Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Baramati, Pune Contact No. 02112-255 227

All India Number(s): 
  • 02112-255 227 (Contact Support)


  • kvkbmt [at] yahoo [dot] com (For Queries)

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Officers Contact Details

Sr.No. Name Designation Email Expetise
1 Dr. D. A. Shinde Senior Scientist and Head dheerajshinde4 [at] gmail [dot] com Genetics & Plant Breeding
2 Dr. R. S. Jadhav Subject Matter Specialist (Veterinary Science) jadhav_9616 [at] yahoo [dot] co [dot] in Animal management and
Silage making, fodder production
3 Dr. V. M. Bhoite Subject Matter Specialist (Soil Science) vivekbhoite2777 [at] yahoo [dot] com Soil sciences, reclamation of
problematic soils,
vermi-composting, nutrition
management of crops
4 Mr. S V Karanje Subject Matter Specialist (Agronomy) svkaranje [at] gmail [dot] com Use of plasticulture in agriculture,
other agronomical practices
5 Mr. Y. L. Jagdale Subject Matter Specialist (Horticulture) yljagdale [at] gmail [dot] com Fruit, vegetable, flower cultivation.
Training on Landscape gardening &
fruit processing
6 Dr. M. D. Joshi Subject Matter Specialist (Plant Protection) milindento15 [at] rediffmail [dot] com Bio-Control, IPM, IDM,
Plant Protection Advisory
7 Mr. S. Godse Subject Matter Specialist (Extension) santosh [dot] godse08 [at] gmail [dot] com Farmers Club, Self Help Group,
Training Programmer, Field day
8 Mr. C. D. Date Farm Manager chandrakantdate77 [at] gmail [dot] com Growing orchards, fruit processing
9 Mr. Suhas B. Nanaware Programme Assistant (Lab Tech) suhasbhagwannanaware93 [at] gmail [dot] com Agricultural Extension Activities
10 Mr. P. P. Pote Programme Assistant (Computer) prafull [dot] pote [at] gmail [dot] com Computer management and
Information technology
11 Mr. C. H. Patil Assistant chandrakantpatilch29 [at] gmail [dot] com Accounts


At Post: Malegaon Khurd,
Dist. Pune,
Pin 413115, Maharashtra
Fax: 02112-255327

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