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Long delay in lock set replacement and irresponsible behaviour

I was informed on 29th feb that the lock set has arrived the workshop and I can get it replaced anyday. Accordingly I took my vehicle there again on 3rd march, initially I was told that it will take just couple of hours to replace the lock set. However, it was not done by late evening as some coding was to be done. Next day I was told that it will take 1-2 days for repairs. Akhilesh Tiwari, works manager also committed on 5th march that it will take maximum 24 hrs. I waited but now today after 6 days I am being told that the new lock set which was replaced has gone defective and it requires a new set now. Hence I again have to wait for couple of more days. Moreover, I never got a single call about the status of my car, they just responded to my call as it being delayed because of me. This is very pathetic and unexpected with such huge brand i.e. Mahindra & Mahindra. The concerned authority/ officials should look into the matter seriously. The matter is regarding my Scorpio UP 81BJ 5413 pending for repairs with Amit motors pvt Ltd.

Poor car quality. Part not available since last 6 months

I have purchased this XUV300 in September 2022 and only after 2 months, there was a noise started coming from it. They repaired something in second service and corrected the things. But after a few weeks it started again the same annoying noise heavily. They changed the link rod. But problem returned back after 2 months of part changed. Since then no body is listening, Just assuring that the required is coming in few days.

Its been almost 6 months but no resolution given to me. Even nobody is to response at least.

Is this the way a new car purchaser should suffer, dealing with Mahindra.

The required part is not available since last 6 months. Why would a customer opt for extended warranty? Everytime workshop managers confirm that wait for while part will be arranged in a few days but it always proved to be fake commitments only.

Who will be liable if I face any subsequent losses or damage because of the poor car quality?

Again awaiting a response.

Vehicle Repair Undue Delay


The said vehicle is going back and forth at Caravel Motors , Vadodara ( Authorised Dealer Mahindra & Mahindra - Sales and After Sales Service ) for the past THREE MONTHS .I have spent Rs 61000/- towards the repair of the vehicle already during this time but the status quo is same and once again the dealership is asking another Rs 31000/- .The following issues are OPEN for the past THREE MONTHS

1. Humming noise in the driver cabinet

2. Seats making continuous sound and vibrates

3. Jumpers are still not effective and the undulances make the drive very frustrating

4. Balancing is again back to what it was and the vehicle gets dragged to left side . The steering wheel starts wobbling when the vehicle is running at 100Km or more.

5. The display on the dashboard flickers and while the vehicle is running the radio station gets changed automatically and also the display dooms

6. Side mirrors Right and Left sides not working in AUTO mode .

7. Please update the records in your database to change the ownership of the vehicle to self ( Mehul Shah - The RC Copy is provided to Shivam Rana earlier ).

I would request a senior leader at Mahindra to look into this and help me to get the vehicle repaired without any further delay and expenses.

Mehul Shah

Harrashment by astro India automobiles Pvt. Ltd.

I have purchased a new load carrier ( Mahindra jeeto plus) from ASTRO INDIA AUTOMOBILES PVT. LTD. AT KATHUA BRANCH. firstly, Mr. Vishal and Mr. Surender told me the wrong price of the load carrier and after that I booked the load carrier and complete the bank finance formalities with full payment to company. And after 2-3 days they tell me you must paid 16000 more ,when I ask why? They told me , by mistake I have told you wrong price. I paid rs. 16000 more.
After some days when I know that my Fastag link with another vehicle number, I asked to Mr. Surender why this is happened, they didn't give me satisfactory answer . Now when I call they reject my call.
So I requested to you please look into this matter . My vehicle number is JK08N 2869 . I hope you will understand my problem and solve my problem as soon as possible

Complaint regarding excessive wait time- rear glass replacement

I am writing to express my dissatisfaction with the service provided at one of your authorized service stations for my Mahindra vehicle. After an accident of my new Mahindra Scorpio N, I visited the Vadodara Carawel service Station to replace the rear glass. However, I was informed that the process would take approximately 20 days, which I find unacceptably long.

I kindly request your intervention to expedite the rear glass replacement process for my vehicle. I understand that delays may occur, but I believe that 20 days is an unreasonably long time for such a repair. I hope you can take immediate action to resolve this matter promptly.





महेन्द्रा स्कार्पियो S5 मे समस्या

सर,मै जयप्रकाश उईके मेरा गाड़ी नम्बर  CG29 AD8670 महेन्द्रा स्कार्पियो है।जो  दिनांक 4-08-2022 को चलते में पिछला सस्पेंशन टूटकर नीचे  आ गया और गाड़ी वहीं खड़ा कर दिया गया ।महेन्द्रा काल सेंटर में काल किया तो उन्होंने  RSA के द्वारा गाड़ी सर्विस सेन्टर अम्बिकापुर ले जाया गया ।दुसरे दिन 12 बजे तक कोई जानकारी नहीं मिलने पर मैने महेन्द्रा काल सेंटर में काल करके गाड़ी पता किया  तो वहां का संपर्क नंबर पता चला ।और जब हमने दिनांक 6-08-2022. को स्टार आटोमोबाइल्स सर्विस सेन्टर अजिरमा अम्बिकापुर गया तो वहां के मैनेजर ने हमारे सांथ दुर्व्यवहार पूर्वक बात करते हुए कहा कि आपने हमारे  उपर कम्पलेन किया है।और गाड़ी खरीद लिए हो तो यहां का सब कुछ खरीद लिए हो।एक अन्य ने आकर कहा कि यहि कस्टमर केयर मे काल किये थे तो आप का गाड़ी बन गया होगा। हमने सर्विस क्लेम के लिए बोला तो उन्होंने कहा यहां सिर्फ एन्सुरेंस क्लेम होता है ।और एन्सुरेंस क्लेम करवाया गया और एन्सुरेंस वाले ईनवेस्टिगेसन के बाद क्लेम देने से मना कर दिया चुंकि गाड़ी दुर्घटनाग्रस्त नहीं हुआ है ऐसा कहा ।जबकि हमनें बताया गाड़ी रोड मे चलते हुए खराब हुई है ।किसी भी प्रकार का कोई एक्सीडेंट नहीं हुआ है ।और अब  90हजार  रुपये देकर गाड़ी ले जाओ अन्यथा और चार्ज लगेगा ऐसा कहा जा रहा है ।| सर हमारी गाड़ी वारंटी मे है।और 1 साल भी नहीं हुई है। और ऐसा व्यवहार आपके सर्विस सेन्टर किया जाता है ।सर हमारी गाड़ी बनवाकर देने की दयाकरे। अब हम फोरम में जाने को मजबूर हैं ।


Dear Mahindra
November 2021 I bought a Mahindra Bolero B6 car from DP Automobiles Maharajganj. The servicing center of DP Automobiles is in Gorakhpur. After taking the car, whenever I come for servicing, I never go away satisfied. My heart is very sad due to such disorder happens

PK Singh (Gorakhpur)
President Awarded Senior Journalist
Changemaker Government of India

Very bad service

मेरा नाम विनय कुमार त्रिपाठी है।मैने 4 महीने पहले स्कार्पियो खरीदी जिसका न:up53ef7009है।जब से मैने गाङी ली तब से गाङी के दरवाजे और छत से आवाज आ रही है।पर कई बार कमप्लेन करने के बाद भी d.p auto बरगदवा गोरखपुर से ये कह कर टाल दिया जाता है कि मेरे यहा मिस्त्री नही हैऔर बार बार चेक करने के लिए पैसा भी लिया जाता है पर मेरी समस्या का 4 महीने से कोई निस्तारण नही हुआ।मै क्या करू।

Cervice senter not satisfied

16/05/2022 ko unnathi Mahindra nagpur me xuv500 MH31EA2404 cervice senter me diya tha normal cervice ke liye aj bhi car nahi mila kya itana khrab Mahindra ka cervice aur advoiger log to pure risvat khor hai

लापरवाही पूर्वक और असंतोषजनक रिपेयर

आदरणीय सर/मैडम
दुर्भाग्यवश 28/11/2021 मेरी xuv300 UP52BJ0440 दुर्घटना ग्रस्त हो गई। उसके बाद मैं गाड़ी को आपके वैधानिक सर्विस सेंटर दीप आटोमोबाइल जिला- देवरिया उत्तर प्रदेश पर ले गया और वहां सर्विस एडवाइजर विनय कुशवाहा जी के बताए अनुसार आवश्यक स्पेयर रिप्लेस, मरम्मत, किमत आदि को बिना किसी मोलभाव और विश्वास के साथ स्वीकार कर लिया और उनसे गाड़ी को पुनः उसकी आदर्श स्थिति में लाने की प्रार्थना की जिसको विनय जी ने अति विश्वास के साथ स्वीकार किया और कहा कि बिल्कुल निश्चिन्त रहें आप कंपनी के सर्विस सेंटर में हैं। उसके 33 दिन बाद जब गाड़ी मिलती है तो उसके कुछ पार्ट से अनावश्यक कंपन की स्थिति में आवाज सुनाई देती है
जिसको पुनः भुगतान कर बदला जाता है... लेकिन फिर भी गाड़ी के कुछ दुसरे अन्य पार्ट भी देखने पर उनमें भी टुट फुट मिला है जैसे उसके साथ अनावश्यक छेड़ छाड़ किया गया है और गाड़ी की स्थिति संदिग्ध और संदेहास्पद हो जाती है ....नये फेंडर, बम्पर, बोनट की फिटिंग में भी अति विषमता है जैसे मरम्मत कार्य किसी अनाड़ी व्यक्ति द्वारा किया गया हो।
इस विषय में अब विनय जी से बात करने पर उनकी भाषा में परिवर्तन मिलता है कि .....रिपेयर ऐसे ही होता है और इसके लिए मकैनिक जिम्मेदार है।.... मकैनिक से बात करने पर वो बोलते हैं कि हमें जितना कहा जाता है उतना ही काम करते हैं...
आखिर इसके प्रति जवाबदेही किसकी है क्योंकि मैंने एक-एक पुर्जे का नगद भुगतान इस भरोसे से किया है कि मेरी गाड़ी फिर से अपनी आदर्श स्थिति में आ जाये।
अतः आपसे विनम्र निवेदन है कि इस समस्या का उचित निराकरण करें
ताकि भविष्य में भी आपके विक्रय, सेवा शर्तों के प्रति विश्वास बना रहे।
आपका विश्वस्नीय उपभोक्ता

दुनिया मे सब करना लेकिन

दुनिया मे सब करना लेकिन महिंद्रा की गाड़ी कभी मत लेना सबसे बेकार सर्विस है महिंद्रा स्टार ऑटो अम्बिकापुर सरगुजा chattishghar 497001 मैंने एक महिंद्रा बोलेरो कैंपर zx gold लिया है ऐसा लगता है कबाड़ से लाया गया गाड़ी है सिर्फ 10 दिन में ही।।

Bikaner motor pvt ltd Delear complain

Bikaner motor pvt ltd Delear and Area manager both not give reply and cut phone call Delear make worng bill
11months complaints but mahindra customers care not give reply and cut phone call Delear make worng bill and take extra payment vehicle number RJ50UA0529

Area manager gives answer humans error too make worng bill and take extra payment vehicle

Mahindra company responsible for how make worng bill and take extra payment vehicle

Mahindra company please check my compliant id CF2102657842 why close without any answer

I have given my XUV-300 white

I have given my XUV-300 white registration number DL7C R 8478 purchased November 2020 for accidental claim around 6 months back at Sri Durga Automobiles, Moti nagar firstly the car was repaired in a months time due to non availability of some parts.

After a few months problems started with my car coolant disappeared from the car and there was no sign of leakage. So i visited the service center Shiva Mahindra Site IV Sahibabad and told the problem to the service advisor he assured me that the problem would be taken care of but after proper checking and gauge testing they were not able to find any fault in the car and were not even able to identify why suddenly Coolant disappeared from the tank and they were also not able to find any leakage in the coolant bottle or at any other point. So they just topped up the coolant and the car was handed over to me without rectifying the problem. Now around 3-4 days back the same problem arised again Coolant disappeared and the car was getting heated like anything, i was not even able to drive it for 2-3 kms even after putting coolant in the car. So i called the service advisor for car pick up and they towed my car on 8th Nov.

Apart from this there has been mileage problem from the first day when i purchased the car is only giving 10-11 km per litre even on highways. Every time when i have gone for service of the car i have asked the service advisor to do something about this but i have been given fake assurances only.

Also the rear view camera has been not working and showing error since 6-7 months i have asked many times to get it replaced but due to non availability of the same that has not been changed and even after notifying it i havent received any communication regarding the same.

My personal experience with this car has been nothing less than a nightmare. After paying such a high price for the car the expectations were high but i have been hugely disappointed. So i am asking you to keep the car with you only and refund my money.

Best Regards

Aakash Upadhyaya


I am using KUV 100 (DIESEL) since February 2017, but today I had a horrific experience, all of sudden my car came to a halt when I was climbing steep gradient and ignition did not work. I could not restart my car and even my breaking system starting giving way. There were number of cars before me and behind also honking their horns and shouting at me, but, I was helpless. Somehow, few taxi drivers came to help me out. They helped me get the vehicle to safe side so that traffics could smoothly flow. I was fortunate that nothing unfortunate not happened. I had to leave my car by the roadside and hire taxi for my home. I had got the service done just two months back at Mahindra Service Station, Hatwas, Tehsil Nagrota Bagwan, District Kangra, Himachal Pradesh. I am not satisfied with the service and the vehicle as it is giving me trouble now and then. I am office goer and travel 30 KM to and fro everyday.


I am using KUV 100 (DIESEL) since February 2017, but today I had a horrific experience

[Worst First Car Experience] Extreme delay in XUV300 delivery

Pasting the contents from earlier sent email, in a seemingly futile attempt to get the attention of the customer service department of Mahindra:

I chose my first ever car to be XUV300 and booked the vehicle (W6 Petrol AMT with Sunroof) on 7th February with Shiv AutoWings showroom located in Chinchwad, Pune.

It has been close to 5 months now when I write this mail to you. I am now told that I should expect my vehicle to be delivered by 30 August, which is another 2 months of wait.
I was promised delivery within 45 days.
On top of the wait, I now find that the price of the vehicle that I had booked earlier has gone up by 70-80K, so my patience has been rewarded with you charging me 80K more, How is this justified?

If you really care about customer service, you should rather provide compensation for the delay. I have experienced extremely poor service from Mahindra.

Btw, this is my second time writing on one of your forums, I would like to believe that you still have honesty and will to serve the customers and my appeals are not falling on deaf ears.
My previous unheard complaint ID is 2890821.

I would very much like compensation rather than punishment for my patience.



Dear Sir/Madam,

I bought the vehicle... supporting Indian Brand. I see that the service is very poor. The Mahindra Service station and Mahindra Company are not in sync., Whenever I complaint in the customer care, they say that they will get back.,but never bother to address to Customer complaint.
When asked with Service station manager, they ask to talk to Mahindra. So buying Mahindra vehicle never ever do this mistake in life.
My vehicle is having problem since about a month, till now they are not able to assure when it will be repaired. This is pathetic state, and very very bad.
And even I wrote email mahindra [dot] anand [at] mahindra [dot] com, even he never responds when there is a issue. Only for appreciations and any public events they will respond, but least bothered about customers who have bought the vehicle.
Earlier I had hyundai, the service was amazing and used to be deterministic and they do have definite amount of time. But here it shows laziness in the service and same incompentency in handling the problems.

Hope my car is rectified sooner... and they do not cheat their customers....


Book the vehicle but don't expect the delivery

Booked bolero B6(O) vehicle on December till date delivery status unknown. The sales team is not capable in terms of delivery of the vehicle. Their mentioned timeline fails or they will answer billing is not done will do and update. Or else they will say vehicle is in high demand so from the company end supply of the vehicle is only 2 upon 20 customers

Regarding New Thar's test drive

I'm trying to get a new Thar's test drive but unfortunately did not get its test drive (my area Pin code: 506004). Every time my nearest dealership guy is refusing. The day before yesterday, I also registered a complaint (Complaint No. CF2101913376). But still no response. Please resolve this issue asap.

Very bad service getting in Mahindra after sales team

I was using kuv100 , unfortunately my front windshield glass brocken,I was ordered parts and advance payment also done in Kerala dealership Name : Intrepid Works Pvt Ltd
Meridian Moto Mahindra
Branch : Alappuzha,I continusully follow up their service advisor and manager also till date I am not getting any proper update and reply from the dealership side, like this service getting nobody purchase Mahindra vehicle, very bad and poverty after sales service,I am not recommend any one buy Mahindra vehicle, I am vehicle using 2 year 11 months my vehicle 4 door very deeply corrosion happened, please improve the product quality also,I have using 10 year's maruti waganor that's vehicle till date any corrections not happen.

Cheating by your agency

I bought my Scorpio S3 UP78FV5337 in June 2019.I have full damage insurance.After sometimes I have an accident near Kanpur when I return my home then I complain to agency and leave my vehicle in bundelkhand automobile mahoba after sometimes on 13 november 2020 I went to agency to taking my vehicle then I have missing my jack. After sometimes my vehicle created problem in their engine and I have complain to Mr sarad the service manager bundelkhand automobile mahoba he sent me to their hamirpur branch on 3december when the machenic saw the engine he told me your fuel injector are damage and fuel filter is very bad and engine have very low coolant than I complain but nobody help me

Very bad service getting in Mahindra after sales team

I was using kuv100 , unfortunately my front windshield glass brocken,I was ordered parts and advance payment also done in Kerala dealership Name : Intrepid Works Pvt Ltd
Meridian Moto Mahindra
Branch : Alappuzha,I continusully follow up their service advisor and manager also till date I am not getting any proper update and reply from the dealership side, like this service getting nobody purchase Mahindra vehicle, very bad and poverty after sales service,I am not recommend any buy Mahindra vehicle

New car booked

I am in the process of purchasing a vehicle from a Mahindra showroom M M VORA, VADODRA GUJARAT

I have already paid the booking amount of 1 lac rupees August 2020,
Now we are feeling, why we Booked XUV500,

Worst Mahindra service center" INDIA GARAGE" Located in Chennai

Dear all,  
My name is M Purushothaman from Thiruvallur district( Chennai) in Tamilnadu. I am writing this mail with so much disappointment on Mahindra service center located in Poonamallee Well I am not sure if this is the right platform to share my grievances.
I had purchased a Mahindra XUV-W7 2017. It was my dream car. Vehicle Number : TN 20 CQ 1924
Name of the Garage : “INDIA GARAGE”
Address : By Pass road Poonamalle ,Chennai- 600056, Tamilnadu 

On 02'November 2019 , Unfortunately I met with an accident in Poonamallee when returning home from office.By God grace I survived with small injuries and I handed over the car near the service center for repair. My Car insurance expired which I had not I preferred to go to pay and repair my car with the service center.Service center provided the estimation of 3 lakhs for repairing the Car which I confirmed with them the parts which are going to be repaired and replaced.Paid advance of rupees Eighty thousand in the same month November'2019 to start the repairing. 

After two months (Feb'2020) I had call from service center to pick the car which was repaired and ready to take.During that time i was not having sufficient money to pay the balance amount to take the car, which was explained to service center the same. However the pandemic situation made even the situation very bad for me to pay the balance it was delayed few more months to take the car from the garage.On July'2020 service center representative reached me to take the car from the Garage since it was staying there for couple months.I promised to take in Aug'2020 where i was discussed with to give some discount on the estimated value which they given in November'2019.Service center people agreed the same and asked me to pay 2.9 lakhs to take the car from the garage.Based on the mutual agreement I paid 1 lakh rupees in same July'2020 to service center which the overall amount paid is 1.8 lakhs. 

On 20'Aug 2020 I went to pay the balance amount of 1.1 lakhs to take the car from the garage (already paid amount 1.8 lakhs), but the service center asked me to pay an additional forty thousand rupees to replace the Chassis part. I was surprised that they are calling frequently to take a car which was ready in Feb'2020 then how come this chassis part was not repaired and additional forty thousand rupees need to be paid. Discussed with the service center representative to understand this situation and he started to tell a lot of lies which I felt very awkward with.However I was paid forty thousand rupees to take my car from the Garage. On21'Aug 2020 i took my car from the garage and i was very disappointed with the way my car was handled during that period.When I started to check the parts which were repaired and realized that i was cheated by the service center. Whatever they estimated as replaced that are duplicate and old parts. 

Below are the problems observed in the car:
- Car Bonnet has lot of scratches ,Dent marks , Yellow faded and white color was not matching with the Car real color
- Engine bonnet pad was replaced with old part- Engine bold and screws are old which are rusted badly
- Car Bumper was not the same as XUV500 W7 series( Duplicate parts are installed) and service center rep told me that he can take it from some other car and replace it if available.
- Side mirror was changed with old parts and has lot of scratches and damages
- Right side mirror was changed with old part and observed with lot of scratches
-  Right side window glass was changed with old part
- Lot of locations are observed with yellow patches and having color difference
- Lot of paint peel and Wrinkles observed top of the body- Paint peel off in all the Car doors
- Hand brake was replaced with old parts which is very bad and not fixed properly
- Center mirror sensor plastic enclosure was broken
- Back seat adjuster was not fixed with screws which is lying in car floor
- Too much noise inside the car while driving from the Engine and doors
- Lot of electrical issue inside the car where the lights are not glowing

Moreover the parts which are replaced with new parts are not handed over to me when i checked with the service center they are not properly responding. The above is my very worst experience with Mahindra service center which i was extremely disturbed mentally and physically.But now I am done and Mahindra needs to intervene here. If I am not able to get the proper justice then I think now I have to put the vehicle at your service center and have to go for legal opinion.

Rajendra moters itawah poor servise

सर मैने अपनी एक्सयूवी300 राजेन्द्र मोटर्स सर्विस सेंटर इटावा में क्लेम में दी थी 2 महीने तक गाड़ी बना के नहीं दी गई और जब मिली तो बंफर डीआरएल लाइट और क्लेम के अपोजिट साइड की हेड लैंप में पानी जा रहा था मेरे आब्जेक्शन करने पे मुझे कोई उचित रिस्पॉन्स ना मिला ना ही मेरी गाड़ी की कमियों को ठीक किया गया मजबूरीवश मुझे गाड़ी उठानी पड़ी उसके लिए मुझसे 7000 रुपए भी लिए गए इसकी शिकायत मैने महिंद्रा के टोल फ्री नंबर पे की वहां से भी कोई उचित रिस्पॉन्स ना मिला।
सर आपसे विनती है कानपुर के पते पर रजिस्टर्ड मेरी गाड़ी को दोबारा से कानपुर में किसी अच्छे सर्विस सेंटर पे बनवाने की कृपा करे।
अभिषेक राजपूत
व्हाइकिल न. यूपी 78 GA 7964

Mahindra doesn't care for your vehicle once sold

Once you buy a vehicle from Mahindra, it becomes your duty to find spare otherwise they will take more than a month to get very simple spares.. so rather stay away from Mahindra

Registration card (RC) not yet received

I have purchased XUV 3OO from somya motors indore on 16 january 2020. after almost 60 days the RC have not yet been received. You are requested to do something. After sell of car the showroom not responding my any query. If Mahindra actually care for customers then do some commendable thing for my complaint. Thanks

Complaint for poor Sevice for Scorpio

I am Datta Aralkar ,one of the customer of mahindra. I purchased Scorpio S5 on August 2019 , but after purchasing within the 5 month I am getting problem in its bracking system. When Car crosses the speed of 60 kmph and when I press the brack then it's not working properly and getting sounds inside the car. I am reporting this issue to sevice center from last two months. They are not able to found the exact issue with the brack system. Really it's disgusting for me, it's been from 2 month we are giving the car for service centre they could not find what's the problem in car, often their will be some kind of sounds when we cross the speed of 60,its not good enough for us. I am totally unsatisfied. Not so worth. I am feeling why I purchased this car.
How many times to give the car for service???
No proper customer service
Really it's not fair for your company.
This is not really good.

We believed a lot in mahindra
Now we are feeling, why we purchased it.

I want someone to clear my problems and give a solution.

Aralkar Datta

Service Problem in New Car

Dear Sir,

Well I am not sure if this is the right platform to share my grievances. I had purchased Mahindra XUV-W7 in July 2019. It was my dream car.

For salaried person , its always an dream to purchase the dream car, and I had done that by doing all efforts.

But within 06 months I realize that , XUV 500 is worst car ever which I have purchase, because if you will go through my invoices , in every servicing I am paying amount for this or that replacement. But no one has helped in getting or for the replacement of vehicle.

Yes , about the replacement of vehicle, because the parts are getting damaged within 06 months, and from service center I am not getting the support to get the replacement of vehicle.

Now, why the replacement of vehicles is require,
1. Within six month jumpers get damage
2. Within 06 month parts are getting damaged
3. Within 06 month 03 times battery get damaged.
4. Lots of sounds use to cum from inside and outside of the vehicle. ( Vibration of the Parts )
5. Company is using very cheap quality of parts to cut the costs.

We really donot know which service center to trust for proper, faithful and truthful services. Every service center is having targets and in the race of achieving those targets the customers are cheated and they are neglected. The parts are being changed during the service. The car is received after the service with no change and when we complain they again sya some parts are damaged and they again charge for those parts. We have spent 16 lacs on the car and service centers are charging more in the name of parts replacement as they know the customers are not SMEs and they can easily fool the customers by telling them they need to replace the parts.
I am not getting that such poor, pathetic parts are given to us when we spend our hard earned money on these costly cars with depreciating values. The service centers are there just to keep on adding money in their buckets and no responsible behavior towards the customer and his car.
The history of the services and amount are mentioned below:
1st (Min) : 1000 Kms: Rs6365
2nd (Min): 5000 kms: Rs2179
3rd (Maj): 10000 kms: Rs 1170
4th (Maj): 20000 kms: Rs 6365
5th (Maj): 3000 kms: Rs 5635

From 10000km’s servicing , we informed that lots of vibration is coming inside and outside the vehicle.

As earlier I informed that I am salaried person , so it will become very difficult for me after 03 years ( warranty period ) to change the parts.

I personally believe that that it’s better to buy middle budget car by international brand rather spending big budget for Mahindra luxury products.

This is my 4th Car from Mahindra and in last year by my reference approx. 09 Marrazo was purchased .

I haven’t bought this car to just showcase it in my garage or just to fill in pockets of service centers with money. So, I have just come across a solution that take back your esteemed , supreme car and return me back my ghard earned money. I am really fed up of the car and especially the service centers. The service centers are only sugar coated loot centers who just know that how to cut customers pockets and fulfill their sale targets.

But now I am done Mahindra need to intervene here. If I am not able to get the services and replacement of car then I think now I have to put the vehicle at your service center and have to go for legal opinion.
Because after investing the money it is not possible for me to drive the “DABBA”

The case is of Mega Automobiles,
Address: mahindra, Old National Highway Number 8, Happy Nagar, Ankleshwar, Gujarat 393002

Sir, I want the replacement of Vehicle. Please do the needful

Bhiwani branch agency services is very poor do something

Sir i servies my mahindra scropio but after 10 days this message shown in my car and also this check light shown on my car... And i go your agency 3 times but they not attend me and they told me come next day. Your bhiwani branch agency services is very poor ... And for my car do something..
Thanking you....

Delay in getting parts-Almost three months-TUV

NBS Goregaon Mahindra Team

Issue in detail:-
Winder & latch issue of Middle row, rear Left door issue pending for 3 monthAlready registered in system long back. Adviser is aware of that.
Vehicle was sent to workshop on a break-down issue (Similar issue occurred within 6-7 months of purchase), on September end and all the problems were mentioned to adviser on phone & on whatsApp too. I was told, parts are not available & will be calling once available.
Even after 2-3 months time, you guys failed to provide parts. Wondering, It takes so many month to transport parts from Nashik to Mumbai. Plus No one from you gives any update on that

When checked on 20th Dec, somehow, committed that part will arrive on Tuesday. It didn't happen. but no one even had courtesy to call to say its not available.  When called, answer was, haven't received it yet. Finally, yesterday 25th, technician arrived only with one part. another part (door latch) he brought was of Front door. Said, its was a mistake by store. Spoke to adviser, he said, he will call back in evening with today's schedule. But failed to call back.

Not sure, why NBS Goregaon is providing this kind of service to customer. As if no one is bothered at all. In short, I have to reschedule my meetings on last minute, wasting my time just on follow-ups to fix the issue. Vehicle stands idle with incomplete work.

Today, i tried your number twice, it seems you are busy. 

Please let us know, whom to talk to get this fix once and for all.
Note: Its more than 1 years time, the address database, still shows, Dahisar East. No one is taking any efforts to update that to Dahisar West.
Good day

Poor Quality Parts in Luxury Car

I would like to mention all. That in premium product of Mahindra Xuv500 AT. Main technical part are very very poor quality.
My Xuv500 AT first I faced problem in their automatic system they called silver box which run all functions in automatic system got crash and replaced under warranty in six months of purchase. Then driver side door lock assembly & window motor in eight to nine months of purchase. And they give reasons like lock assembly is faulty but window motor is under electrical part so it is under wear & tear. And now my gearbox oil seal is damaged and my xuv500 is in my garage from last ten days why because they don’t have in stock. All this parts are technically fitted by company and no direct access by customer in anyway. So I believe that company is using very very cheap quality for parts to cut cost. I personally believe that that it’s better to buy middle budget car by international brand rather spending big budget for Mahindra luxury products.


Dear sir,
With much expectation I had purchased Thar 2 years back from your dealer TVs Ernakulam.after the sales when it come to service almost all the customers r having problems with dealers. U know very the service part of Tva and what forced you to terminate the contract with them. But again u people put us in more trouble as your current dealer Pothens r not having adequate infrastructure I believe to handle all your vehicle issues. I made a call yesterday for my vehicle appointment . They took all the details and told they will call me back within 10 minutes.. I waited for more than one hour and called them back, but I was totally disappointed when they told that they have the slot only after 10 days as most of the vehicles are pending for repairs. My question is if there is any emergency how we will sort out the issues... and what guarantee we have that they will do the proper service when so much vehicles are pending.

Hope you will consider my complaint in a positive manner.


Delay in getting paper work.

Good Day,
Well I am not sure if this is the right platform to share my grievances.I bought Marazzo for Taxi last year in Nov 2018 and now its sep 2019.I would like to draw the attention of respected Authority for helping me to get all the paper work done.I clearly told the showroom, that I will only start paying my installment once the vechile start operating and the they said okey . Its been almost a year every month I have to pay installment without it operates.

Just tell me how can I pay the installment without Income.Moreover the person who is assign to help me out from the showroom is full of shit,You Cannot trust this guy anymore.He keeps on giving date for all the paper work,but I am still waiting.CAN SOMEONE WAIT ALMOST A YEAR?

This is my 3rd Car from Mahindra and earlier plan to get more,but when I think abt present situation I am done.People invest to make Money,they dont invest to pay installment without any Income. Mahindra need to intervene here.if my car dont operate,on what basis do you think I can able to pay your Installment.
west bengal

NOTE : Please send me email if you care for Customer and its a decent suggestion to all the Future Customer beware of this guy and be careful.

Rita Chhetri

Complaint for xuv

I would like to draw your attention that i had purchased a xuv 500, there is many technical problems more than 5 times the car went the workshop but the problem cant be resolved so many vibrations in it so please take my request.

Kanishk kumar
Kanishkkumar42 [at] gmail [dot] com

Complaint for xuv

I would like to draw your attention that i had purchased a xuv 500, there is many technical problems more than 5 times the car went the workshop but the problem cant be resolved so many vibrations in it so please take my request.

think before you buy the tuv auto shift model

i have been with mahindra since long and have purchased mahindra products because i believe it is a indian company and we need to promote our products first rather than imported products.i still have my mahindra 540 jeep then i have my mahindra duro and i made the biggest mistake when i exchanged my scorpio mahindra for an AMT TUV300. AMT because as a family we all travel long distance holidays in india and as age is catching up with me i cannot drive for long and my wife cannot drive a geared car as she is used to automatic having used a revai for almost 10 years. Anyway we exchanged our mahindra scorpio for the AMT tuv300 auto shift and beleive me from day one it has given us immense trouble. In the deserts of rajashtan we were stuck for hours as the console went dead and refused to come on.the first was that inspite of we paying the entire amount the vehicle arrived one month or two months later. now it is lying at the workshop since 8th of August as they first didnt have a mechanic with AMT knowledge and now they are waiting for the spare part which they say will come after twenty days.i had big plans for my daughter who has come for her vacations and big plans for my wife as we were suppossed to drive to chickmanglur to our friends cofee estate then to mysore and alll that was shelled all because they could not fix my AMT. I am so angry because they take you for granted and they know very well that the consumer protection rights are limited due to the in efficient judicial system in our country.
anthony lorraine lopes

Hi I am prasanth, I am

I am prasanth, I am booked mahindra kuv 100 K4 plus in salem 45 days before,but still not yet dellivered, they are not responding properly,
so i not interest to get vechile. please refund my amount. In outside lot of brand cars available. Mahindra is very worst for handling customers, They are putting extra handling charges,but they not ready to delivery vechile, all are focus in only money.
Please solve this issue

Thanks & Regards
Prasanth P

Faced death threat due to Mahindra service team

Greetings for the day

Sir/ Madam


Sub: face the fear of death due to negaliance of Service team of Kiran automobile patna

vechile no: BR01 PG 2826

Yesterday I have really felt the fear of death what it is about just because you as Mahindra have hired the wonderful team in Patna Kiran automobile Which can make the customers feel Wht is the fear of death , My xuv 500 Break failed more over brake pad were out of the xuv while I was driving down from the bridge and disk was damaged badly by the grace of god some how I managed to pull the XUV500 out of the crowded area and stopped by hitting the auto parked on the road side Some how I saved my life and people life some minor injuries which will be recovered soon
But this is the complete negelance of the service team who have not done there job in the set format. This is not the first thing month back battery failure tht was also the negelance thing. Which I have ignored. And paid the. Amount. But this time amount is. High and risk of life was involved so i decided to bring this matter in to notice of. Mahindra Being a loyal customer I have right to claim , the complete negelance of service team at Kiran Automobile Patna at the time of service of 50000 km my xuv was at workshop they did not perform the service and checked the mazor thing which need to be checked and not even advised me to get these things done in next few days /weeks more over my XUV was in workshop for more then 5 hr in which these things can be easily checked but the RSM. Was not interested in checking the XUV according the the set format
Who will be held responsible if I or someone else died yesterday
Will Mahindra take the responsibility of casualties caused by negelance of KIran automobile patna .
Who will bear the financial and personal loss
This morning when i went to service centre was kept waiting for more the 30 to be attended then I called Mahindra toll free to get someone in action. They took Mr Deepak who is service head he told me will me there in asap. To see the problem but nothing has happened again after 30 min I called Mahindra care. Then was told he is not responding and assigning some Else to see. CSR took. Mr Neeraj (GM) on call explain the matter. He assured me tht in next 5 min. Some will be on bay to see me and soon Mr Deepak turned
Up and possible solutions is being provided and till now job has been completed and billing has started I have to wait for 2 he to get the bill done being told that we have not charged you for disk is this the all if think that I should not be even charged for brakepads reason of saying this is that a person should be penalised who is responsible
Moreover he was taking is so lightly as if nothing has happened
I know what I have felt at that time I have felt the fear of death at that time ,I was really sacred with this incident that even I or someone else could have died or major injuries could have occurred at that time really feel shattered when I think of yesterday spot even could not able to eat and sleep last night his negeliance would have made in big trouble
I would kindly request you to look into this matter and take it on very serious note. And kindly request you to reimburse the amount and service charge I have paid as they have not billed it yet realised the XUV on manual bill by taking the payment on advance

I would kindly request you again to please be serious about this matter

Kind regards
Piyush Jain

Need support

I am in big trouble due to service center need urgent support can any one please give me zonal manager and ceo email or contact no.

premature parts failure & utterly poor service at Sikkim Motors

I am tired of repeated undergear parts failure especially centre bearings, hub and arm of my XYLO, Vehicle No. SK 01Z-0684, Model- XYLO H4, Mhawk CRDE BS4- 2WD-8FF DW, Veh./Chassis Sl No. H2C33978, Engine No. MLH4C15060, purchased in April 2017.
On 24/4/2019 I again had to push my vehicle at Sikkim Motors for once again for abnormal and unusual sound from rear undergear (needless to mention that 80 % of my complain is due to undergear sound and hub and central bearing failures).
The matter was brought to the notice of Maintenance, Manager Workshop who despite of my repeated request to give good service released the vehicle without proper attention and rectification of real problem (ofcourse, he falsely charging us hefty Rs 7000 + bill despite the vehicle is under WARRANTY).
Sikkim being a hilly terain, any form of negligence and unsafe maintenance practices by the maintenance staff of Sikkim Motors cannot be tolerable as even a small problem can lead to serious accidents. In my case, the negligence is connected with the undergear system means safety is heavily compromised. How can the workshop release vehicle without troubleshooting and rectifying the problem of undergear?
Sir, we send vehicle to Workshop trusting the Mahindra brand name, image and our loyalty towards the company, but the same is not being reciprocated by the company managers especially at workshops. Sir, I am highly unsatisfied with not only the workshop insensitivity, lack of customer care but unhealthy and unsafe maintenance practices.
Now Guess what? The vehicle again brokedown today at 3 pm at a remote location of North Sikkim after running for approximately 400 km because of centre bearing failure.The visitors are stranded in the middle of nowhere. The enroute failure has created a lot of discomfort and financial loss to me, apart from mental distress.
The matter was again discussed with Maintenance Manager , who as usual, seemed to be untouch.
I am writing to you to express my displeasure regarding mahindra after service and premature failure of parts

Request to take necessary action against Confirming the delivery

Dear sir/maa'm,

I am writing in anticipation to have adequate recognition to issues raised for booking ans subsequent delivery of the vehicle.

We have booked one Mahindra XUV300 W8 Optional diesel on 19march2019at Auto center, Korba (Chhattisgarh) and the expected delivery date is 30march2019 as written on the documents. The formalities proceeded accordingly and the subjected booking amount is already paid.

Once the expected delivery date i.e. 30march2019 is surpassed we again contracted to the concerning authorities for the delivery of the vehicle but they are not in a state to confirm the exact delivery date however they were expecting at the end of April 2019. Meanwhile I approached two times the tele services available at but still they could not able to help the dealer to get rid out the delivery issues instead resolving the problem and availing the exact situation they were repeatedly asking for the feedback.

Even after one and half month surpassed no positive action is received.

I am highly disappointed with the service updates however the authorized dealer is expedited the actual processing of the order but they are also not getting the appropriate response from the concerning agencies.

I would suppose to get a positive feedback and anticipated action taken by the authorities and resolve the issues as early as possible.

You are also requested to provide the adequate date of delivery else I would suppose to cancel the delivery in absence of reply against the aforementioned issues.

Thank You

Behaviour issue of P.P Auto motive panipat

bought KUV100 from panipat P.P Auto motive in 2017. From the buy of this car i am very disappointed with the services provide by this agency. Every time when i came for car services they wasted lot of time. And today i visit for my car service with prior booking but till the time when i writing this mail i am not get my car back after service. And also they denay for car washing. When i tell supervisor on telephone please done it from another place he said " i give you charges for washing and get it done from outside". And when i looged this complaint at karnal on that phone no from i get calls for car services the person sitting on this is not in the mood to listen my word and busy in another conversation with another person. This is the attitude and behavior of a reputed company employees towards their customers.

This not the first time i am logging this complaint. But still i am not get any solution of this.

I am also work in customer service industry and know how to handle the customer issue and problem but i think Mahindera don't care there customer.

Now i am think that i have done big mistake to buy a car from Mahindera.

Looking for positive response.


Varun Mittal

Rust in Xuv

I had bought XUV500 in 2016. Its get rusted after few days. Full body get rusted, its top, back, front. I complaint to the service center and they clicked the photos of my Xuv to take the approval for removing rust. Approval done by the company but its paint. Why i will paint my car to reduce the cost of car or for showing its accidental. Its in warranty now. My car number is HR51 BK 0056. Just check it in your system. Very worst car body and worst solution for it. Just take my car and show piece it in your company to show the rust.

Tarun Gupta

fraud attmept to deliver test drive vehicle

Good evening sir

1. My name is wing commander Mayank Paliwal. i am posted to Barrackpore, Kolkata. After reviewing your company vehicle Mahindra XUV 500, I finally decided to go for your vehicle in Dec 2018. I actually wanted to buy XUV w 9 model. However, when I contacted to your company authorized dealer (Mr Gautam) of ‘Mohan Motors, Kolkata' on 26 Dec 18, he told me that he has an offer for me. Since it was yearend and he has to finish his stock of Mahindra 2018 XUV lying with him, he offered me to give XUV 500 AT (O) in is kind of heavy discounts are generally not offered by Mahindra. However, with lots of assurance from his side, Mr Gautam convinced me to book that vehicle.

2. Even at the time of booking I confirmed that state of vehicle as not being damaged, or an internal issues or a test drive vehicle. I was categorically being convinced that none of the above mentioned issues exists with the vehicle; however, since the vehicle is standing in Mohan Motors’s yard since Apr 18, they are offering me discount. In order to materialize this discount through canteen stores department of Indian Armed Forces process, I was told to book and pay for XUV 500 w 11 AT (O) through Canteen Stores Department (CSD). I was told that the balance of payment between model w9 and w 11 AT (O) would be reimbursed to me in form of cheque at the time of delivery. I like a simple defense officer, not aware about frauds done by company like your’s (sorry but this is the fact), booked vehicle accordingly and paid in full (Rs 1701798/-) on 28 Dec 18. However, rights from word go, I insisted to see the vehicle prior to paying money at CSD. However, the agent of mohan motors (Mr Gautam) kept on giving me false commitments and somehow managed to get me make payment without seeing the vehicle.

3. On 31 Dec 18, when I went to take delivery of vehicle , to my surprise I found the vehicle offered to me has already run 2480 kms!! The external state of vehicle was also seen to be of a used vehicle (Photo attached). When I pressurized the company MD, Mr. Pinaki Hore, he subsequently agreed that it was a test drive vehicle. When I decided to take the matter to police, consumer from his office and offered my apologies for this daring fraud which they attempted on me. Subsequently, he agreed to give me a new vehicle with existing discount and additional Rs 10,00,00/- as a compensation for said attempted fraud. He also gave me the entire commitment in writing and promised to give me a new vehicle at or before 31 Jan 19. Since I was out on 31 dec 18 to take the delivery of vehicle, I had already made insurance of this test driven vehicle’s engine and chassis no. the same day. Now I am struggling to get that insurance also cancelled and my Rs 57000/- are stuck with insurance of this vehicle which Mohan Motors promised to deliver me on 31 Dec 18 !!! While this entire episode was taking place, I have also spoken to regional manager of Mahindra motors; Mr Subesh Mukherjee. He gave me a personal commitment to oversee the rest of delivery case personally and promised me that balance of deal would go without any incident. On his persuasive attitude and written commitment from Pradip Bajaj, I agreed to wait for a month for new vehicle delivery. This entire episode had shaken me up and given me lots of disappointments.

4. However, since 31 Jan 19 , whenever i am trying to contact Mohan Motors MD, Pradip Bajaj or his GM, Mr. Pinaki Hore, they are avoiding my calls. On few incidents, when calls got connected, they showed their inability to deliver my vehicle due financial constraints their company is facing. They have asked me to do whatever I can do. I am also in touch with Mahindra Regional manager, Mr. Subesh Mukharjee, who is telling me that Mohan motors have gone bonkers and lots of payment from Mohan Motors is also due for Mahindra also. He said that delivery of new vehicles from Mahindra to Mohan Motors has stopped. However, he is trying to resolve my dispute and trying to get my vehicle delivered. As per him, my vehicle has already come to Kolkata and lying with some other dealer (Shree Motors). Now he is trying to convince Mr. Pradip Bajaj of Mohan Motors to collect that vehicle from Shree Motors and deliver it to me. However, all his attempts from past 15 days have failed and my agony is still unsorted.

5. At this juncture, I failed to understand the ethos and values which you must have imbibed in your company staff and dealers. Even after attempting a pure fraud, they have the audacity of making a me run around like gizmos for a vehicle which I have already paid in full in advance from my hard earned money. I would like to tell you that I had taken a loan for purchase of this vehicle. The installments of same are already on. Now bank is asking me to submit documents of new vehicle which I don’t have to submit. Now they are liable to charge me higher interest rates if I fail to provide them with documents.

7. To substantiate my point I am attaching photo graph of my purchase order, letter of conviction from Mr. Pradip Bajaj. I am also attaching call records between me, Mr. Gautam , Mr. Subesh and Mr. Pinaki Hore. After, listening to them my case would become crystal clear to you.

6. Throughout my life, I have lived with proud and honesty. My organizational culture has taught me to believe on others; honesty and pride. But unfortunately dealer like Mohan Motors have given me one more reason to believe as to why we fail to progress as a country. I as a serving soldier of this country earnestly demand your prompt intervention in this matter and demand you help to get me out of this unethical situation which your company have put me into. If I fail to receive re-addressal of my grievances from your side also, I would be moving on to consumer court, media and police within three days,

Hoping got your prompt reply

Yours sincerely
Mayank Paliwal


i am a mahindra customer since 2005. Earlier i owned a scorpio i used it for 13 years an average of 10,000 km per year. Last year i sold it and brought new XUV 500 W9 automatic .The service from Tvs last 13 years i am not at all satisfied. The quality,stantard of workshop ,spare parts availability are poor compared to other auto companies. i am a hard core fan of mahindra vehicles so i again brought XUV 500 march 2018 from TVS alapuzha,kerala. inspite of my regular enquire about the upgrade plush model i was totally ignored and provided old model.i even showed the photo of upgraded model but will come only in november as i was informed by TVS exicutive sales and showroom. i was cheated next month new plush model was launched and i was mocked and irritated by family and friends about my decesion to take old model. But i was ok with the vehicle whatever it is i accepted.

But present problem is that since Feb 10 th 2019 this is the 3rd time My vehicle XUV 500 march 2018 model is tugged and taken to service centre below 1year. 1st complaint was registered before 1st service within 3 months of purchase below 1000km .The vehicle did not start on time and called hepeline and registered complaint . Technecian came and asked me to tug the vehicle to service center. The vehicle was parked in my house and its difficult to unlock and move a automatic vehicle, our road is conggested and move till main road is difficult. so i called a technecian from battery house and he took the battery and charged and able to start the vehicle.TVS technician was not able to Repair the vehicle.

After 2 months my brother and mother on their travel to 100km away from my town at night the vehicle stopped without any complaint after filling fuel from indian oil pump near kollam ,kerala, The vehicle didnot start. They were annoied and worried about the condition of the vehicle such a new vehicle got stuck on road without any previous complaint. They were panick in night and called me for help . They were stuck all night their at kollam we complaint about fuel quality and they arranged test for quality of diesel and they proved us the fuel was ok. we called helpline and technician from kollam came and took the vehicle . Family had to take a taxi to reach home by early morning. After 2 days complaint was corrected some problem with fuel indicator and re programed as they said. we went and brought the vehicle. These are minor issues as we thought.

But this is the 3rd time 10th February 2019 before 2nd service and 10,000km the vehicle is not starting, just had a drive 2 weeks before and parked in my house. Help line came and asked to tughed to kottayam showroom TVS now.This is a great disgrace to me and my mom who is owner of this vehicle. we are a reputed family bussiness in heart of the town since 50 years. its shame for us to tug our vehicle which is well known in the community and we reffered many customers many of my friends own Xuv500 ,Thar , KUV100,Scorpio and Xylo. with great dissatisfaction and dishouner to our family and among friends because of this vehicle . My mother is a widow she is greatly hurt by this disgrace because of this vehicle. Please do the need full to replace this complaint vehicle with new one or we have to complaint in consumer court for the above problems which caused lot of money loss, time loss and Reputation in our society . please do the needful at the earliest.

Complaint No- X119053740IND
Repair order number TVS- RO19J012253


I am goutham Shivakumar ,one of the customer of mahindra. I was owning ertiga Car last year but after seeing marozzo reviews and look. I purchased your marozzo car with lot of happiness but it's not worth of it.. Really it's disgusting for me, it's been from 2 month we are giving the car for service centre they could not find what's the problem in car, often their will be some kind of sounds when we cross the speed of 60,its not good enough for us. I am totally unsatisfied. Not so worth. I am feeling why I purchased this car.
How many times to give the car for service???
No proper customer service
Really it's not fair for your company.
This is not really good.

We believed a lot in mahindra
Now we are feeling, why we purchased it.


I want someone to clear my problems and give a solution.

Thanking you
S. Goutham

Clutch plate Problems

This is to inform that Registration no. BR28 P 0279 ( Mahindra Scorpio S2) I had been purchased dated 18. March 2017 and total 21000 KM drived approx. Currently, We noticed that clutch plates problems. I went to showroom ( Siwan Tractors PVT LTD ). demanded to approx 10000 rupees for repair.
please let me know it is a under warranty period.

Rs 2500 to 2800 part and

Rs 2500 to 2800 part and labour 500 to 800 in open markit price

Poor services

I have purchased mahendra load vehicle no TN57BX8104 from dindugal tamilnadu show room last month i got props in the vehicle and i was draped the vechile in dindigal tvs services station they asked me 1 week time for services but we i was gien 9 days time but after 9days they said the spares not in hand what is the aervices is this and also responce too bad for checking millage they asked me to go madurai services station really worst service i was Planning for 5 vechile now i was draped the plan just make some action and respances for this atherwise we ll raise the legal action a

Not Satisfied With the Service

I have purchased two mahindra navystar torez tipper ( reg: Kl.33.E.9598 and regKL.05.AE.5166).Both of the vehicles are running in the same route of 150kms.One of the vehicle is getting 2.7kms mileage/ littre, but the other one ( regKL.05.AE.5166) is getting only 2.05kms/litter. so i contacted to the service provider in calicut they said it is the problem with the pumb. I went there and changed all the things what they said, the scenario was repeated and i went there three times in a week. They cannot identify the problem yet. If the manufacturer fails to identify the problem what the customers will do? Iam not satisfied the service they provided.

Worst service of Renault Logan

My car(Logan Petrol) was serviced by CAI industries, Coimbatore and they changed the belt and other stuffs charged around 32K, after a week the belt got cut and unable to steer. The car was given in Erode CAI industries to fix the problem. They charged again 15K saying that belt got cut due to stone hit (not sure Renault/Mahindra designed in such a bad way) and timer issue, this took 5 days to deliver the car.

Now today again the belt got cut and my parents are in the road second time. I am fed up with Mahindra services and the quality of the product they deliver. But they charge as much as possible from the customer. Thought of buying XUV 500, but now changed up my mind due to the way of transparency with the customer .

One more thing like to highlight here, last year, when the car was given in body shop at Coimbatore, CAI Industries, one of the headlight was replaced with the a broken glass. Since my dad didn't noticed it and I noticed after 2 months, I checked with them but they told it's difficult to find after 2 months, how it had happened. FYI , CAI Industry employees can be bribed and can change whatever you want from other's cars like me.


I have book a new TUV 300 plus P8 model Black colour, on 11.01.19 but i was told that it will get the car only in the beginning of Feb. I live in Chennai and booked my car from Zulaika Motors.
My request :
1. I wanted the turning light fixed on my P8 model,as it is in TUV 300, I will pay the necessary additional cost for the same. it is very sad to note that it is said as TUV PLUS but an important features like the turning light is minus.
2. I would like to get my car as early as possible before the end of this month.

Thank you.

Worst service

Mahindra four wheeler service workshop
CI Mahindra Jinsi bhopal Is Very Bad Service Center
There is no Commitment And No Time Limit and very Bad Behaving Engineers

disappointing service

A very disappointing service from mahindra Somaya Vehicle .

Worst ever service....

My vehicle TUV 300 met with road traffic accident following which I sent it for repair to Mahindra showroom in shimoga. It’s been already 3 months since I have left my vehicle there.Still it’s not repaired yet.This is the worst ever service I have ever seen. Reason for delay is parts are not available...I don’t understand such a big company cannot manufactures small parts.I ll never refer MAHINDRA to any of my friends and not even to the foes.And I will never buy any MAHINDRA vehicles from now onwards.Fed up of your service...very sorry to say this..

Improper service done to Mahindra XUV

I have e my car for service to Samrat cars, Vapi, Gujrat, but disappointed to say that the service quality was pathetic and the staff was not at all supportive for all the issues which I told them to solve. The senior person available there was not at all responding properly. They called themselves on Sunday for service of car and after the car was given to them they started giving reasons for not having staff for even washing the car.
What is the point of asking so much money for a worth less service done to customer.
I paid an amount of 10,000rs for a service quality of not even a single penny. Totally disappointed with the staff and service of Samrat Cars, Vapi.

Destroy of clutch plates and over accelerating

Bolero maxi truck plus clutch plates destroy 2times before 1000km and automatic acceleration of engine Vvc motors birmalguda, 500074

Unsatisfy vehicle

Dear Sir/Madam

On (27/July/2018) I purchased mahindra TUV 300 T10 motor vehicle from your authorized dealership of SREE ARN motors, tanjavur ( Engine no VZJ6D44690 , CHASSIS NO MA1NA2VZXJ6D45527). Unfortunately, the vehicle has not been satisfactory. ( The problems are as follows: A/C Fan automatically running when i started the engine; radiator coolent oil pump leakage; some many problems in it). Your company mechanic inspected my vehicle and agreed to fix the problem under warranty. However after inspection when I collected the vehicle, the above problems are not fixed and still persisting.

It really embarrassed me and caused to incur additional cost too..(I have kept the receipts as proof). I am sure that i purchased the defective vehicle.

I am looking forward to settle this matter amicably. Unless you assure me that all the issues are rectified and the issues will not persist again, I am not interested to take the vehicle back again. Or else kindly replace this defective vehicle with the new one. I believe that you resolve this issue as early as possible satisfactorily.

poor service

I am the owner (Rahul Pratap Singh) of the car Mahindra Scorpio S4 1.99IH2WD, Car no: DL 12CK 6032.

Location: Noida sec-64
Contact no: 99108XXXXX

The issue is that every time I give my car for servicing from the very beginning (first service) till now 4 service there is a problem of leakage underneath the gear box.

The car is still in the service center and when I asking to speak someone in high management nobody responds.

Every time after the servicing they say that the issue is fixed now. But again when I give my car for servicing the issue is repeated and now I am being charged for it.

I want to escalate this issue to highest level because as a customer I am not really satisfied by the kind behavior and service provided.

If required will not hesitate to take it further because it’s a fault in your manufacturing and service.

car parts changed/damaged

I gave my car (RJ19UB5518) for servicing in Nagaur at Nagaur Automobiles Pvt. Ltd . on 18sept2018 for normal servicing .
During the service they said “ac compressor blasted due to wrong connection of wires by the mechanic and radiator also destroyed”.
My car still at the service centre .
Now who will take the responsibility of damage.
I booked a taxi from nagaur to my home town. Who will pay for that?
All i know is that they said all the problems are their and i don’t have any documents for it.

complain about workshop

the mahindra workshop in orai 285001 pin code has doing what they want to do I take my car to workshop on 13 sep 10 am for serviceing only and they completed service in 8 hours so I face many problem and when I go to complain regarding this to manager and manager reply so what can I do the behavior of full mahindra staff orai is so bulgur I face many problem


I Basheer Rayaroth one of the prior customers your Mahindra @mahindra Ltd want to bring it to your kind notice that I’m very disappointed with your workshop staff of ERAM MOTORS KOZHIKODE KERALA during service of my car XUV500 KL18P500 submitted on 20/08/18 for repairing I indicated lot of problums but most of them were not solved and I did contact several time regarding with this there is no respond they ignored me
So I’m kindly requesting you to take necessary arrangement as soon as possible
Yours faithfully

Risky unsafe maint. practice by Sikkim Motors,Mahindra Workshop

Dear sir,
On 28/8/17 I send my Xylo veh sl No H2C33978, eng no MLH4C15060 to your Sikkim motors, authorised service workshop of mahindra in Sikkim for paid 50000 km servicing. The workshop issued service dealer code SS011431 RO NO 3995 duly signed after completing the servicing. The vehicle was used today only after servicing. After about 3-4 km ride the vehicle started making abnormal sound from its undergear. The vehicle was parked and checked for its foul and excess lateral play of wheels and abnormal sound. To our surprise it was noticed that the vehicles LS back wheel fasteners were loose and the wheel tyre was about to be free from the axle.
Sir, the vehicle are send to workshop for preventive maintenance and servicing but the maintenance practices followed by Sikkim motors is shockingly risky and intolerable which can even kill lives. Now you please tell me who will compensate for loss of passenger and tourist who travels in my vehicle incase of breakdowns and accident due to poor maintenance practices followed by Sikkim motors. I now request you to kindly look into the matter, compensate me by sending a genuine fitter to rectify the fault and also urgently stop such unsafe and risky practices. Thanks
Phigu Lamtha


This is bring before you that we have purchased Mahindra XUV from Universal Motors Amritsar . Details as mentioned - Model W10, Reg no PB02 CT 2526, Engine no HHFAG13459 , Chasis No MA1YU2HHUF6G12729.
We are regulary facing issue regarding, which we are regularly mentioning in the jobcarcds.

But the same are not being looked after properly

1) Navigator not working
2) Regular Bonnet open intimation
3) Front right exel issue
4) left Side rear door locking Issue
5) AC adjuster knocking issue and Many more

We have complained for the same several time and mentioned the same in the job cards , but the same are not being looked after properly.

Kindly look into the same on urgent basis as the same is creating alot of issues and we are totally dissatisfied with the service

Availability of black Scorpio in Nepal

Dear sir
I clearly need to know that whether we can easily get the black color s5 in all cities of Nepal. Cause I waited since 3 month and still the suppliers are not giving the confirmation. They asked me to wait another 3 month and still not sure.
Kindly advice me is this color really difficult to get in nepal even you pay extra money, if it is not please give me the contact person in nepal from the dealer.
Awaiting for your quick response
Thanks in advance

Warranty problem

My Scorpio S10 had some rust spots near the Drivers door handle and the right side rear door handle. It was shown to TVS Mahindra in Chennai and they agreed that it was a problem and would come under original warranty. However, by the time I sent the vehicle for the work the original warranty was over and it was under extended warranty. They now claim that the work cant be done under warranty. Why not when the problem originated during the original warranty period?
Secondly, I have not received any documents telling me what is covered under the Extended Warrarnty and what is not covered, inspite of repeated requests.

Mahindra Bolero power plus ZLX body shell full rusty

Purchase from Karnataka agency Mangalore on 16/7/2018
vehicle ID MA1XK2WJXJ6E39809
RUSTY COMING OUT FROM 4 DOOR FENDER AND BODY SHELL JOINT SOME WELDING JOINTS SOME PLACES CHASSI THIS FACTS REPORTED TO KARNATAKA AGENCY MANGALORE AND CUSTOMER CARE DEALER KARNATAKA AGENCY TAKEN BACK VEHICLE ON 25/7/2018 FOR INSPECTION BY THE ENGINEER FROM MANUFACTURER so far action has been taken by the Karnataka Agency Mangalore we have put in to much inconveniences without a vehicle even NO spare vehicle given to us pray intervention myself and my husband both are senior citizen
No replacement has been received so far.

Over charge of eighteen thousands


Booking date 23/04/2018
Invoice date 25/04/2018
Res no RJ02UA7440

On booking date I informed that if you book the bolero today,you can pay today's rate.i book the bolero for 190000 .on 25/04/2018 I forced to pay 18000 extra.i am shocked and sold the bolero and purchased Suzuki Kar.

Sir pls look in to the matter and do the needful
Pls refund my over charge 18000

Complaint regarding Mahindra workshop KOTDWAR UTTARAKHAND

I G.R Pant son of Lt. Shri Tulsi Ram Pant, principal ST JOHNS CONVENT SCHOOL, B-4659/112 SANT NAGAR BURARI (NORTH DELHI) one of the prior customer of your Mahindra & Mahindra ltd. want to bring it to your kind notice that I am very disappointed with your staff members & services at Mahindra workshop kotdwar due to irrelevant employees work and behaviour. Your employees [Mahindra workshop kotdwar,(UTTARAKHAND)] are defaming the quality of your customer satisfaction that directly affects your company’s reputation. I tell you what happened there
I was going to my village on 2nd July 2018 from Delhi via Kotdwar(UTTARAKHAND) but before reaching there (kotdwar) my car (Scorpio) was automatically shut down in front of Akash Vani Bhawan that is situated between Bijnor(UP) and kotdwar . That time I tried to start my car but it didn’t. I faced too much trouble that time because my family was with me and the car was not starting. I tried to call Mahindra road assistance they picked my call but they didn’t reach there for assistance. After some time the car got start but it was creating problem now and then while driving. Any how we reached kotdwar Mahindra workshop within 1 hour. They checked my car and they firstly said, “The pump is not working “. Then they said, “Some other parts are also damaged as Kerosene is mixed with diesel in diesel tank of your vehicle , We have to order new parts from Dehradun But due to rain it will reach us on next day”. They gave us estimation around 15-20k for repairing and said , ”it will take atleast 2 days”. They removed diesel tank and vacated it. That time I stored 5 litre diesel for laboratory test. I had urgent work in my village so I left my gunman and driver there along with my car and I took taxi for my village near about 200km away from Kotdwar. My gunman and driver hired a hotel for 2 days. Next day they said that the part was not present in Dehradun so they have to buy it from Bijnor workshop(UP). Along with gunman & driver one of its employee visited to Bijnor(UP) in your workshop by our car(scorpio). There it was told that only pump was not working and there was no other problem . While billing Negi ji (manager) Mahindra workshop kotdwar said , “Make bill in favour of Negi ji (manager)” but our gunman decline it and said that the bill should be made In favour of his name (gunman). The bill was amounting Rs 3080/- But for the same Mr Negi was demanding Rs. 12000. After that our gunman and driver came back to kotdwar and paid there also RS 2459/- just for putting us in trouble and giving wrong information about the vehicle. On 3rd July in the evening Mr Negi made call to me and said that there was nothing wrong except the pump. The fuel (diesel) is also ok and again the same fuel (diesel) was refilled. On questioning that whether they don’t have any proper checking machines and tools to find the fault, Mr Negi replied that the company doesn’t provide them proper machines, tools and laptop. He had complained many times but the company is not listening to him. On listening this I said “I shall drop a complaint /mail regarding this matter”, He said “NO NO!! SAHAB ESSA MAT KIJIYEGA VO LOG MERI NAUKRI KHAA JAYENGE, MERE BACHE BHOOKE MAR JAYENGE. MEIN KHUD HI COMPLAINT KARUNGA. ”.
Sir during this period I went through financial torcher, mental torcher and I had to run here and there to hire/catch taxi in my village. My two employees had been staying in hotels running from one workshop to another just for a simple fault. During this period all these expenses were near about 15-20K. I want to ask you whom should I make responsible for this fault, your system/administration or Mr Negi manager at Mahindra Workshop Kotdwar.
In my opinion that Mr Negi is not an employee but a dacoit. He was not able to cheat me because of the following reason
1. My employees said that whatever the part is to be purchased they shall purchase it themselves.
2. At Bijnor workshop Mr Negi made a call to make billing in his name but my employee didn’t allow him to do so otherwise he would have cheated us near about Rs 12000 instead Rs 3080/-
3. I kept 5 litre fuel (diesel) with me for laboratory check. Here he was afraid and the next day he said the fuel is ok and refilled the same fuel(diesel) in our vehicle.
Sir I want to bring it to your kind notice that just before we reached your workshop at kotdwar on 2nd July. Mr Negi showed me 1 tank filled with diesel and said “ABHI ABHI EK GADDI THIK KRKE BHEJI HAI HAMNE. ISME DEKHO DIESEL KE SATH KEROSENE (MITTI KA TAIL) MILA HUA HAI.”
Sir I don’t know for how long has it been happening there but it is very very bad and a black spot on your system if you can’t vigil your employees.

G.R Pant

Sbko y hi bolte h ki diesel m

Sbko y hi bolte h ki diesel m kerosene h

Open cheating in mahindra Salasar dealer in thane

Very bad service given by salasar dealer of mahindra at thane. four time vehicle is taken to work shop for pick up problem they could not solve the issue, fourth time i threaten them to look in to this properly or else i shall take it to higher authority. May be thats the reason they changed the part and now that are asking for the bill payment. vehicle is in warranty but they given reason that the servising is not done at all then i personallty got involved given them the proff that servising is done and now they are say its not done on time so there is no warranty.

its a loot. no proper and trained technician, bad service.


(MH04 HM4963)

Regarding mahindra servicing in sikkim

Hello team..

Mentioning the service of the Sikkim vehicle mahindra xylo is in road from last one weak ...we have asked the mahindra service from gantok they came two time ...after repeatedly calling ..reporting they are not even able to decide the problem (some time senso....pcb bla bla..)..know after calling long time ...they got problem and they state that fix it problem they required up to one month..know I am thinking that my car is on the unknown road ...far from home ,police always torturing to get out car from highway..
So being a business men my car earning 3000 per day..and they told me it required 30 days its making me so angry that in this generation solving the little problem it take too time for mahindra xylo...

Be word worthy...

Ingen ki gas kit kut jane per

Sir ,meri car quantoc6(up34x8534) h .jiska gas kit kgarb ho jane per agency le gaye the to phir gas kit dalne ke bajay pura ingen banvane ke liye khh rahe h ingen thik h,ingen khol dene k bad ub customer se galet bertav ker rahe h mani musaram khairabad lucknow road sitapur up me banva rahe h

Bolero upgradation

Hello Mahindra team,

My best wishes for the innovative engineering and the best vehicles manufactured.
The vehicles are apt for Indian customer and roads.

I have a humble request: Anyway, the best SUV Bolero will be getting updated for ABS and Airbags.
Please update few interior upgradations similar to TUV 300. Any one model in Bolero can focus on this.
Thanks for patience to read the suggestion. Also, please launch safety upgradation in Bolero soon, as I am waiting for the same.

Bad service bad behavior

A very very disappointing behavior and service from your dealership lohchab mahindra rohtak(haryana) 2months ago i gave them my KUV100(HR13L5249) for servicing and bad servicing faced by me
Air filter's pipe was not properly fitted and it came to know when i am out of town and they even not washed properly even somdays ago i was trevelling suddenly my car was shutoff when i show it to local mechanic they told me battery is dead due to less of water there were no single drop in battery what was that.when i told them about this they said "gadi ko aag lage hume ise koi fark ni padta"
Now i am going to take step against your dealership and spread it allover by social media.

Complain against worst service provided by M/s Rudra Automart Pv

Dear Sir,

Please refer the earlier intimation / complains made to your authorised dealer M/s Rudra Automart Pvt. Ltd. regarding the damage to the recliner of my vehicle's driving seat. The model of my vehicle is Quanto V8.

I was initially told to buy a new recliner at around Rs.3000.00 by your Asansol dealer point's Service Manager and I will get it within 15 days as the parts was not available at your store. After 15 days this proposal was terminated by your Durgapur dealer point's Service Manager with a new proposal either to buy a new seat at Rs.16000.00 or to buy a upper half seat with recliner at Rs.7000.00. As I don't have any choice I agreed to buy the half seat. This happened a month or more. You may find the exact date of complain from your Asansol's unclosed Job Sheet.

Since I extensively use this vehicle for multiple purpose including adventurous driving. I had done full circuit of Ladakh tour including Khardung La and Tso moriri previous year at June with this vehicle and that is my highest achievment till date.
Now, for last one and half month or more I am not able to drive my vehicle. I had a plan to go to Lahul - Spiti Valley including Kalpa and Kinnaur at the end of May this year , which I had to postpond for next year due to the vehicle condition.

If I knew, that a service will take this long with varying proposals, I would not have bought Mahindra vehicle againg after selling the previous one.

Please let me know:-
1. If a recliner is purchsable and if yes, from whom and how long it will take?
2. Do I have to buy a upper half seat with recliner at a higher price?
3. When can I have this problem sorted out?

Looking forward to your early response.

With best regards,



CAR NO. : UP16BB4846
This is to address the issue which we are facing since we have bought XUV500. We purchased it on 17th September 2015 and registered it on 24th September 2015. We were assured that the car has low maintenance cost.
There are some of the issues which are repeatedly causing issues but are not resolved in any of the services and complaints.
1. AC not working: Sometimes, rear vent works, sometimes front vent works and middle vents almost have no air since we have bought it.
2. Sensors and Cruize: The sensors and cruise are not working properly and at times fail to work.
3. Display: The display of car vanishes automatically and resumes after the restart of car several times
4. Services: We really donot know which service center to trust for proper, faithful and truthful services. Every service center is having targets and in the race of achieving those targets the customers are cheated and they are neglected. The parts are being changed during the service. The car is received after the service with no change and when we complain they again sya some parts are damaged and they again charge for those parts. We have spent 16 lacs on the car and service centers are charging more in the name of parts replacement as they know the customers are not SMEs and they can easily fool the customers by telling them they need to replace the parts.
I am not getting that such poor, pathetic parts are given to us when we spend our hard earned money on these costly cars with depreciating values. The service centers are there just to keep on adding money in their buckets and no responsible behavior towards the customer and his car.
The history of the services and amount are mentioned below:
1st (Min) : 5400ms: Rs2200
2nd (Min): 12144kms: Rs3015
3rd (Maj): 23052kms: Rs 9953
4th (Maj): 47000kms: Rs 20005
5th (Maj): 63000kms: Rs 25000 (8th May 2018)
The worst experience we had was that for the first time we took XUV for the long distance road drive from noida-manali-leh-srinagar-noida. The AC stopped working in Kullu and from Srinagar onwards we came sweating for approx. above 1000kms.In kullu, we called the Okhla service center (4th June2018) to ask them for help and we were asked to hit and beat the left side panel of AC to get it in working condition. On the way, we had come across Astra service centers and buses’ service center which failed to repair AC.
We are shocked to see the way this luxury car customers are dealt. We own Hyundai i20, maruti alto, Honda city and we have realized that all this small and medium budget cars are giving better performance than our luxurious XUV.
PFA: Picture of the way my family came from Jammu
My family suffered a lot in this summer in 42 degrees of temperature and we left with no option but to travel in the iron box of yours. My daughter got heat stroke because of it and fell sick. I haven’t bought this car to just showcase it in my garage or just to fill in pockets of service centers with money. So, I have just come across a solution that take back your esteemed , supreme car and return me back my ghard earned money. I am really fed up of the car and especially the service centers. The service centers are only sugar coated loot centers who just know that how to cut customers pockets and fulfill their sale targets.

for clutch problem.

Hello Team Mahindra ,

before two years we buy xuv 5oo , but last 6 to 7 months car given problem from clutch pad.last 7 months ago we changing the clutch plate set with both cylender. but after some days we facing same problem with me.but after 7 months again we facing this problem on driving the car.
Now this car standing in Angle auto service centre in vasai. Requesting you to kindly look into the same and suggest a way forword.
awaiting for responce.

Warm Regards
Loyal Mahindra Buyer.

Complain for Service

Dear Sir,

Please kind information I am corporate customer of Mahindra and Mahindra.
I m belong dist Bikaner state Rajasthan.
Meri Bolero SLX Vehicle No RJ-07 UA 3123 service k liye date 8-5-2018 se Somya Vehicles Pvt Ltd Indore (MP) me hold kr rakhi aur mera driver Indore hotel me last 15 days stay kr rha hai. Bolero ka ek parts baki hai jo direct factory se ana hai esa hame btaya jaa rha hai. lekin thik hone ka koi santusht jwab nhi diya jaa rha hai. Pls apse nivedan hai meri Bolero ko Jald se Jald thik karvaye verna jaisi condition me thi usi condition me start krke vapis dilwa dijiye


Dear sir

mene aap k Rajasthan -udaipur sy Mehandra T2 Auto 12 April ko perchage keya. jis ka bill muje 31 march ka deya gaya koi baat nahi.

par jab may apna mind ashok lelynd par kar chuka tha to mere brother ko aap k office sy empolyee ny tuch keya or muje bhi us par divart keya koi baat nahi....

jab tk meny auto nahi leya bahut chakar lagaya unhony...or jis din meney payment keya us k baad meny bahut chakar lagye koi baat nahi sahab.........

last jab muje call aaya k aap ka auto ready hai jab hum lyny gayee to morning 10.30 sy 5.30 tak office mai betha kar rakha koi puchne wala nahi...tahnkx last mai muje auto mil gaya. parashan huwa koi baat nahi sir.........

jab sy mene auto leya tab sy aaaj tak mai paper k leay gum raha hoon har mode par poliCe walo ko rooj payment kar raha hoon q ki mere paas gadi no. nahi........koi baat nahi sir

muje gadi leya 1.5 month sy upar ho gaya aaj tk koi call nahi na mere gadi k RC aaye hai na muje service book mele kya kar na ky anhi.....

jab sy gadi lee hai mai sifg gum he raha hoon. badi mukil sy gadi no. mela par paaper nahi hione k karan mai no. nhi likwa paya.

har baar baar baar parashan h keya yaha par sb govt. empolyee sy bhi mast raja hai.....Apna Kaam Banta ........janta.

sir aap apna auto lyjjoooo pesa bhi aap k iichato dyna........



Bad Service

A very disappointing service from mahindra.... There is no experienced mechanic.....My car service was not proper done.....

Purchasing new bolero pick up fb

I am Khaja I want to purchase bolero pick up fb power steering in kurnool andhra Pradesh best price suggest on road price

Purpose of truck

Sir humara truck ka Sara prosses ho gaya Hai lekin hme avi tak gadi mela nhi Hai aur bat karne per bola jata Hai ke abhi aapka gadi aaya Hi nhi Hai aur humara deo 5 may ko ho gaya Hai to aap he btaeye hum kya kre hum yese ho lone nhi na dete rhege bina gadi chle

unsatisfactory warranty repair and schedule service

my vehicle no is HR 51AW8225 Mahindra XUV. vehicle is presently under extended warranty.
I got my schedule servicing at 70000 km from United automobiles, Faridabad in the first week of Apr18 . during servicing i have given three complaint.
Ac not cooling properly
Music system going out of tune after taking call throgh blue tooth.
Fuel indicator always showing empty in spite of refilling of fuel in fuel tank.
When i collected my vehicle in the evening other than changing the AC filter, mandatory filter changes and top ups of oil nothing was attended and bill of Rs10000 plus was charged. so United automobile has only done a job for which i need not to go to a authorised dealear and any mechanic can do the job. The Job where expertise were needed were not addressed by dealer.
I was told that issue of music system and fuel indicator will be taken up under warranty. however no action was initiated by the dealer. the action was initiated only after my speaking with GM servicing. Issue of music system was partially addressed after keeping my system for four days that also with daily reminder. Issue of fuel gauge indicator is still not attended.
There is no feedback system in place. It is customer has to make repeated call to know the status of outstanding complaint. The quality of service at United Automobiles is far from expected with new management taking over. It is high time that Mahindra do something to retain its customers who wants to by "Make in India" luxury vehicle.

Low average

I had purchased Mahindra kuv nxt100 k4+ diesel on 14 th February, on sales time Mahindra executive said on highway your car average will be 23 to 24kmpl and on city area it will be 20 kmpl.
After complain for low average they gave me a time for average road trip up and down 150 km on the speed of 80 kmph. After road trip we got average 19 kmpl and it is too low from company said.
I take review for other people having same vehicle they also told about low average.
My humble request to you that please do needful for me and all the kuv nxt100 owner.

low average

gitesh same problem i am facing too my contact no is 89609352X7 i request all the kuv owners to please raise the issue so that COMPANY should take necessary step against this problem

Performs of mahindra tuv

This car are not good. And mahindra servo center Service Is very poor. My experience. Is not good for Mahindra vehicle s. L

very bed impect

I have a mahindra mini ven sst
Your showroom owner do not provide me any bill and service book. I complain it for many time but there is not a single responce.

I am very frustrated due to this. If not cleared early i will be contact to a lawyer.