Proposal Form For Poultry Insurance Policy

Company Name(s): 

The New India Assurance Company Limited
Head Office: 87, M G Road, Fort, Mumbai-400001


1. Name and address of the Poultry Farm: ________________________________

2. Name and address of the Bank: _______________________________________

3. Name and address of the owner/s: _______________________________________


4. Date of filing of proposal form: ___________________________________________

5. Type of Birds: Broilers/Layers/ Hatchery
Description of the Birds to be insured
Unit Date of Hatch of birds Date of
Purchase No of birds purchased as per delivery challan
Total no of birds in the unit at proposal Breed strain Age in weeks at proposal Source of purchase Expected date of disposal

6. What is the system of Housing of the Birds?
i. In brooding House Deep Litter/cage system
ii. In grower House Deep Litter/cage system
iii. In layer House Deep Litter/cage system

7. Equipments:
i. No of feeders: ______________
ii. No of Drinkers: ______________
iii. No of Brooders: _____________

8. Is a qualified Vet. Surgeon employed to look after the farm:
9. If yes, please give his:
1. Name: ________________________________________________

2. Qualification: ___________________________________________

3. Regd. No. ______________________________________________

4. Is he residing at the farm 24 hours

10. If qualified Vet. Not employed then on
whose services you depend upon: ______________________________

11. Details of other Technical persons residing at the farm premises
Name: ___________________________

Qualification: ______________________

Job Description: ______________________

12. Are the diagnostic equipment/agents maintained at the farm: ____________________

13. Do you stock essential medicines at the farm: _________________________________

14. Do you manufacture your own feed or get it from the market: _____________________

15. Is the owner/partner/associate experienced in poultry farming
Or have undergone any training: ____________________________________________

16. Details of vaccination conducted during last six months:
Unit No Date of vaccination Age of birds Disease against which vaccinated vaccination Trade No Name of vaccine Batch No Vaccination done

17. Details of debreaking Unit No. Date of debreaking

18. Details of deworming Unit No. Date of deworming

19. Has there been any epidemic outbreak during last
3 years? If so, give details: ________________________________________________

20. Do you maintain the following records?
a) Flock record on day to day basis: _____________________________

b) Mortality record: __________________________________________

c) Culling: _________________________________________________

d) Vaccination and medication particulars: ___________________________

e) Feed consumption: ___________________________________________

f) Production: _________________________________________________

g) Debreaking: _________________________________________________

h) Incidence of diseases: __________________________________________

i) Purchase and sales: ___________________________________________

21. Since when the farm is established? _______________________________________
22. Have you earlier at any time proposed
your birds for insurance? If so, give name
and address of the Company: _____________________________________________
23. Has any Company:
1. Declined to issue a policy to you? ________________________________________
2. Declined to continue insurance? _________________________________________
3. Not invited renewal of policy? ___________________________________________
24. Period of Insurance for the present proposal:
From _________________________ to ____________________________________

I agree to declare daily mortality details on weekly basis to the company.
I/We declare that the foregoing statements are true to the best of my/our knowledge and belief, that I/We have disclosed all particulars affecting the assessment of the risk. I/We agree that this proposal and declaration shall be the basis of contract between me/us and the company.

Date: ___________ _________________________________

Place: ___________ Signature of the Proposer