Dharmsinh Desai University Contact No.

All India Number(s): 
  • 0268-252 0502 (Contact Support)
  • 0268-252 0503 (For Enquiry)


  • registrar [at] ddu [dot] ac [dot] in (Contact Support)
  • examcontroller [at] ddu [dot] ac [dot] in (For Examination)

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Important Contact

Department Contact No. Email
Faculty Of Technology N/A dean [dot] fot [at] ddu [dot] ac [dot] in
Faculty of Dental Science 0268-2527077 deandental [at] ddu [dot] ac [dot] in
Faculty of Management and
Information Science
N/A deanmis [at] ddu [dot] ac [dot] in
Faculty of Pharmacy 0268-2521036 deanpharmacy [at] ddu [dot] ac [dot] in
Dr. N.D. Desai Faculty of
Medical Science and Research
0268-2524455 dean [dot] medical [at] ddu [dot] ac [dot] in

Administration Contact

Planning and Development
Dean Dr. M. A. Patel map [dot] cl [at] ddu [dot] ac [dot] in
Dean Dean - Dr. N. J. Kothari nil_kothari [at] ddu [dot] ac [dot] in
Asso. Dean Dr. B. S. Bhatt brij [dot] ce [at] ddu [dot] ac [dot] in
Accreditation and (Govt.) Approvals
Dean Dr. C. K. Bhensadadia ckbhensdadia [at] ddu [dot] ac [dot] in
Asso. Dean Dr. N. J. Kothari nil_kothari [at] ddu [dot] ac [dot] in
N/A Dr. R. H. Alad rizwan_alad [dot] ec [at] ddu [dot] ac [dot] in
Faculty Welfare
Dean Dr. M. S. Rao msrao [at] ddu [dot] ac [dot] in
Asso. Dean Dr. H. K. Shah echardip [at] ddu [dot] ac [dot] in
Student Welfare
Dean Dr. G. D. Bassan gdbassan [dot] mech [at] ddu [dot] ac [dot] in
Asso. Dean Dr. C. K. Patel lib [at] ddu [dot] ac [dot] in
N/A Prof. Hetal Shah shahhetal [dot] ec [at] ddu [dot] ac [dot] in
Ex-Officio Prof. S. S. Thavalapill smith [dot] ec [at] ddu [dot] ac [dot] in
Research and Innovation
Dean Dr. H. S. Mazumdar hsmazumdar [at] ddu [dot] ac [dot] in
Asso. Dean Dr. V. K. Dabhi vipuldabhi [dot] it [at] ddu [dot] ac [dot] in
Admission and Program Promotion
Dean Dr. V. A. Shah vashah [dot] ic [at] ddu [dot] ac [dot] in
Asso. Dean Dr. V. K. Dabhi vipuldabhi [dot] it [at] ddu [dot] ac [dot] in
Training Placement and Industry Institute Interaction
Dean Dr. B. S. Bhatt brij [dot] ce [at] ddu [dot] ac [dot] in
Placement Officer Dr. S. S. Khandelwal ssk [dot] cl [at] ddu [dot] ac [dot] in
E-Gov & Networking
Dean Dr. P. D. Dalal pur_dalal [dot] ec [at] ddu [dot] ac [dot] in
Asso. Dean Dr. M. S. Bhatt malaybhatt [dot] ce [at] ddu [dot] ac [dot] in
Testing, Consultancy and Extension
Dean Dr. A. P. Desmukh apdeshmukh [dot] ch [at] ddu [dot] ac [dot] in
Asso. Dean Dr. V. M. Thummar vinay_thumar [at] ddu [dot] ac [dot] in
Alumni Affairs
Dean Dr. P. A. Joshi pajoshi [at] ddu [dot] ac [dot] in
Controller of Examination Prof. M. R. Bhavsar examcontroller [at] ddu [dot] ac [dot] in
Co-ordinaator Dr. J. L. Purohit jalesh [dot] ch [at] ddu [dot] ac [dot] in
Co-ordinaator Prof. C. S. Dalal chiragsdalal [at] ddu [dot] ac [dot] in

Faculty Contact

Name Designation E-mail
Department of Computer Engineering
Dr. C. K. Bhensdadia Professor and Head, ckbhensdadia [at] ddu [dot] ac [dot] in
Dr. Brijesh S. Bhatt Professor brij [dot] ce [at] ddu [dot] ac [dot] in
Dr. Malay S. Bhatt Associate Professor malaybhatt [dot] ce [at] ddu [dot] ac [dot] in
Dr. Bhavika M. Gambhava Associate Professor bhavika [dot] ce [at] ddu [dot] ac [dot] in
Prof. Mrudang T. Mehta Associate Professor mrudang [dot] ce [at] ddu [dot] ac [dot] in
Prof. Prashant M. Jadav Associate Professor pmj [dot] ce [at] ddu [dot] ac [dot] in
Prof. Parag H Dave Assistant Professor paragdaveofficial [at] gmail [dot] com
Prof. Sheetal S. Shah Assistant Professor sheetalshah [dot] ce [at] ddu [dot] ac [dot] in
Prof. Jigar M. Pandya Assistant Professor jigarpandya [dot] ce [at] ddu [dot] ac [dot] in
Prof. Siddharth P. Shah Assistant Professor siddharth [dot] ce [at] ddu [dot] ac [dot] in
Prof. Ami M. Shah Assistant Professor amigandhi [dot] ce [at] ddu [dot] ac [dot] in
Prof. Ashish K. Gor Assistant Professor ashishgor [dot] ce [at] ddu [dot] ac [dot] in
Prof. Ankit P. Vaishnav Assistant Professor ankitvaishnav [dot] ce [at] ddu [dot] ac [dot] in
Prof. Shaifali P. Malukani Assistant Professor shaifalimalukani [dot] ce [at] ddu [dot] ac [dot] in
Prof. Apurva A. Mehta Assistant Professor apurvamehta [dot] ce [at] ddu [dot] ac [dot] in
Prof. Jatayu H. Baxi Assistant Professor jatayubaxi [dot] ce [at] ddu [dot] ac [dot] in
Prof. Hariom A. Pandya Assistant Professor hariompandya [dot] ce [at] ddu [dot] ac [dot] in
Prof. Niyati J. Buch Assistant Professor niyatibuch [dot] ce [at] ddu [dot] ac [dot] in
Prof. Shailja H. Patel Assistant Professor shailjamaniya [dot] ce [at] ddu [dot] ac [dot] in
Prof. Neha Fotedar Assistant Professor nehafotedar [dot] ce [at] ddu [dot] ac [dot] in
Prof. Varalakshmi Iyer Assistant Professor varalakshmiiyer [dot] ce [at] ddu [dot] ac [dot] in
Prof. Chintan R. Chatterjee Assistant Professor chintanchatterjee [dot] ce [at] ddu [dot] ac [dot] in
Prof. Jignesh K. Shah Assistant Professor jigneshshah [dot] ce [at] ddu [dot] ac [dot] in
Prof. Shital D. Pathar Assistant Professor shitalpathar [dot] ce [at] ddu [dot] ac [dot] in
Mr. Rajesh Desai Lab Assistant desairajesh410 [at] gmail [dot] com
Ms. Pooja Patel Computer Operator pooja [dot] ce [at] ddu [dot] ac [dot] in
Mr. Sanjay Bhimani Computer Operator sanjaybhimani [dot] ce [at] ddu [dot] ac [dot] in
Department of Chemical Engineering
Dr. M. S. Rao Professor and Head msrao [at] ddu [dot] ac [dot] in
Dr. P. A. Joshi Professor pajoshi [at] ddu [dot] ac [dot] in
Dr. A. P. Deshmukh Professor apdeshmukh [dot] ch [at] ddu [dot] ac [dot] in
Dr. J. L. Purohit Professor jalesh [dot] ch [at] ddu [dot] ac [dot] in
Dr. Vimal Gandhi Associate Professor vggandhi [dot] ch [at] ddu [dot] ac [dot] in
Dr. A. P. Dhanwani Associate Professor apdhanwani [dot] ch [at] ddu [dot] ac [dot] in
Prof. D. N. Shah Associate Professor dipali_912 [dot] ch [at] ddu [dot] ac [dot] in
Prof. Mihir P. Shah Associate Professor mpshah [at] ddu [dot] ac [dot] in
Prof. Nirav J. Bhavsar Assistant Professor njbhavsar [dot] ch [at] ddu [dot] ac [dot] in
Dr. Anand Kumar Tiwari Assistant Professor anandtiwari [dot] ch [at] ddu [dot] ac [dot] in
Prof. Siddharth C. Modi Assistant Professor siddharth [dot] modi [dot] ch [at] ddu [dot] ac [dot] in
Prof. Hitesh N. Panchal Assistant Professor hnpanchal [dot] ch [at] ddu [dot] ac [dot] in
Prof. Ved Tripathi Assistant Professor vedtripathi [dot] ch [at] ddu [dot] ac [dot] in
Prof. Dhrumil Gandhi Assistant Professor dhrumilgandhi [dot] ch [at] ddu [dot] ac [dot] in
Dr. Hemant Kumar Assistant Professor hemantkumar [dot] ch [at] ddu [dot] ac [dot] in
Dr. Bhupendra Suryawanshi Assistant Professor bsuryavanshi [dot] ch [at] ddu [dot] ac [dot] in
Prof. Jaydeep Jivani Assistant Professor jaydeepjivani [dot] ch [at] ddu [dot] ac [dot] in
Prof. Niraj Nair Assistant Professor nirajnair [dot] ch [at] ddu [dot] ac [dot] in
Prof. Jalpa M. Patel Assistant Professor jalpapatel [dot] ch [at] ddu [dot] ac [dot] in
Dr. Krishna Chauhan Assistant Professor krishnachauhan [dot] ch [at] ddu [dot] ac [dot] in
Prof. Rignesh B. Patel Assistant Professor rigneshpatel [dot] ch [at] ddu [dot] ac [dot] in
Dr. Chirag R. Patel Assistant Professor drchiragpatel13 [dot] ch [at] ddu [dot] ac [dot] in
Dr. Kantilal Chouhan Assistant Professor kchouhan [dot] ch [at] ddu [dot] ac [dot] in
Dr. Yash Jaiswal Assistant Professor yashjaiswal [dot] ch [at] ddu [dot] ac [dot] in
Prof. Vaidehi Parikh Assistant Professor vaidehiparikh [dot] ch [at] ddu [dot] ac [dot] in
Department of Civil Engineering
Prof. K. N. Sheth Professor and Head hod [dot] cl [at] ddu [dot] ac [dot] in
Prof. (Dr.) M. A. Patel Professor map [dot] cl [at] ddu [dot] ac [dot] in
Prof.(Dr.) S. S. Khandelwal Associate Professor ssk [dot] cl [at] ddu [dot] ac [dot] in
Prof. S. P. Parmar Assistant Professor spp [dot] cl [at] ddu [dot] ac [dot] in
Prof. C. A. Ka.Patel Assistant Professor cap [dot] cl [at] ddu [dot] ac [dot] in
Prof. (Ms) A. D. Parekh Assistant Professor adp [dot] cl [at] ddu [dot] ac [dot] in
Prof. (Ms) J. K. Pandya Assistant Professor jkp [dot] cl [at] ddu [dot] ac [dot] in
Prof. (Dr.) R. K. Sheth Associate Professor rks [dot] cl [at] ddu [dot] ac [dot] in
Prof. A. K. Yadav Assistant Professor aky [dot] cl [at] ddu [dot] ac [dot] in
Prof. J. P. Prajapati Assistant Professor jpp [dot] cl [at] ddu [dot] ac [dot] in
Prof. A. J. Gondaliya Assistant Professor ajg [dot] cl [at] ddu [dot] ac [dot] in
Prof. (Ms) A. K. Sheth Assistant Professor aks [dot] cl [at] ddu [dot] ac [dot] in
Prof. D. S. Khunt Assistant Professor dsk [dot] cl [at] ddu [dot] ac [dot] in
Prof. (Ms) P. A. Patel Assistant Professor pap [dot] cl [at] ddu [dot] ac [dot] in
Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering
Dr. Purvang D. Dalal Professor and Head pur_dalal [dot] ec [at] ddu [dot] ac [dot] in
Dr. H. S. Mazumdar Professor hsmazumdar [at] ddu [dot] ac [dot] in
Dr. Nikhil J. Kothari Professor nil_kothari [at] ddu [dot] ac [dot] in
Dr. Hardip K. Shah Professor echardip [at] ddu [dot] ac [dot] in
Dr. Vinay M. Thumar Associate Professor vinay_thumar [at] ddu [dot] ac [dot] in
Dr. Pallavi G. Darji Associate Professor pallavi [dot] darji [dot] ec [at] ddu [dot] ac [dot] in
Prof. Shital Thakkar Associate Professor shitalthakkar [dot] ec [at] ddu [dot] ac [dot] in
Dr. Yogesh K. Meghrajani Associate Professor yogesh_engg2 [dot] ec [at] ddu [dot] ac [dot] in
Dr. Rizwan H. Alad Associate Professor rizwan_alad [dot] ec [at] ddu [dot] ac [dot] in
Prof. Smith. S. Thavalapill Assistant Professor smith [dot] ec [at] ddu [dot] ac [dot] in
Prof. Hetal B. Shah Assistant Professor shahhetal [dot] ec [at] ddu [dot] ac [dot] in
Prof. Manishkumar K. Patel Assistant Professor manishpatel_79 [dot] ec [at] ddu [dot] ac [dot] in
Dr. Ashish B. Pandya Assistant Professor ashish [dot] ec [at] ddu [dot] ac [dot] in
Prof. Jitendra M.Shah Assistant Professor jmshah [dot] ec [at] ddu [dot] ac [dot] in
Dr. Mitesh J. Limachia Assistant Professor mitesh [dot] ec [at] ddu [dot] ac [dot] in
Prof. Hardik B. Patel Assistant Professor hardik [dot] patel [dot] ec [at] ddu [dot] ac [dot] in
Prof. Bhavini .D. Parmar Assistant Professor bhavini123 [dot] ec [at] ddu [dot] ac [dot] in
Prof. Harikrushna B. Rathod Assistant Professor harikrushna [dot] rathod [dot] ec [at] ddu [dot] ac [dot] in
Prof. Harshitkumar M. Patel Assistant Professor hmpatel [dot] ec [at] ddu [dot] ac [dot] in
Prof. Vasim.A. Vohra Assistant Professor vasim [dot] vohra [dot] ec [at] ddu [dot] ac [dot] in
Prof. Keyurkumar M. Patel Assistant Professor keyurpatel [dot] ec [at] ddu [dot] ac [dot] in
Prof. Sohilkumar A. Dabhi Assistant Professor sohil [dot] dabhi [dot] ec [at] gmail [dot] com
Prof. Narendra V. Chauhan Assistant Professor nvc [dot] ec [at] ddu [dot] ac [dot] in
Prof. Dipak K. Rabari Assistant Professor dipakrabari [dot] ec [at] ddu [dot] ac [dot] in
Prof. Mitul A. Shah Assistant Professor mitul [dot] shah [dot] ec [at] ddu [dot] ac [dot] in
Prof. Biren B. Patel Assistant Professor biren2787 [dot] ec [at] ddu [dot] ac [dot] in
Prof. Pinkesh Patel Assistant Professor pinkesh150387 [dot] ec [at] ddu [dot] ac [dot] in
Prof. Goral Nakum Assistant Professor goralnakum [dot] ec [at] ddu [dot] ac [dot] in
Prof. Himanshu Prajapati Assistant Professor himanshu [dot] ec [at] ddu [dot] ac [dot] in
Department of Information Technology
Dr. Vipul K. Dabhi Professor and Head, vipuldabhi [dot] it [at] ddu [dot] ac [dot] in
Dr. Harshadkumar B.Prajapati Associate Professor prajapatihb [dot] it [at] ddu [dot] ac [dot] in
Prof. Nikita Desai Associate Professor nikitadesai [dot] it [at] ddu [dot] ac [dot] in
Dr. Mukesh M. Goswami Associate Professor mgoswami [dot] it [at] ddu [dot] ac [dot] in
Prof. Zankhana V. Dabhi Assistant Professor zankhana [dot] it [at] ddu [dot] ac [dot] in
Prof. Ravindra A. Vyas Assistant Professor ravi [dot] it [at] ddu [dot] ac [dot] inc
Prof. Yogendra L. Patel Assistant Professor yogendra [dot] it [at] ddu [dot] ac [dot] in
Prof. Brijesha P. Kothari Assistant Professor brijesha [dot] it [at] ddu [dot] ac [dot] in
Prof. Sandeep R. Suthar Assistant Professor sandeepsuthar [dot] it [at] ddu [dot] ac [dot] in
Prof. Tanvi R. Goswami Assistant Professor tanvigoswami [dot] it [at] ddu [dot] ac [dot] in
Prof. Archana N Vyas Assistant Professor anvyas [dot] it [at] ddu [dot] ac [dot] in
Prof. Deepak C Vegda Assistant Professor deepakvegda [dot] it [at] ddu [dot] ac [dot] in
Prof. Sunil K. Vithlani Assistant Professor sunilvithlani [dot] it [at] ddu [dot] ac [dot] in
Prof. Viranchi N Patel Assistant Professor viranchipatel [dot] it [at] ddu [dot] ac [dot] in
Prof. Viral H. Shah Assistant Professor viralshah [dot] it [at] ddu [dot] ac [dot] in
Prof. Kunal J. Sahitya Assistant Professor kunalsahitya [dot] it [at] ddu [dot] ac [dot] in
Prof. Anand K. Patel Assistant Professor anandpatel [dot] it [at] ddu [dot] ac [dot] in
Prof. Fatema Vhora Assistant Professor fatemavhora [dot] it [at] ddu [dot] ac [dot] in
Prof. Nilamba Vala Assistant Professor nilambavala [dot] it [at] ddu [dot] ac [dot] in
Prof. Shweta Jambukia Assistant Professor shwetajambukia [dot] it [at] ddu [dot] ac [dot] in
Department of Instrumentation and Control Engineering
Dr. Vipul A. Shah Dean and Incharge Head vashah [dot] ic [at] ddu [dot] ac [dot] in
Chirag S. Dalal Associate Professor chiragsdalal [at] ddu [dot] ac [dot] in
Jignesh G. Bhatt Associate Professor jigneshgbhatt [dot] ic [at] ddu [dot] ac [dot] in
Shweta Gaur Assistant Professor shwetagaur [dot] ic [at] ddu [dot] ac [dot] in
Dr. Himanshukumar R. Patel Assistant Professor himanshupatel [dot] ic [at] ddu [dot] ac [dot] in
Tigmanshu J. Patel Assistant Professor tigmanshupatel [dot] ic [at] ddu [dot] ac [dot] in
Rinal V. Mistry Assistant Professor rinalmistry [dot] ic [at] ddu [dot] ac [dot] in
Heta S.Shah Assistant Professor hetashah [dot] ic [at] ddu [dot] ac [dot] in
Jaykumar H. Patel Lab Assistant jaypatel [dot] ic [at] ddu [dot] ac [dot] in
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Dr. Gurmitsingh D. Bassan Asso. Professor and Head gdbassan [dot] mech [at] ddu [dot] ac [dot] in
Prof. Rajesh M. Joshi Asso. Professor rmjoshi [dot] mech [at] ddu [dot] ac [dot] in
Prof. Prasad V. Dixit Asst. Professor pvdixit [dot] mech [at] ddu [dot] ac [dot] in
Prof. Pravin N. Tank Asst. Professor pntank [dot] mech [at] ddu [dot] ac [dot] in
Dr. Nimeshchandra S. Patel Asst. Professor nspatel [dot] mech [at] ddu [dot] ac [dot] in
Prof. Nirav A. Vora Assistant Professor navora [dot] mech [at] ddu [dot] ac [dot] in
Prof. Brijesh P. Waghela Lecturer - SS bpvaghela [dot] mech [at] ddu [dot] ac [dot] in
Prof. Roopnesh V. Solanki Assistant Professor rvsolanki [dot] mech [at] ddu [dot] ac [dot] in
Prof. Mitesh N. Prajapati Assistant Professor mnprajapati [dot] mech [at] ddu [dot] ac [dot] in
Prof. Krunal K. Shah Assistant Professor kkshah [dot] mech [at] ddu [dot] ac [dot] in
Prof. Kavit R. Shah Assistant Professor krshah [dot] mech [at] ddu [dot] ac [dot] in
Prof. Chirag M. Fadadu Assistant Professor cmfadadu [dot] mech [at] ddu [dot] ac [dot] in
Prof. Dhaval I. Upadhyay Assistant Professor diupadhyay [dot] mech [at] ddu [dot] ac [dot] in
Prof. Dipam S. Patel Assistant Professor dspatel [dot] mech [at] ddu [dot] ac [dot] in
Prof. Mahavirsinh M. Chavda Assistant Professor mahavirchavda [dot] mech [at] ddu [dot] ac [dot] in
Prof. Amit S. Patel Assistant Professor aspatel [dot] mh [at] ddu [dot] ac [dot] in
Prof. Jaydeep M. Ravalji Assistant Professor jmravalji [dot] mh [at] ddu [dot] ac [dot] in
Prof. Hiren N. Pandya Assistant Professor hnpandya [dot] mh [at] ddu [dot] ac [dot] in
Prof. Abhishek P. Bhavsar Assistant Professor apbhavsar [dot] mh [at] ddu [dot] ac [dot] in
Prof. Pratik A. Shah Assistant Professor pashah [dot] mh [at] ddu [dot] ac [dot] in
Prof. Nimesh R. Prajapati Assistant Professor nrprajapati [dot] mh [at] ddu [dot] ac [dot] in
Dr. Shruti J. Raval Assistant Professor sjraval [dot] mech [at] ddu [dot] ac [dot] in
Prof. Akshay R. Mengar Assistant Professor armengar [dot] mech [at] ddu [dot] ac [dot] in
Prof. Nilay M. Bhavsar Assistant Professor nmbhavsar [dot] mech [at] ddu [dot] ac [dot] in
Prof. Malav J. Purohit Assistant Professor mjpurohit [dot] mech [at] ddu [dot] ac [dot] in
Prof. Jignesh M. Rathod Assistant Professor jmrathod [dot] mech [at] ddu [dot] ac [dot] in
Prof. Divyang G. Bohra Assistant Professor dgbohra [dot] mech [at] ddu [dot] ac [dot] in
Prof. Sunil H. Dewangan Assistant Professor sunildewangan [dot] mech [at] ddu [dot] ac [dot] in
Prof. Kartik M. Mandavia Assistant Professor kartikmandavia [dot] mech [at] ddu [dot] ac [dot] in
Prof. Dhwanik N. Patel Assistant Professor dhwanikpatel [dot] mech [at] ddu [dot] ac [dot] in
Prof. Pranav R. Mehta Assistant Professor pranavmehta [dot] mech [at] ddu [dot] ac [dot] in
Prof. Pranav R. Parikh Assistant Professor pranavparikh [dot] mech [at] ddu [dot] ac [dot] in
Department of Mathematics
Dr. Laxmi Desai Assistant Professor hod [dot] maths [at] ddu [dot] ac [dot] in
Vimal B. Patel Assistant Professor vbp [dot] maths [at] ddu [dot] ac [dot] in
Dr.Kailash M. Patil Assistant Professor kailashpatil2111 [dot] maths [at] ddu [dot] ac [dot] in
Dr. N. M. Pathak Assistant Professor nirajpathak [dot] maths [at] ddu [dot] ac [dot] in
Gopal K. Gohel Assistant Professor gopalgohel [dot] maths [at] ddu [dot] ac [dot] in
Ms. Mitali J. Doshi Assistant Professor mjd [dot] maths [at] ddu [dot] ac [dot] in
Ms. Bhavika Patel Assistant Professor bkp [dot] maths [at] ddu [dot] ac [dot] in

Anti Ragging Squad

MBA Department
Prof. Fince Thomas 9824040678
Prof. Pathik Variya 9427496231
MCA Department
Prof. (Dr.) Narayan Joshi- Head 9537782290
Prof. Minai Shah 9824175030
Prof. Himanshu Purohit 9979122336
Faculty of Dental Science
Dr. Hiren Patel -Dean 9426034400
Dr. Somil Mathur 9825060060
Dr. Bhupesh Patel 9825011901
Dr. Kartik Dholakia 9924041441
Faculty of Pharmacy
Dr. B.N.Suhagia- Dean 9427000135
Dr. T.G.Soni 9662480636
Dr. Kishor Sorathia 02682520503
Dr. M.N.Patel 9909055265
Dr. R.B.Maradia 9426444312
Institute of Commerce
Prof. G. R. Meriya- Principal 9427884951
Prof. G. R. Chauhan 9979034010
Prof. R. C. Patel 9426523055
BCA Department
Prof. C. P. Patel- Head 9924038121
Prof. Shefali Gandhi 9427856053
Prof. Chirag Patel 9429069392
BBA Department
Prof. Nimesh Joshi- Head 9924333957
Prof. Jayesh Joshi 02682520503
Faculty of Medical Science (Dr. N.D. Desai Faculty
of Medical Science & Research)
Dr. Arun Harilal Vyas - Dean 8758284795
Dr. Anuj Satishkumar Modi 9983530870
Dr. Alka Dave 9825149701
Dr. J atin Bharatkumar Goda 8875417102
Faculty of Technology
Prof (Dr.) V. A. Shah- Dean 9925833707
CE Department
Dr. C. K. Bhensdadia·- Head 9898193584
Prof M T Mehta 9426545511
Prof.- M S. Bhatt 9825323146
Chemical Department
Dr.M S. Rao- Head 9427634725
Dr. Virnal Gandhi 9427890685
Dr. Yatindra Shukla 9904020338
Electronics and Communication Department
Dr. Purvang Dalal - Head 9426033978
Dr. Yinay Thumar 8140940940
Dr. Nikhil Kothari 0268 2528972 (R)
Mechanical Department
Dr. G. D. Basan- Head 9879522741
Prof. R.M Joshi 9426047274
Dr. N. S. Patel 9724829349
Civil Department
Prof. K. N. Sheth- Head 0268-2520032
Prof. Jayesh Prajapati 9998525528
Prof. A. K. Yadav 0268 2520503
IT Department
Prof. (Dr.) Vipul Dabhi 9427384573
Dr. Harshad B. Prajapati 9427384573
Prof. Mukesh Goswami 9426341159
IC Department
Prof. C. S. Dalal 9825476149
Dr. Himanshu Patel 7698308667
Prof. Jignesh Bhatt 9426703566
Faculty of Management and
Information Science
Dr. Naresh Patel - Dean 9426699665

Grievance Redressal Committee

Name Designation Position Contact Details
Mr. Ankur H. Desai Director Chairman directOI [at] ddu [dot] ac [dot] in
Prof Rajnikant Jain Registrar Member
regsitrar [at] ddu [dot] ac [dot] in
Dr. B N Suhagia Dean Pharmacy Member deanpharmacy [at] ddu [dot] ac [dot] in
Dr. Hiren Patel Dean-Dental Member deandental [at] ddu [dot] ac [dot] in
Prof D. G. Panchal DeanTechnology Member deantechno [at] ddu [dot] ac [dot] in
Dr Naresh K Patel DeanManagement Member deanmiS [at] ddu [dot] ac [dot] in


Dharmsinh Desai University
College Road, Nadiad 387 001,
Gujarat, India.
Fax: 0268-2520501

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