in
Associate Professor Dr. Ashvin Solanki drashvinsolanki [at] yahoo [dot] com
Assistant Professor Dr. Chitralekha Dhadhal  chitralekha5 [at] rediffmail [dot] com
Sr. Clerk Dr. Vishal Rabadiya  rabadiya [dot] vishal [at] gmail [dot] com
DEO cum Clerk Mr. Bhavesh Sapara bshahpara [at] gmail [dot] com
Peon Mr. Pruthvirajsinh Jadeja
jadejapruthviraj2412 [at] gmail [dot] com
Department of Computer Science
Professor and Head Prof. (Dr.) CK Kumbharana ckkumbharana [at] yahoo [dot] com
Professor Prof.(Dr.) Atul M Gonsai  atul [dot] gosai [at] gmail [dot] com
amg [at] sauuni [dot] ac [dot] in
Department of Economics
Assistant Professor
& Head
Dr. Navin R Shah nrshah [at] sauuni [dot] ac [dot] in/
navinrshah14 [at] yahoo [dot] com
Assistant Professor Dr. Sanjay Pandya sanjaypandyaeco [at] gmail [dot] com
Assistant Professor Dr. Suresh G Paradva sureshparadva [at] gmail [dot] com
Assistant Professor Dr. Amar B Patel amar5109 [at] gmail [dot] com
Department of Education
Professor and Head Dr. B. B. Ramanuj bbramanuj [at] ymail [dot] com
Professor Dr. M. S. Molia msmolia2000 [at] yahoo [dot] com
Assistant Professor Dr. S. B. Barot srao1402 [at] yahoo [dot] in
Assistant Professor Dr. K. P. Damor kldamor [at] gmail [dot] com
Department of Electronics
Professor and Head Dr. M. N. Jivani mnjivani [at] sauuni [dot] ac [dot] in
Assistant Professor Dr. K. P. Thummer kpthummer [at] yahoo [dot] co [dot] in
Assistant Professor Dr. Harikrishna Parikh  hnparikh [at] sauuni [dot] ac [dot] in
Lab Technician Mr. Kamal Gosai kmlgosai11 [at] gmail [dot] com
Assistant Professor Mr. Jatin Savaliya jatinele [at] gmail [dot] com
Assistant Professor Mr. Ankit Sidapara  sidaparaankit [at] gmail [dot] com
Clerk Mr. Hitesh Pandya pandyahitesh1984 [at] gmail [dot] com
Clerk Mr. Hardik Ginoya  ginoya [dot] hardik44 [at] gmail [dot] com
Helper Mr. Mayur Parmar mayurparmar609 [at] gmail [dot] com
Peon Mr. Prakash Visapara pvisapara [at] gmail [dot] com
Peon Mr. Dhaval Sojitra dhavalsojitra20 [at] gmail [dot] com
Department of English & Comparative Literary Studies
Professor and Head Dr. Ravisinh B Zala rbzala [at] sauuni [dot] ac [dot] in
Professor Dr. Kamal H. Mehta khmehta [at] sauuni [dot] ac [dot] in
Professor Dr. Jaydipsinh K. Dodiya  jkdodia31 [at] gmail [dot] com
Professor Dr. Sanjay Mukherjee  smukherjee [at] sauuni [dot] ac [dot] in
Assistant Professor Dr. Dhwani V. Vachharajani  dvvachcharajani [at] sauuni [dot] ac [dot] in
Department of Gujarati
Professor Dr. Deepak Patel  drdeepakpatel72 [at] gmail [dot] com
Professor Dr. J. M. Chandravadia j [dot] chandravadia [at] gmail [dot] com
Assistant Professor Dr. Prabhu Chaudhary  prchaudhari2016 [at] gmail [dot] com
DEO cum Clerk Ms. Daxa Bhaliya  daxabhaliya [at] gmail [dot] com
Department of Hindi
Professor and Head Prof. Dr. B. K. Kalasva bk_kalasva [at] yahoo [dot] in
Professor Prof. Dr. S. K. Mehta  saileshkmehta [at] ymail [dot] com
Professor Prof. Dr. N. T. Gamit naranbhaigamit [at] gmail [dot] com
Assistant Professor Dr. S. M. Baria  baria [dot] saroj1987 [at] gmail [dot] com
Assistant Professor Dr. J. L. Vyas jayvyas343 [at] gmail [dot] com
DEO cum Clerk Ms. Hetal Chavda hetalbenchavda [at] gmail [dot] com
Department of History
Professor and Head Prof. Dr. Ansuya Chothani  ansuyachothani [at] gmail [dot] com
Professor Prof. Dr. Kalpa Manek   kalpamanekgj [at] yahoo [dot] co [dot] in
Typist Mr. Jaysing Parmar jaysinhparmr [at] gmail [dot] com
Clerk Ms Hetal Bhut hetalbhut1122 [at] gmail [dot] com
Department of Home Science
Professor and Head Dr. Nilambari Dave drnilambarid [at] gmail [dot] com
Associate Professor Dr. Rajesh Raval drravalrv [at] yahoo [dot] co [dot] in
Associate Professor Dr. Hasmukh Joshi drhdjoshi [at] yahoo [dot] co [dot] in
Assistant Professor Dr. Rekhaba Jadeja  jrana2040 [at] gmail [dot] com
Assistant Professor Dr. Gita Rathod dr [dot] geetarathod [at] gmail [dot] com
Assistant Professor Dr. Sodha Shital Rahulbhai shitalsodha2650 [at] gmail [dot] com
Assistant Professor Odedra Alpa Devabhai alpaodedra21 [at] gmail [dot] com
Clerk Mr. Vivek Joshi swamihari1618 [at] gmail [dot] com
Lab Assistant Ms. Dharti Chandrani dhartichandrani [at] gmail [dot] com
Lab Assistant Ms. Zalak Faldu zalakfaldu97 [at] gmail [dot] com
Store Keeper Ms. Urvi Kawa urviiskawa11 [at] gmail [dot] com
Peon Mr. Teraiya Raviraj ravirajteraiya1264 [at] gmail [dot] com
Department of Human Rights & IHL
Assistant Professor &
Dr. Rajesh Dave rajeshmdave [at] gmail [dot] com
Assistant Professor Dr. BhargirathSinh Manjaria bnmanjaria [at] gmail [dot] com
DEO cum Clerk Nishant R. Bhatti nishant [dot] bhatti9191 [at] gmail [dot] com
Peon Mr. Pitambar Makwana  pitambardmakawana [at] gmail [dot] com
Department of Journalism
Professor and Head Dr. Nita Udani nvudani654 [at] gmail [dot] com
Assistant Professor Mr. Thushar Chandarana saujournalism1973 [at] gmail [dot] com
Assistant Professor Dr. Trupti Vyas truptivyas222 [at] yahoo [dot] com
Assistant Professor Dr. Jitendra J. Radadiya jituradadiya26 [at] gmail [dot] com
Clerk Mrs. Aarti Doshi artidoshi266 [at] gamil [dot] com
Department of Law
I. C. Head Dr. Anand Chauhan devanshanand299 [at] gmail [dot] com
Typist Mr. Amrutlal Chauhan
 amrutlalchauhan1 [at] gmail [dot] com
Sweeper Ms. Manisha Bharvad bhavanabharvad873 [at] gmail [dot] com
Department of Library & Information Science
I. C. Head Dr. Kokila T. Tank kttank [at] sauuni [dot] ac [dot] in
Department of Mathematics
Professor and Head Dr. S. K. Vaidya samirkvaidya [at] yahoo [dot] co [dot] in
Professor Dr. V. J. Kaneria kaneria_vinodray_j [at] yahoo [dot] co [dot] in
Assistant Professor Dr. Sanket M. Badiyani sankycolors [at] gmail [dot] com
Assistant Professor Dipak Barad lampatfinite [at] gmail [dot] com
Assistant Professor Dave Varada varadadave [at] gmail [dot] com
DEO cum Clerk Ms. Hemangi Joshi hemjoshi1002 [at] gmail [dot] com
Department of Nano Science and Advanced Materials
Professor and Head Dr. D. G. Kuberkar dgkuberkar [at] gmail [dot] com
Associate Professor Dr. B. R. Kataria  brkataria2508 [at] gmail [dot] com
Assistant Professor Dr. A. D. Joshi ashnikeshshah [at] gmail [dot] com
Assistant Professor Dr. A. B. Ravalia ashishravalia [at] gmail [dot] com
Assistant Professor Dr. Sadaf Jethva sadaf [dot] jethvaphy [at] gmail [dot] com
Assistant Professor Dr. Chirag R. Savaliya chiragsavaliya43 [at] gmail [dot] com
Lab Technician Mr. Avinash U. Vyas avinashvyas7 [at] yahoo [dot] com
Lab Technician Mr. Akshay B. Panchasara  akshaypanchasara95 [at] gmail [dot] com
Laboratory Technician Mr. Jiten H. Maru
 jaimaru101 [at] gmail [dot] com
A. C. D. E. O. Mr. Kailash D. Vaghela kdvaghela [at] gmail [dot] com
Store Keeper Mr. Parth Makwana parth [dot] makwana [dot] 1712 [at] gmail [dot] com
Peon Mr. Mehulbhai B. Joshi mbjoshinano [at] gmail [dot] com
Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences
I. C. Head Dr. Sachin Parmar parmarsachin [at] rediffmail [dot] com
Assistant Professor Dr. Devendra Vaishnav devvaishnav [at] gmail [dot] com
Assistant Professor Dr. Krishna Koradia k [dot] koradia [at] yahoo [dot] co [dot] in
Assistant Professor Ds. Priya Patel patelpriyav [at] gmail [dot] com
Associate Professor Dr. Trupesh Pethani trupeshpharma [at] gmail [dot] com
Assistant Professor Dr. Meghna Patel patel [dot] meghna287 [at] gmail [dot] com
Assistant Professor Dr. Arti bagada arti910 [at] gmail [dot] com
Assistant Professor Ms. Jalpa Sanandia jalpa [dot] sanandia [at] gmail [dot] com
Assistant Professor Ms. Monika Sangani mona_Sangani [at] yahoo [dot] co [dot] in
Assistant Professor Ms. Riddhi Shukla riddhi18190 [at] gmail [dot] com
Assistant Professor Ms. Mausami Vaghela mausami_2123 [at] yahoo [dot] com
Assistant Professor Ms. Riddhisiddhi Patel patelriddhisiddhi9 [at] gmail [dot] com
Assistant Professor Mrs. Mousmi Patel mousmithakur90 [at] gmail [dot] com
Assistant Professor Mr. Pratap Khunti pratapkhunti007 [at] gmail [dot] com
Assistant Professor JINAL ADHIYA adhiyajinal [at] gmail [dot] com
Assistant Professor Ms. Stuti Pandya stutipandya89 [at] gmail [dot] com
Assistant Professor Mr. Rohit Bhatt  brohit619 [at] gmail [dot] com
Assistant Professor Ms. Meera Maru meeramaru89 [at] gmail [dot] com
Assistant Professo Mr. Bhuvnesh Thakar bhuvneshthakar999 [at] gmail [dot] com
Assistant Professor Mr. Nirmal Sambad nirmalsambad [at] gmail [dot] com
Assistant Professor Mr. Sachin Patel sachin [dot] patel530 [at] gmail [dot] com
Assistant Professor Mr. Rakshit Joshi  rakshitjoshi98 [at] gmail [dot] com
Assistant Professor Ms. Bhagyashri Fachara bhagyashrifachara [at] yahoo [dot] in
Assistant Professor Mr. Kevin Tilva tilvakevin1 [at] gmail [dot] com
Assistant Professor Ms Reena Ughreja  reena [dot] ughreja [at] gmail [dot] com
Assistant Professor Ms. Pooja Faldu psfaldu2212 [at] gmail [dot] com
Librarian Ms. Hetal Mehta hetumehta19oct [at] gmail [dot] com
Clerk Mrs. Kalpa Mehta  kmehta18984 [at] gmail [dot] com
Laboratory Technician Mrs. Devyani Dave devyanidave3 [at] gmail [dot] com
Laboratory Technician Ms. Mayuri Sakariya mayushiv198 [at] gmail [dot] com
Peon Mr. Dhaval Sonrat  dhavalbarot1811 [at] gmail [dot] com
Peon Mr. Anil Parmar anilparmar7676 [at] gmail [dot] com
Peon Mr. Sanjay Vaghela sanjayvaghela7562 [at] gmail [dot] com
Department of Philosophy
Assistant Professor
& Head
Dr. D. V. Chavda departmentphilo [at] gmail [dot] com
Department of Physical Education
Assistant Professor Dr.BHAVIK H KANTESARIYA  bhaivkhk [at] gmail [dot] com
Assistant Professor ASSI.PRO.BHAVESH V RABA bhavesh [dot] raba72 [at] gmail [dot] com
Department of Physics
Professor Dr. Harish Prabhashankar Joshi hp [dot] joshi [dot] hp [at] gmail [dot] com
Professor Dr. Hiren Hargovind Joshi joshihh [at] gmail [dot] com
Professor Dr. Nikesh A. Shah  snikesh [at] yahoo [dot] com
Professor Dr. Kunal B. Modi  kunalbmodi2003 [at] yahoo [dot] com
Associate Professor Dr. J. A. Bhalodia jabrajkot [at] rediffmail [dot] com
Associate Professor Dr. Harshkant Jethva hojethva [at] rediffmail [dot] com
Assistant Professor Dr. Piyush S. Solanki piyush [dot] physics [at] gmail [dot] com
Department of Psychology
Lab Assistant Dr.Mieerakumari G. Jepar meerajepar [at] gmail [dot] com
Associate Professor
and Head
Dr. Yogesh Jogsan yogesh [dot] jogsan [at] rediffmail [dot] com
Assistant Professor Dr. Dhara Doshi dhara_1888 [at] rediffmail [dot] com
Assistant Professor Dr. Hasmukh Chavda chavdahasu4 [at] gmail [dot] com
Apprentice Ms. Jyotsna Gohil gohiljyotsna [at] gmail [dot] com
Department of Sanskrit
Professor and Head Dr. M. K. Moliya mansukh_moliya [at] yahoo [dot] com,
mkmoliya [at] sauuni [dot] ac [dot] in
Professor Dr. R, N. Kathad rnkathad [at] sauuni [dot] ac [dot] in
rnkathad [at] yahoo [dot] in
DEO cum Clerk cum
Hiral dobariya  hiraldobariya77852 [at] gmail [dot] com
Peon Morbiya Jagruti Ben Yatinbhai jmorabiya3 [at] gmail [dot] com
Department of Social Work
Head and Professor Dr. R.M. Dave  socialwork [at] sauuni [dot] ac [dot] in
Assistant Professor Dr. Pritesh Popat drpriteshpopat [at] gmail [dot] com
Department of Sociology
Associate Professor
and Head
Dr. Jayshree M. Naik  naikjayshree_05 [at] yahoo [dot] com
Assistant Professor Dr. Bharat M. Kher bmkher [at] gmail [dot] com
Department Of Statistics
Professor and Head Dr. Girish Bhimani gcbhimani [at] yahoo [dot] co [dot] in
Professor Dr. Kishor Atkotiya atkishor [at] yahoo [dot] co [dot] in
Assistant Professor Dr. Disha Rank  disharank91 [at] gmail [dot] com
Assistant Professor Dr. Mayur Savsani maddysavsani [at] gmail [dot] com
Clerk Mr. Bharat Solanki bmsolanki [at] sauuni [dot] ac [dot] in
Peon Ms. Ranjan Solanki solankibharat1989 [at] yahoo [dot] co [dot] in
Smt. R. D Gardi Department of Business Management
Professor Dr. Pratapsinh Chauhan (On Lien)
prof [dot] pratapsinh [at] gmail [dot] com
Professor Dr. Hitesh Shukla hshukla72 [at] yahoo [dot] com
Assistant Professor Dr. Mayur M. Parmar parmarmayur32155 [at] gmail [dot] com
Assistant Professor Dr. Jagdish Sambada   jsambada [at] gmail [dot] com
Assistant Professor Dr. Kirit Chauhan kiritsinhchauhan [dot] kc [at] gmail [dot] com
Assistant Professor Ms. Palak Sakhiya palaksakhiya [dot] 1798 [at] gmail [dot] com
Clerk Mr. Kartik Kacha
kartikkacha [at] gmail [dot] com
Professor and Head Prof. Sanjay Bhayani  sjbhayani [at] gmail [dot] com

Exam Sections Contacts

Controller Of Examination
Contact No. Fax No. Email
Extn.: 702
0281-2586411 ce [at] sauuni [dot] ac [dot] in
Pre-Examination (Exam 01)
0281- 2576511   
Extn.: 736/737/738
0281-2586411 exam01 [at] sauuni [dot] ac [dot] in
Confidential Section (Exam 02)
Extn.: 301, 734
0281-2586411 exam02 [at] sauuni [dot] ac [dot] in
Post Examination (Exam 03)
Extn.: 762,763,764,772
0281-2586411 exam03 [at] sauuni [dot] ac [dot] in
Reassessment (Exam 04)
Extn.: 733, 735
0281-2586411 exam04 [at] sauuni [dot] ac [dot] in
Degree Convocation (Exam 05)
0281-2576511, 0281-2576030,
0281-2576040, 0281-2576050  
Extn.: 771, 761
0281-2586411 exam05 [at] sauuni [dot] ac [dot] in
Exam Cell (Exam 06)
0281 2576511   Extn.: 707, 708, 709, 710 0281-2586411 exam06 [at] sauuni [dot] ac [dot] in
External Exam Section
0281-2578144 / 0281-2576511 
Extn.: 776
0281-2586411 externalexam [at] sauuni [dot] ac [dot] in
Exam Computer
0281-2576511 0281-2586411 examcc [at] sauuni [dot] ac [dot] in
Cctv Monitoring/Control Room
Extn.: 739-42
0281-2586411 cctvexamsur [at] sauuni [dot] ac [dot] in
Exam Rti- Pg Portal (Grievances)
0281-2576511   Extn.: 712 0281-2586411 examrti [at] sauuni [dot] ac [dot] in
Exam Inquiry
0281-2576511   Extn.: 705, 706 0281-2586411 examinquiry [at] sauuni [dot] ac [dot] in
Exam Epabx
0281-2576511, 0281-2576030,
0281-2576040, 0281-2576050  
0281-2586411 examepabx [at] sauuni [dot] ac [dot] in
Conventional Centre
0281-2578501  0281-2586411 conventional [at] sauuni [dot] ac [dot] in

Staff Contacts

Designation Name Email
Controller of Examination
Controller of
Saurashtra University nnsoni [at] sauuni [dot] ac [dot] in
Pre-Examination (Exam 01)
Section Head Dr. G. N. Gajera exam01 [at] sauuni [dot] ac [dot] in
Section Officer Chavda Ranjitsinh J. exam05 [at] sauuni [dot] ac [dot] in
Jr. Superintendent shubhendu langadiya shubandulangadiya [at] gmail [dot] com
Degree Convocation (Exam 05)
Section Officer Chavda Ranjitsinh J.  exam05 [at] sauuni [dot] ac [dot] in
Exam Cell (Exam 06)
Section Officer Tevani Jay Niranjanbhai jaytevani [at] gmail [dot] com
External Exam Section
Section Officer Chavda Ranjitsinh J. externalexam [at] sauuni [dot] ac [dot] in
CCTV Monitoring/Control Room
Jr. Superintendent Mr.Shubhendu Langadiya shubandulangadiya [at] gmail [dot] com
Exam Rti (સંકલન) - PG Portal (Grievances)
Controller of
Shri N. N. Soni ce [at] sauuni [dot] ac [dot] in
Exam Inquiry
Controller of
Shri N. N. Soni examinquiry [at] sauuni [dot] ac [dot] in
Section Officer Tevani Jay Niranjanbhai  jaytevani [at] gmail [dot] com
Conventional Centre
Controller of
Shri N. N. Soni ce [at] sauuni [dot] ac [dot] in
DEO cum Clerk Vaishali K. Kariya vaishalikariya456 [at] yahoo [dot] com

Other Contacts

Department Contact No. Fax Email
Boys Hostel 0281-2576347   
Extn.: 402
0281-2576347 pghostel [at] sauuni [dot] ac [dot] in
Girls Hostel 0281-2578501 0281-2576347 ganga [at] sauuni [dot] ac [dot] in
Central Library 0281-2576347 0281-2576347 library [at] sauuni [dot] ac [dot] in
Centre Of Excellence 8780807970/
  analyticalnfdd [at] gmail [dot] com
Computer Centre 0281-2578501
Extn.: 417/418/
0281-2576347 computercentre [at] sauuni [dot] ac [dot] in
Day Care 0281 2573425  
Extn.: 491
0281-2576347 daycare [at] sauuni [dot] ac [dot] in
Health Center 0281--2576347 0281-2576347 healthcentre [at] sauuni [dot] ac [dot] in
International Student Cell 9687692918 0281-2576347 isc [at] sauuni [dot] ac [dot] in
Placement Cell 0281 2578501   
Extn.: 320/
0281-2576347 placementcell [at] sauuni [dot] ac [dot] in
Student Startup And Innovation 0281-2576347 0281-2576347 ssip [at] sauuni [dot] ac [dot] in
Ugc Hrdc     kaladhararya [at] gmail [dot] com
Upsc Coaching Centre 9429802730   0281-2576347 upsc [at] sauuni [dot] ac [dot] in
Vidushi (Centre For
Women's Studies & Research)
0281-2573425  0281-2576347 vidushi [at] sauuni [dot] ac [dot] in
Women Fitness 0281-2578501  
Extn.: 309
0281-2576347 womenfitnesscentre [at] sauuni [dot] ac [dot] in
International Student Cell 9687692918 0281-2576347 isc [at] sauuni [dot] ac [dot] in
Student Mentoring Cell (Susmc) 0281-2578501   0281-2576347 susmc [at] sauuni [dot] ac [dot] in

Chairs Contacts

Chair Contact No. Fax Email
Babasaheb Dr. B. R. Ambedkar 0281-2578501   
Extn.: 429/
0281-2576347 dbachair [at] sauuni [dot] ac [dot] in
Late Shree Zaverchand Meghani
Lok Sahitya Kendra (Chair Peeth)
9638833533 0281-2576347 zmchair [at] sauuni [dot] ac [dot] in
Neharu Adhyayan Prakalp Ekam 0281-2573425/
0281-2576347 nehruchair [at] sauuni [dot] ac [dot] in
Padmashree Gulabdas Broker 9426242115 0281-2576347 brokerchair [at] sauuni [dot] ac [dot] in

UGC- HRDC Staff Contacts

Designation Name Email
Professor and Head Prof. Kaladhar Arya kaladhararya [at] gmail [dot] com
Associate Professor Dr. Dhiren D. Pandya dhiren_pandya [at] yahoo [dot] com
Section Officer Mr. Dharmesh B Mankad dharmeshmankad867 [at] gmail [dot] com

Centre Of Excellence

  • NFDD Comlex, Department of Chemistry
    (UGC SAP & DST-FIST Funded)
    Saurashtra University
  • 8780807970
  • analyticalnfdd [at] gmail [dot] com

IT HelpDesk

  • Phone No: 0281-2576511
  • Extn. 417
  • Email: ithelpdesk [at] sauuni [dot] ac [dot] in

Affiliated Colleges

Form Center


Saurashtra University
University Campus,
University Road,
Rajkot - 360005
Email- fees [dot] query [at] sauuni [dot] ac [dot] in

Social Sites

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