Regional Institute of Education , Bhubaneswar Contact No.

All India Number(s): 
  • 0674-254 1409 (For Contact Support)
  • 0674-254 2924 (Another No. For Contact Support)
  • 0674-254 3782 (For Query)


  • riebbs [at] nic [dot] in (For Query)
  • principal [at] riebbs [dot] ac [dot] in ( For Principal desk)
  • grievance [at] riebbs [dot] ac [dot] in ( For Grievances)

Principal Contact

Prof. Prakash Chandra Agarwal
Designation : Principal, RIE
Bhubaneswar, Professor of Physics
Phone No. : 0674-2540534 ,
0674-2541409, 0674-750531(Fax)
E-mail (Official) : riebbs [at] ori [dot] nic [dot] in

Telephone Directory

SNo. Name Designation Contact number Email
1 Prof. Prakash Chandra Agarwal Principal 9413694744 pcagca [at] yahoo [dot] com
2 Prof. Hrushikesh Senapathy Professor 9425300354 hk [dot] senapaty [dot] ncert [at] nic [dot] in
3 Prof. Mahendra Kumar Satapathy Professor 8895724701/
mksatapathy [at] rediffmail [dot] com
4 Prof. Sandhya Rani Sahoo Professor 9937400923 sandhya_60 [at] yahoo [dot] com
5 Prof. Manasi Goswami Professor 9439615558 manasigoswami62 [at] gmail [dot] com
6 Prof. Bhujendra Nath Panda Professor 9437631590 bnpanda38 [at] hotmail [dot] com
7 Prof. Animesh Kumar Mohapatra Professor 8249959131 akmrie01 [at] yahoo [dot] co [dot] in
8 Prof. Pritish Chandra Acharya Professor 9937400923 pritishacharya0123 [at] yahoo [dot] co [dot] in
9 Prof. Sarat Kumar Dash Professor 8895478337 skdash59 [at] yahoo [dot] com
10 Prof. Dhanalaxmi Dash Professor 8342043987 dhanalaxmi [dot] dashh [at] gmail [dot] com
11 Prof. Ch. A. Ramulu Professor 9776522959 chinnala [dot] ramulu [at] gov [dot] in
12 Prof. Ritanjali Das Professor 9776045245 ritadash63 [at] gmail [dot] com
13 Prof. Shakti Prasad Mishra Professor 8249387879/
spmishra [dot] ncert [at] gmail [dot] com
14 Prof. I.P. Gowramma Professor 9845116410/
gowriip [at] yahoo [dot] co [dot] in
15 Prof. Laxmidhar Behera Professor 9437764137 behera17 [at] yahoo [dot] co [dot] in
16 Prof. Ramakanta Mohalik Professor 9938103595 mohalikrk [at] gmail [dot] com
17 Dr. Shampa Das Associate Professor 9937374457 shampa [dot] das321 [at] gmail [dot] com
18 Dr. Kumar Parag Associate Professor 9988600485 kumprg [at] gmail [dot] com
19 Dr. Elizabeth Gangmei Associate Professor 9438673622 elizabethgangmei [at] gmail [dot] com
20 Dr. Rasmirekha Sethy Associate Professor 8763666527 rasna_rosnara [at] yahoo [dot] co [dot] in
21 Dr. Kalinga Ketaki Assistant Professor 9090250027 kalingaketakijnu [at] gmail [dot] com
22 Dr. Arup Kumar Saha Assistant Professor 9583663934 saha [dot] ganit [at] gmail [dot] com
23 Dr. Sourabh Kapoor Assistant Professor 9658236692 saurabh09 [dot] ncert [at] gmail [dot] com
24 Dr. Dhanya Krishnan Assistant Professor 9449771624 dkrie [at] gmail [dot] com
25 Dr. Debabrata Bagui Assistant Professor 9432201884 dtbagui [at] gmail [dot] com
26 Dr. Pusaplata Negi Librarian 9937661192 negipusaplata [at] gmail [dot] com
27 Mr. Akhileswar Mishra Headmaster 9777911400 akmishradms [at] gmail [dot] com
28 Mrs. Usha Kapur Administrative Officer 9818673398 ao [dot] riebbs [at] gov [dot] in
29 Mr. Alok Gupta Asst. Headmaster 7579086825 vasualok [at] gmail [dot] com
30 Dr. Jayakrushna Choudhury PGT 7978044528 jayakrushnachoudhury [at] yahoo [dot] co [dot] in
31 Mrs. Sabita Pattnaik PGT 9437283281 Patnaiksabita2 [at] gmail [dot] com
32 Mr. Khil Bahadur Chetri PGT 9437900062 Chhetrikhilbahadur68 [at] gmail [dot] com
33 Ms. Silvi Bakhla PGT 9437919542 bakhlasilvi [at] gmail [dot] com
34 Ms. Fauzia Naqvi PGT 9861003485 fauzia [dot] naqvie [at] gmail [dot] com
35 Mr. Mohd. Ghulam Rahbar PGT 9040242761 hamsarrauf1986 [at] gmail [dot] com
36 Mr. Kamalesh Soni PGT 9437523956 soni [dot] soni [dot] kamlesh [at] gmail [dot] com
37 Mrs. Jyoti Jenna PGT 7381342987 bontala [dot] jyothi [at] rediffmail [dot] com
38 Mr. Amarendra Tripathy PGT 9468896585 tripathy [dot] amarendra [at] rediffmail [dot] com
39 Mr. Jyoti Prakash Praharaj PGT


jppraharaj [at] gmail [dot] com
40 Mr. Jagannath Nayak PGT 9437889780 jagannath [dot] naik338 [at] gmail [dot] com
41 Mr. Pankaj Kumar Mishra PGT 9040114764 Pankajkaikona [at] gmail [dot] com
42 Mr. Anil Kumar Jena PGT 9937163038 rsanil74 [dot] jena [at] gmail [dot] com
43 Mrs.Kalpana Manjari Naik PGT 9438420658 kalpanamanjarinaik [at] gmail [dot] com
44 Ms. Sili Sahoo. PGT 9090249562 silisahoo13 [at] gmail [dot] com
45 Mrs. Sakshi Pandey PGT 9818750470 cs [dot] sakshi [dot] 04 [at] gmail [dot] com
46 Ms. Kanchan Agrawal PGT 9468109494 k [dot] agrwal25 [at] gmail [dot] com
47 Mr. Subash Prasad TGT 9040358704 Subhashprassd643 [at] gmail [dot] com
48 Mr. Mirja Marndi TGT 9437309452 mrjmarndi [at] gmail [dot] com
49 Mr. Sankarsan Murmu TGT 9437284560 sankarsan [dot] murmu308 [at] gmail [dot] com
50 Mr. Brundaban Bhoi TGT 9040365778 buludas2440 [at] gmail [dot] com
51 Mr .Daman Soren TGT 9437283695 daman [dot] dmsbbsr [at] gmail [dot] com
52 Mrs . Kirti Bala Lakra TGT 9438299005 kirtybala74 [at] gmail [dot] com
53 Dr . Priyatama Kumari Singh TGT 9438186423 priyatamakumarisingh04 [at] gmail [dot] com
54 Mr. Manas Ranjan Panda TGT 9861377480 manasranjan [dot] dmsbbsr [at] gmail [dot] com
55 Mr . Rudramani Meher TGT 8249030176 rudradms [at] gmail [dot] com
56 Mr. Jayant Kumar Biswal TGT 7978180131 jkbiswal70 [at] gmail [dot] com
57 Mrs. Jabashree Ghosh TGT 9937345391 jabashreeghosh [at] gmail [dot] com
58 Mr. Srikanta Kumar Das TGT 9437180029 srikant [dot] das2010 [at] gmail [dot] com
59 Mrs .Sasmita Biswal TGT 9438360275 sasmitabiswal437 [at] gmail [dot] com
60 Mrs. Basabadatta Rath TGT 9861308156 basabadutta [dot] rath [at] gmail [dot] com
61 Mr. Lav Ojha TGT 9853456455 lavaojha [at] gmail [dot] com
62 Mrs. Sarita Mishra TGT 9437109124 sarita [dot] dms [at] gmail [dot] com
63 Mr. Ghanshyam Patra TGT 9938131761 Gspatradms [at] gmail [dot] com
64 Mrs. Garima Agrawal TGT 7008197317 agrawalgarima47 [at] gmail [dot] com
65 Mr. Mohan Kumar Beshra WECT 8895301534 beshra [dot] mk [at] gmail [dot] com
66 Mr. Bikram Keshari Sarangi WECT 9438582045 bikramksarangi [at] gmail [dot] com
67 Mr. Debi Prasad Mishra WECT 9437117903 dpm_bbsr [at] rediffmail [dot] com
68 Mr. Jitender Singh Kshetry Accounts Officer 9868255752 aco [dot] riebbs [at] gov [dot] in
69 Mr. Puskar Behera Asst. Prog. Coordinator 8763333651 riepuskar2014 [at] gmail [dot] com
70 Mr. Manoj Kumar Behera Asst. Prog. Coordinator 8895739952 mkbehera [at] riebbs [dot] ac [dot] in
71 Mr .Pradeep Kumar Rai Section Officer 9437948008 soest [dot] riebbs [at] gov [dot] in
72 Mr . Susant Kumar Rout Section Officer 7873505682 socw [dot] riebbs [at] gov [dot] in
73 Dr. Anup Kumar Parida Laboratory Technician 9439750099 paridaanupkumar [at] gmail [dot] com
74 Mr. Gyana Ranjan Mishra PRT 9040201820 grmbbsr [at] gmail [dot] com
75 Mrs. Rajashree Gagrai PRT 8895436073 rajashreegag [at] yahoo [dot] co [dot] in
76 Mr. Babu Lal Tudu PRT 9861554733 tudu [dot] babulaldms [at] gmail [dot] com
77 Ms. Sanghlata Bodh PRT 8750857437 sanghlatabodh [at] gmail [dot] com
78 Ms. Yasha Bajetha PRT 9810838195 Yashabajetha25 [at] gmail [dot] com
79 Ms. Nidhi Arya PRT 8130141998 aryanidhi302 [at] gmail [dot] com
80 Mrs. Neha Singh PRT 8860789428 nehasingh12018 [at] gmail [dot] com
81 Mr. Harsh Chhikara PRT 9050885007 chhikarahappy674 [at] gmail [dot] com
82 Ms. Ritu Sharma PRT 8826850282 ritu [dot] dms20 [at] gmail [dot] com
83 Mrs. Puspalata Lakra Professional Assistant 9437304167 pllakra [at] gmail [dot] com
84 Mr. Shrikumar Tripathy Senior Accountant 9438836676 tripathyshrikumar [at] gmail [dot] com
85 Pradeep Kumar Behera Mr Assistant Store Officer 9438018610 deep [dot] riebks [at] gmail [dot] com
86 Mr. Ashok Kumar Baliarsingh Security Supervisor 9437311372 ashokkumar [dot] baliarsingh [at] gmail [dot] com
87 Mr. Rajat Kumar Sethi Steno Grade-II 9776744518 sethirajat82 [at] gmail [dot] com
88 Mrs. Gargi Sukaberi Steno Grade-II 9777285349 gargiprincess2010 [at] gmail [dot] com
89 Mr. Sahadev Dharua U.D. Clerk 8895301524 sahadevdharua [at] gmail [dot] com
90 Mrs. Raktima Bhanja U.D. Clerk 9937201778 rbhanja65 [at] gmail [dot] com
91 Mrs. Rupa Ghosh U.D. Clerk 9040360399 rupa [dot] riebbs [at] gmail [dot] com
92 Mr. Phakir Mohan Soren U.D. Clerk 9439177407 mohanphakir77 [at] gmail [dot] com
93 Mrs. Priyadarsini Sethi U.D. Clerk 9861270092 priya_jhuni [at] yahoo [dot] co [dot] in
94 Mr. Jayapal Soren U.D. Clerk 8895081125 jaypalsoren [at] gmail [dot] com
95 Mr. Rama Chandra Hansdah U.D. Clerk 9438305687 handsome_ram [at] rediffmail [dot] com
96 Mr. Jitendra Kumar Satapathy U.D. Clerk 9853666060 bapibiru [at] gmail [dot] com
97 Mr. Nirakar Nayak U.D. Clerk 9090184347 nirakarnayak17 [at] gmail [dot] com
98 Mrs. Snehalata Jena Lady Pharmacist 8480613450 jenasnehalata66 [at] gmail [dot] com
99 Mr. Chitta Ranjan Mohapatra Lab. Asst.-cum-Storekeeper 9438500321 crmohapatra31 [at] gmail [dot] com
100 Mr. Nihar Ranjan Mohapatra Laboratory Assistant 9437633604 niharmohapatra5763 [at] gmail [dot] com
101 Ms. Niharika Kanungo Laboratory Assistant 9437284094 niharika [dot] kanungo [at] hotmail [dot] com
102 Mr. Pabitra Mohan Tarai Laboratory Assistant 9439177012 puspalatabehera [dot] 1982 [at] gmail [dot] com [dot] in
103 Mr. Tanmoy Karunamoy Laboratory Assistant 9438504096 tanmoykarunamoy869 [at] gmail [dot] com
104 Ms. Bidyut Prava Toppo Laboratory Assistant 9439051124 bidyut8toppo [at] gmail [dot] com
105 Mr. Sukanta Kumar Behera Laboratory Assistant 9438421834 sukanta9438421834 [at] yahoo [dot] com
106 Dr. Sanjeeb Kumar Das Laboratory Assistant 9437194035 sanjeebdas75 [at] yahoo [dot] com
107 Mr. Dharani Dhar Khandai Laboratory Assistant 9439941026 ddkhandai [at] gmail [dot] com
108 Mr. Prasanna Kumar Nayak L.D. Clerk 9437482785 prasannanayak004 [at] gmail [dot] com
109 Mr. Manoj Kumar Sahoo L.D. Clerk 9439101653 manojpupa2010 [at] gmail [dot] com
110 Ms. Purnima Singh L.D. Clerk 8182832335 gaganpurnima [at] gmail [dot] com
111 Mr. Deepak Rath L.D. Clerk 9861003888 dipurath2004 [at] yahoo [dot] co [dot] in
112 Mr. Saroj Kumar Jena L.D. Clerk 9777375116 saroj [dot] jena06 [at] gmail [dot] com
113 Mr. Manoja Kumar Mohapatra L.D. Clerk 9938641137 manojrie [at] gmail [dot] com
114 Mr. Ajaya Kumar Sahoo L.D. Clerk 9777789114 ajayaraz10 [at] gmail [dot] com
115 Mr. Prabhat Kumar Ekka Carpenter 9439864699 prabatkumarekka99 [at] gmail [dot] com
116 Mr. Suresh Chandra Dash Sr. Library Attendant 9437756782 sddash [at] riebbs [dot] ac [dot] in
117 Mr. Jalandhar Jena Sr. Library Attendant 8018052253/
jalandharjena1 [at] gmail [dot] com
118 Mrs. Vijaya Mishra Sr. Library Attendant 9437570509 mrsvijayamishra [at] gmail [dot] com
119 Mr. Senapati Pradhan MTS (Peon) 9861330923 senapatip1963 [at] gmail [dot] com
120 Mr. Kasinath Sahoo MTS (Peon) 9778494931/
kasinath75 [at] gmail [dot] com
121 Mr. Rabindra Kumar Behera MTS (Peon) 7854073528 beherarabindra26 [at] gmail [dot] com
122 Mr. Baina Nayak MTS (Peon) 9938674581 bainanayak [at] gmail [dot] com
123 Mr. Iswar Nayak MTS (Peon) 7809550067 ISWARNAYAK810 [at] GMAIL [dot] COM
124 Mr. Prafulla Kumar Jena MTS (Peon) 8457071160 pranabkumar91 [at] gmail [dot] com
125 Mr. Subhrakanti Patra MTS (Peon) 6294810472  
126 Mr. Aditya Narayan Singh MTS (Farash) 9777986475 adityasinghrie [at] gmail [dot] com
127 Mr. Karunakar Naik MTS (Farash) 9348061113 karunakarnaik62 [at] gmail [dot] com
128 Mr. Saheb Singh MTS (Securtity Guard) 9938169715  
129 Mr. Susan Dehury MTS (Securtity Guard) 8114363135  
130 Mrs. Suma Dei MTS (Safaiwala) 9861224875 sumadei65 [at] gmail [dot] com
131 Mr. Gopal Naik MTS (Safaiwala) 9178257829 gnaik [at] riebbs [dot] ac [dot] in
132 Mrs. Sanjukta Sahoo MTS (Cleaner) 9853490977 sanjuktadmsbbsr [at] gmail [dot] com
133 Mr. Gobinda Chandra Biswal MTS (Safaiwala) 9090052150  
134 Mr. Ramesh Chandra Naik MTS (Safaiwala) 9938853520 rajeshnaik4669 [at] gmail [dot] com
135 Mr. Rabindra Naik MTS (Safaiwala) 9132671977/
136 Mr. Laxmidhar Nayak MTS (Safaiwala) 8118079592 Idnayak [at] ricbbs [dot] ac [dot] in
137 Mr. Dinabandhu Mohapatra MTS (Safaiwala) 9937512934 dmahapatra [at] riebbs [dot] ac [dot] in
138 Mr. Sandip Sekhar Pattanaiak MTS (Safaiwala) 9439941411 sandipsekhar82 [at] gmail [dot] com
139 Mr. Pratap Chandra Naik MTS (Mali) 8658193131  
140 Mr. Duryodhan Barik MTS (Mali) 9938155384 dbarik1962 [at] gmail [dot] com
141 Mr. D. Subash MTS (Mali) 9178129260 dsubash [at] riebbs [dot] ac [dot] in
142 Mr. Jaya Majhi MTS (Mali) 7681072453 jmajhi [at] ricbbs [dot] ac [dot] in
143 Mr Sadasiv Naik MTS (Mali) 9938228757 snaik [at] riebbs [dot] ac [dot] in

Department Contact Details

SNo. Name Designation Contact Details
Department of Education (DE)
1 Prof. Laxmidhar Behera Professor behera17 [at] yahoo [dot] co [dot] in
2 Prof. Hrushikesh Senapaty Professor hk [dot] senapaty [at] gmail [dot] com
hksenapaty [at] hotmail [dot] com
3 Prof. (Mrs) Gowramma I.P. Professor in Education
and Head Department
of Education
gowriip [at] gmail [dot] com (Personal) ,
ipgowramma [at] riebbs [dot] ac [dot] in
4 Prof. Bhujendra Nath Panda Professor of Education,
Dean of Research
bnpanda38 [at] hotmail [dot] com
5 Prof. Ramakanta Mohalik Professor 9938103595
mohalikrk [at] gmail [dot] com
ramakantamohalik [at] rediffmail [dot] com
6 Dr. (Mrs) Rasmi Rekha Sethy Associate Professor 8763666527
drrasmirekhasethy [at] gmail [dot] com
7 Dr. (Mrs) Elizabeth Gangmei Associate Professor 7749843009
elizabethgangmei [at] gmail [dot] com
8 Dr. (Mrs) Dhanya Krishnan Associate Professor 9449771624
dkkrie [at] gmail [dot] com
9 Mr. Brundaban Bhoi T.G.T.(Physical Education) 9040365778
Department of Education in Science and Mathematics (DESM)
10 Prof. S. K. Dash Professor of Physics 8895478337
skdash59 [at] yahoo [dot] com
11 Prof. (Mrs) Manasi Goswami Professor and DESM, Head
of Student Council Advisor
manasigoswami1 [at] yahoo [dot] com
12 Prof. Ch. A. Ramulu Professor chiamala [dot] ramulu [at] gmail [dot] com
13 Prof. (Mrs) Dhanalaxmi Dash Professor dhanalaxmi [dot] dashh [at] gmail [dot] com
14 Mr. A. K. Saha Assistant Professor 9583663934
saha [dot] ganit [at] gmail [dot] com
15 Dr. S. Kapoor Assistant Professor, I/C 9658236692, 9438309872
saurabh09 [dot] iitr [at] gmail [dot] com,
saurabh09 [dot] ncert [at] gmail [dot] com
16 Mr. Tanmoy Karunamoy Laboratory Assistant in Physics 9438504096
tanmoykarunamoy869 [at] gmail [dot] com
17 Dr. Sanjeeb Kumar Das Lab. Assistant in Botany 9437194035
Sanjeebdas75 [at] yahoo [dot] com,
dassanjeebbotany [at] gmail [dot] com,
dassanjeebbotany75 [at] gmail [dot] com
18 Mr. Dharani Dhar Khandai Lab Assistant ddkhandai [at] rediffmail [dot] com
19 Mr. Chittaranjan Mohapatra Lab Assistant cum Store Keeper 9438500321
crmohapatra31 [at] gmail [dot] com
20 Mr. Prabhat Kumar Ekka Carpenter 9439864699
21 Mr. Sandip Sekhar Pattanayak M.T.S. 9439941411, 8249854961
sandipsekhar82 [at] gmail [dot] com
Department of Education in Social Science and Humanities (DESSH)
22 Prof. (Mrs) Sandhya
Rani Sahoo
HOD and Professor,
Dean of Instructions
sandhya_60 [at] yahoo [dot] com
23 Dr. Debabrata Bagui Assistant Professor in English 9432201884
dtbagui [at] gmail [dot] com
24 Mr. Saheb Singh M.T.S. 9938169715
25 Prof. (Mrs) Ritanjali Dash HOD and Professor 9776045245
ritadash63 [at] gmail [dot] com
26 Dr. Kalinga Ketaki Assistant Professor 9090250027
drkalingaketakijnu [at] yahoo [dot] co [dot] in
Department of Education Extension (DEE)
27 Prof. (Mrs) Ritanjali Dash HOD and Professor 9776045245
ritadash63 [at] gmail [dot] com
28 Mr. Manoja Kumar Behera Assistant Programme Coordinator 0674-2541409
mkbehera [at] riebbs [dot] ac [dot] in
29 Mr. Rabindra Kumar Behera M.T.S. 8895882565
behera [dot] rabindra26 [at] gmail [dot] com

Sections Contacts

SNo. Name Designation Contact Details
Academic Section
1 Mr. A. K. Saha Assistant Professor 9583663934
saha [dot] ganit [at] gmail [dot] com
2 Prof. Laxmidhar Behera Professor behera17 [at] yahoo [dot] co [dot] in
3 Mr. Nirakar Nayak U.D.C. 9437255883, 9090184347
nirakarnayak17 [at] gmail [dot] com
4 Dr. (Mrs) Elizabeth Gangmei Associate Professor 7749843009
elizabethgangmei [at] gmail [dot] com
5 Mr. Manoja Kumar Behera Assistant Programme
mkbehera [at] riebbs [dot] ac [dot] in
6 Mr. Manoja Kumar Mohapatra L.D.Clerk manojrie [at] gmail [dot] com
Accounts Section
7 Mr. Shrikumar Tripathy Senior Accountant 9438836676
tripathyshrikumar [at] gmail [dot] com
8 Mr. Manoj Kumar Sahoo Cashier 9439101653
manojpupa2010 [at] gmail [dot] com
9 Mr. Deepak Rath L.D.C 9861003888
depurath2004 [at] yahoo [dot] co [dot] in
10 Mr. Rama chandra Hansdah Junior Accountant 9438305687
handsome_ram [at] rediffmail [dot] com
11 Mr. Iswar Nayak M.T.S. 9040323671
Establishment Section
12 Mr. P.K.Rai Section Officer pkrai1971 [at] gmail [dot] com
13 Dr. Raktima Bhanja U.D.C. r [dot] bhanja65 [at] gmail [dot] com
14 Mr. Saroj Kumar Jena L.D.C 9777375116
Saroj [dot] jena06 [at] gmail [dot] com
15 Mr. Sahadev Dharua Assistant sahadevdharua [at] gmail [dot] com
C&W Section
16 Mr. Susanta Kumar Rout Section Officer 7873505862
susantarasmita1978 [at] gmail [dot] com
17 Mr. D. Subash M.T.S. 9178129260
18 Mr. Jaypal Soren U.D.C. 8895081125
jaypalsoren [at] gmail [dot] com
19 Mr. Sadasiba Naik M.T.S. 9938228757
20 Mr. A.K.Baliarsingh Security Supervisor 9437311372
Ashokkumar [dot] Baliarsingh [at] gmail [dot] com
21 Mrs. Priyadarshini Sethy U.D.C. 7008259221
priya-jhuni [at] yahoo [dot] co [dot] in
22 Mr. Karunakara Naik M.T.S 9348061113
kkmaste [at] gmail [dot] com
23 Mr. Ramesh Chandra Naik M.T.S. 9938853520
General Stores
24 Mr. Pradeep Kumar Behera ASO(Assistant Store Officer) 9438018610
Principal Office
25 Mr. Manoja Kumar Behera Assistant Programme
mkbehera [at] riebbs [dot] ac [dot] in
26 Mr. Aditya Narayan Singh M.T.S. 9777986475
adityasinghrie [at] gmail [dot] com

Library Team

SNo. Name Designation Contact Info Sections/Division
1 Dr.(Mrs)Pushap Lata Negi Librarian Mob.-9937661192
E-mail: negipusaplata [at] gmail [dot] com
Overall Supervision
2 Mr. Jalandhar Jena Sr. Library Attendant Mob.-8018052253/8917566806
E-mail: jalandarjena2 [at] gmail [dot] com
Arrangements of Newspapers &
Magazines, shelving & rectification,
and binding etc.
3 Mr. Pratap Chandra Nayak M.T.S Mob.-8658193131 Arrangements of Newspapers &
Magazines, shelving & rectification,
and binding etc.
4 Mr. Sandip Sekhar Pattanayak M.T.S Mob.-9439941411/8249854961
E-mail: sandipsekhar82 [at] gmail [dot] com
Arrangements of Newspapers &
Magazines, shelving & rectification,
and binding etc.
5 Mr. Top Kumar Patel Professional Assistant (Cont) Mob.- 9556322767
E-mail: topkumarpaetl729 [at] gmail [dot] com
Acquisition, technical processing,
circulation, and serial control.
6 Mrs. Hemanti Mahali Professional Assistant (Cont) E-mail: hemantimahali21 [at] gmail [dot] com Acquisition, technical processing,
circulation, and serial control.
7 Mr. Pritam Kumar Pati Professional Assistant (Cont) Mob.-7381233627
E-mail: pritampati25 [at] gmail [dot] com

Acquisition, technical processing,
circulation, and serial control.

8 Ms. Subhasmita Behera LDC (Cont) E-mail: sini1992 [dot] smita [at] gmail [dot] com Arrangements of Newspapers &
Magazines, shelving & rectification,
and binding etc.
9 Mr. Chinmaya Kumar Nayak MTS (Cont) Mob.-7978382458/9583104414
E-mail: chinmayakumarnayak16 [at] gmail [dot] com
Arrangements of Newspapers &
Magazines, shelving & rectification,
and binding etc.
10 Mr. Hemanta  Parida MTS (Cont) Mob.-6371755806/7381251904
E-mail: paridaheman1993 [at] gmail [dot] com
Arrangements of Newspapers &
Magazines, shelving & rectification,
and binding etc.
11 Mr. Bholanath Nayak MTS (Cont) Mob.-8637284677
E-mail: bholanathnayak147359 [at] gmail [dot] com
Arrangements of Newspapers &
Magazines, shelving & rectification,
and binding etc.

Hostel Contacts

SNo. Hostel Warden Contact Details
1 Ashutosh Hostel (For Ladies) Dr. (Mrs.) Elizabeth Gangmei
Dr.(Mrs.) P.L. Negi
2 Homi Bhabha Hostel (For Boys) Mr. Arup Kumar Saha
Dr. S. Kapoor
3 Gopabandhu Hostel (For Ladies) Dr. (Mrs.) Dhanya Krishnan
Dr. (Mrs.) Gowramma I.P.
4 Ramanujan Hostel (For Ladies) Dr. (Mrs.) Rasmi Rekha Sethy
Dr. (Ms.) Shampa Das
5 Sarojini Hostel (Guest House) Dr. Laxmidhar Behera 0674-2541568

Anti-Ragging Squad

SNO. Designation Name of the Anti Ragging
Squad Member
Contact No.
1 Chairperson Prof. S.R. Sahoo,
Dean of instructions
2 StudentsCouncil Prof Ritanjali Dash, Advisor 9776045145
3 StudentsCouncil Dr R.R Sethi, Jt Advisor 8763666527
4 StudentsCouncil Dr Kalinga Ketaki, Jt Advisor 9090250027
5 StudentsCouncil Dr S.Kapoor, Jt Advisor 9658236692
6 Convenor Prof Laxmidhar, Behera,
I/c Academic Section
7 Convenor Mr A.K. Saha,
I/c Academic Section
8 Chief Warden Prof. S.K Dash, 8895478337
9 Head, DESM Prof. A.K. Mohapatra, 9583201794
10 Head, DESSH Prof Ritanjali Dash 9776045145
11 Head, DE Prof. Gowramma I.P 8895226342
12 Warden Homi Bhabha Dr Kumar Parag 9988600485
13 Warden Homi Bhabha Dr S.Kapoor 9658236692
14 Warden Ramanujan Hostel Dr R.R Sethi, 9937374457
15 Warden Ramanujan Hostel Ms shampa Das 8763666527
16 Warden Gopabandhu Hostel Prof. Gowramma I.P 8895226342
17 Warden Gopabandhu Hostel Dr Dhanya Krishnan 9449771624
18 Warden Sarojini Hostel Prof Laxmidhar, Behera 9437764137
19 Warden Ashutosh Hostel Dr D.E Gangmei 9438673622
20 Warden Ashutosh Hostel Dr P.L. Negi 9937661192
21 - Dr. Debabrat Bagui 9432201884
22 Security Supervisor Mr Ashok Kumar Baliarsingh 9437311372

Head Office

Sachivalaya Marg
Park) Bhubaneswar-
751022 (Odisha)

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