Embassy of India, Bratislava Contact Details

International Numbers: 
+ 421 2 5296 2916 (Contact Support)
00421 951 697 560 (Emergency Contact No.)
+421 2/526 313 57 (Alternate Support)


  • hoc [dot] bratislava [at] mea [dot] gov [dot] in (Contact Support)
  • cons [dot] bratislava [at] mea [dot] gov [dot] in (Alternate Contact Support)

Working hours:

  • Monday - Friday 8.30 am - 1.00 pm 1.30 pm - 5.00 pm

Consular Section

Consular Hour:

  • Receipt of applications:
    Monday - Friday 9.00 am to 11.00 am
  • Collection of documents (except Indian passports and OCI Cards) by the applicants:
    Monday - Friday 3.30 - 4.30 pm
  • Collection of Indian passports and OCI Cards by the applicants:
    Monday - Friday 9.00 - 11.00 am
  • Embassy is closed on Saturdays, Sundays and otherspecified holidays

Emergency No.

Contact person for visa & consular services after office hours, weekends and closed holidays. (In emergencies only)
Shri Manoj Kumar
Attache (Admn. & Consular)
Mobile: +421-908 025 212

Consular Services

Officer Contacts

  • + 421 2 5296 2916/+ 421 2 5296 2917/ + 421 2 5296 2918
Designation Name Email
Second Secretary
Shri Rajiv Kohli amboffice [dot] bratislava [at] mea [dot] gov [dot] in,
hoc [dot] bratislava [at] mea [dot] gov [dot] in
Shri Manoj Kumar Attache
(Admn. & Consular)
cons [dot] bratislava [at] mea [dot] gov [dot] in
Second Secretary
(Pol & Com)
Ms. amita Bansal pol [dot] bratislava [at] mea [dot] gov [dot] in,
com [dot] bratislava [at] mea [dot] gov [dot] in


Dunajská 4, 7th Floor,
811 08 Bratislava
Phone: + 421 - 2 - 52 96 29 16
Fax: + 421 - 2 - 52 96 29 21
Email: hoc [dot] bratislava [at] mea [dot] gov [dot] in

Social Sites