High Commission of India Suva ,Fiji Contact Details

International Numbers: 
(+679) 3301125 (Contact Support)

Important Links

Consular Service

Consular Timings

  • Functioning days: Mon- Fri Submission of all applications for passport/visas
  • Other consular services is from 0930 hours to 1230 hours Collection time is from 1600 hours to 1630 hours

Officers Detail

Name  Designation  Email 
h. Saifullah Khan Second Secretary
(Pol) and ; HOC
hoc [dot] suva [at] mea [dot] gov [dot] in
Sh Ashok Kumar Singh Second Secretary
(Cons and;Com)
cons [dot] suva [at] mea [dot] gov [dot] in,
com [dot] suva [at] mea [dot] gov [dot] in
Sh. Ashutosh Dwivedi Attache (Admn)  admn [dot] suva [at] mea [dot] gov [dot] in 
Ashutosh Sikri Attache (PS) hoc [dot] suva [at] mea [dot] gov [dot] in
Smt. Guriya Kumari Attach (ITEC)

itec [dot] suva [at] mea [dot] gov [dot] in

Application Forms

Working Hours (Open day Indian High Commission)

The ;Open Day; will be organized as under:
Venu : High Commission of India, Level 7, LICI Building, Butt Street, Suva
Time : 1530 hours to 1730 hours
Day : Every (working) Friday


High Commission of India
LICI Building, Level 7, Butt Street, Suva, Fiji
Tel:  (+679) 3301125
Emergency:  (+679) 9921474 Fax: (+679) 3301032
Email: admn [dot] suva [at] mea [dot] gov [dot] in ,
cons [dot] suva [at] mea [dot] gov [dot] in

Social Site