Army Institute of Technology (AIT), Pune Contact No.

All India Number(s): 
  • 72492 50184 (Contact Support)
  • 72492 50185 (Alternate Contact Support)


  • ait [at] aitpune [dot] edu [dot] in (Contact Support)
  • admission [at] aitpune [dot] edu [dot] in (For admission Query)

Department Wise Contact Details

S. No. Designation Name Email
Applied Science And General Engg.
Faculty List
1 HOD & Asso Professor Dr (Mrs )Swati Kulkarni hodasge [at] aitpune [dot] edu [dot] in
2 Associate Professor Dr (Mrs) Seema Tiwari stiwari [at] aitpune [dot] edu [dot] in
3 Assistant Professor Ms Mridula Chandola mchandola [at] aitpune [dot] edu [dot] in
4 Assistant Professor Dr A. K. Singh aksingh [at] aitpune [dot] edu [dot] in
5 Assistant Professor Ms Anita Suryawanshi aahire [at] aitpune [dot] edu [dot] in
6 Assistant Professor Dr Ganesh Mundhe gmundhe [at] aitpune [dot] edu [dot] in
7 Assistant Professor Mr V. Hivrale vhivrale [at] aitpune [dot] edu [dot] in
8 Assistant Professor Mr Rushikesh Patil rushikeshpatil [at] aitpune [dot] edu [dot] in
9 Assistant Professor Mr Sachin Tanwade sachintanawade [at] aitpune [dot] edu [dot] in
10 Assistant Professor Ms Nithya Baskar nityabhaskar [at] aitpune [dot] edu [dot] in
11 Assistant Professor Mrs Surekha Gite surekhagite [at] aitpune [dot] edu [dot] in
12 Assistant Professor Dr Sonali Bhosle sonalibhosle [at] aitpune [dot] edu [dot] in
13 Physical Director Mr Vishal Pardeshi physicaldirector [at] aitpune [dot] edu [dot] in
Technical Staff
14 Tech. Asst.(Chemistry) Ms Swati Salunkhe ssalunkhe [at] aitpune [dot] edu [dot] in
15 Tech. Asst.(Civil) Ms Varsha Kulkarni vkulkarni [at] aitpune [dot] edu [dot] in
16 Lab. Asst ( Physics) Mr Raghu Babar rbabar [at] aitpune [dot] edu [dot] in
Electronics & Telecommunication
17 Professor & Principal Dr B P Patil principal [at] aitpune [dot] edu [dot] in
18 Professor & HOD Dr G R Patil hodetc [at] aitpune [dot] edu [dot] in,
grpatil [at] aitpune [dot] edu [dot] in
19 Professor Dr Mrs K S Surekha surekhaks [at] aitpune [dot] edu [dot] in
20 Associate Professor Dr P B Karandikar pkarandikar [at] aitpune [dot] edu [dot] in
21 Associate Professor Dr Shraddha Oza sdoza [at] aitpune [dot] edu [dot] in
22 Associate Professor Dr Renuka Bhandari rbhandari [at] aitpune [dot] edu [dot] in
23 Associate Professor Dr Sushma Patil swadar [at] aitpune [dot] edu [dot] in
24 Associate Professor Dr Rajashree Suryawanshi rsuryavanshi [at] aitpune [dot] edu [dot] in
25 Assistant Professor Mr J B Jawale jjawale [at] aitpune [dot] edu [dot] in
26 Assistant Professor Mr Vijay Kumar Karra vkarra [at] aitpune [dot] edu [dot] in
27 Assistant Professor Dr Avinash Patil apatil [at] aitpune [dot] edu [dot] in
28 Assistant Professor Dr Preeti Warrier pwarrier [at] aitpune [dot] edu [dot] in
29 Assistant Professor Mr Girish Kapse gkapse [at] aitpune [dot] edu [dot] in
30 Assistant Professor Mrs Shilpa Pawar spawar [at] aitpune [dot] edu [dot] in
31 Assistant Professor Mrs Snehal Marathe smarathe [at] aitpune [dot] edu [dot] in
32 Assistant Professor Ms Dhanashree Patil dhanashreepatil [at] aitpune [dot] edu [dot] in
33 Assistant Professor Ms Pragati Rana pragatirana [at] aitpune [dot] edu [dot] in
34 Assistant Professor Dr Sandeep Sakhahari
sandeepbidwai [at] aitpune [dot] edu [dot] in
35 Assistant Professor Ms Mahima Jain mahimajain [at] aitpune [dot] edu [dot] in
36 Assistant Professor Mr Ashish Dudhale ashishdudhale [at] aitpune [dot] edu [dot] in
37 Assistant Professor Mr Sukumar Chougule sukumarchougule [at] aitpune [dot] edu [dot] in
38 Assistant Professor Ms Prajakta Jaybhaye prajaktajaybhaye [at] aitpune [dot] edu [dot] in
Technical Staff
39 Computer Programmer Mrs Rajashree
rajashreesc [at] aitpune [dot] edu [dot] in
40 Technical Assistant Mrs Sujata Kadam skadam [at] aitpune [dot] edu [dot] in
41 Technical Assistant Mr Ashok Katole akatole [at] aitpune [dot] edu [dot] in
42 Lab. Assistant Mr Nitesh Sukhadeve nsukhadeve [at] aitpune [dot] edu [dot] in
43 Lab. Assistant Ms Mohini Shendge mohinis [at] aitpune [dot] edu [dot] in
44 Lab. Assistant Ms Vidya Jadhav vidyajadhav [at] aitpune [dot] edu [dot] in
45 Lab. Assistant Mr Pravin Sangle pravinsangle [at] aitpune [dot] edu [dot] in
46 Lab. Assistant Mrs Deepali Apraj deepaliapraj [at] aitpune [dot] edu [dot] in
47 Lab. Assistant Ms Paurnima Patil paurnimapatil [at] aitpune [dot] edu [dot] in
48 Lab. Assistant Ms Bhagyashri Pawar bhagyashripawar [at] aitpune [dot] edu [dot] in
Information Technology
49 HOD & Professor Dr Sangeeta D
hodit [at] aitpune [dot] edu [dot] in
50 Associate Professor Mr D G Auradkar dgauradkar [at] aitpune [dot] edu [dot] in
51 Associate Professor Dr Rahul Desai rahuldesai [at] aitpune [dot] edu [dot] in
52 Associate Professor Dr Ashwini Sapkal asapkal [at] aitpune [dot] edu [dot] in
53 Assistant Professor Ms Vaishali Ingale vingale [at] aitpune [dot] edu [dot] in
54 Assistant Professor Mrs Geeta Patil gpatil [at] aitpune [dot] edu [dot] in
55 Assistant Professor Dr GM Walunjkar gwalunjkar [at] aitpune [dot] edu [dot] in
56 Assistant Professor Mr Yuvraj Gholap ygholap [at] aitpune [dot] edu [dot] in
57 Assistant Professor Mr Sandeep Samleti ssamleti [at] aitpune [dot] edu [dot] in
58 Assistant Professor Ms Rupali Bagate rbagate [at] aitpune [dot] edu [dot] in
59 Assistant Professor Dr Aparna S Joshi ajoshi [at] aitpune [dot] edu [dot] in
60 Assistant Professor Dr Dipika R Birari dipikabirari [at] aitpune [dot] edu [dot] in
61 Assistant Professor Ms Sonal S Shirbhate sonalshirbhate [at] aitpune [dot] edu [dot] in
Technical Staff List
62 Computer Programmer Ms Jyoti Taralkar jyoti [at] aitpune [dot] edu [dot] in
63 Lab. Assistant Mr Sonavane Rohan
rohansonavane [at] aitpune [dot] edu [dot] in
64 Lab. Assistant Ms Shital Omkar
shitalsuvarnakar [at] aitpune [dot] edu [dot] in
65 Lab. Assistant Mr Suryakant Kenjale suryakantkenjale [at] aitpune [dot] edu [dot] in
66 Lab. Assistant Ms Pratiksha Nanavare pratikshananavare [at] aitpune [dot] edu [dot] in
67 Lab. Assistant Mr Arbaaz Pathan arbaazpathan [at] aitpune [dot] edu [dot] in
Mechanical Engineering
68 Professor and Offg Head Dr U V Awasarmol uvawasarmol [at] aitpune [dot] edu [dot] in ,
hodmech [at] aitpune [dot] edu [dot] in
69 Associate Professor Mr R S Verma rsverma [at] aitpune [dot] edu [dot] in
70 Associate Professor and
Wksp Suptdt
Mr V R Kulkarni vrkulkarni [at] aitpune [dot] edu [dot] in
71 Associate Professor Dr J D Patil jdpatil [at] aitpune [dot] edu [dot] in
72 Associate Professor Dr P M Purohit pmpurohit [at] aitpune [dot] edu [dot] in
73 Assistant Professor Mr P V Dorlikar pvdorlikar [at] aitpune [dot] edu [dot] in
74 Assistant Professor Dr R B Gurav rbgurav [at] aitpune [dot] edu [dot] in
75 Assistant Professor Mr Y V Patel yvpatel [at] aitpune [dot] edu [dot] in
76 Assistant Professor Mr S M Gaikwad smgaikwad [at] aitpune [dot] edu [dot] in
77 Assistant Professor Mr A A Ramgude aaramgude [at] aitpune [dot] edu [dot] in
78 Assistant Professor Mr M B Phatangare mphatangare [at] aitpune [dot] edu [dot] in
79 Assistant Professor Mr R S Godse rgodse [at] aitpune [dot] edu [dot] in
80 Assistant Professor Dr Laxmikant D Jathar laxmikantjathar [at] aitpune [dot] edu [dot] in
List of Staff
81 Chargeman Mr A G Jirgale agjirgale [at] aitpune [dot] edu [dot] in
82 Technical
Mr E R Gargote ergargote [at] aitpune [dot] edu [dot] in
83 Instructor Mr B D Sonawane bdsonawane [at] aitpune [dot] edu [dot] in
84 Instructor Mr S J Joshi sjjoshi [at] aitpune [dot] edu [dot] in
85 Mechanic Mr M T Sankpal mtsankpal [at] aitpune [dot] edu [dot] in
86 Programmer Mr S B Shikare sbshikare [at] aitpune [dot] edu [dot] in
87 Lab Assistant Mr S H Karande shkarande [at] aitpune [dot] edu [dot] in
88 Lab Assistant Mr N V Barathe nishadbarathe [at] aitpune [dot] edu [dot] in
Computer Engineering
89 HOD & Professor Dr S R Dhore hodcomp [at] aitpune [dot] edu [dot] in
90 Professor Dr N K Bansode nkbansode [at] aitpune [dot] edu [dot] in
91 Associate Professor Dr Jayadevan R rjayadevan [at] aitpune [dot] edu [dot] in
92 Associate Professor Dr Sagar Rane sagarrane [at] aitpune [dot] edu [dot] in
93 Assistant Professor Mr M B Lonare mblonare [at] aitpune [dot] edu [dot] in
94 Assistant Professor Mr P R Sonawane prsonawane [at] aitpune [dot] edu [dot] in
95 Assistant Professor Mrs Asha Sathe asathe [at] aitpune [dot] edu [dot] in
96 Assistant Professor Mrs Vaishali 
vganganwar [at] aitpune [dot] edu [dot] in
97 Assistant Professor Ms Sushama A Shirke sshirke [at] aitpune [dot] edu [dot] in
98 Assistant Professor Mrs Rushali S Patil rpatil [at] aitpune [dot] edu [dot] in
99 Assistant Professor Mrs Sharayu
slokhande [at] aitpune [dot] edu [dot] in
100 Assistant Professor Ms Y T Hambir ythambir [at] aitpune [dot] edu [dot] in
101 Assistant Professor Mr Anup P Kadam akadam [at] aitpune [dot] edu [dot] in
102 Assistant Professor Mrs Nikita Singhal ngupta [at] aitpune [dot] edu [dot] in
103 Assistant Professor Ms Sita Yadav syadav [at] aitpune [dot] edu [dot] in
104 Assistant Professor Mr Kuldeep Hule kuldeephule [at] aitpune [dot] edu [dot] in
105 Assistant Professor Mr Mangesh Hajare mangeshhajare [at] aitpune [dot] edu [dot] in
106 Assistant Professor Ms Gauri Doke gauridoke [at] aitpune [dot] edu [dot] in
107 Assistant Professor Ms Poonam Rayakar poonamrayakar [at] aitpune [dot] edu [dot] in
108 Assistant Professor Aarati Gangshetty aaratigangshetty [at] aitpune [dot] edu [dot] in
Technical Staff
109 Programmer Mr K K Dass kkdass [at] aitpune [dot] edu [dot] in
110 Tech Assistant Mr U P Deolankar updeolankar [at] aitpune [dot] edu [dot] in
111 Lab Assistant Mr K Prakash kprakash [at] aitpune [dot] edu [dot] in
112 Programmer Mr Rahul Kadam rkadam [at] aitpune [dot] edu [dot] in
113 Programmer Mr Ravindindra Desai rdesai [at] aitpune [dot] edu [dot] in
114 Lab Assistant Ms Priyanka Holkar priyankaholkar [at] aitpune [dot] edu [dot] in
115 Lab Assistant Mrs Varsha Sadawarte varshasadawarte [at] aitpune [dot] edu [dot] in
116 Lab Assistant Mr Pramod Patil pramodpatil [at] aitpune [dot] edu [dot] in
117 Lab Assistant Ms Shraddha Suvarnkar shraddhasuvarnakar [at] aitpune [dot] edu [dot] in

Contact Details

Designation Contact No.
1 Director 7249250115
2 Joint Director 7249250117
3 Principal 7249250186
4 Exch 7249250183,

Other Contact Details

S.No. Department Contact No. Email
1 Training & Placement Cell 9822354503/ 9764921274
Ext : 3183
tpo [at] aitpune [dot] edu [dot] in
2 Grievance Redressal 7249250184/ 7249250185 ait [at] aitpune [dot] edu [dot] in
3 Research & Development 7249250184
ext 2133
surekhaks [at] aitpune [dot] edu [dot] in

Anti Ragging Helpline

S.No. Department Contact Details
1 AIT Exchange 7249250184 , 7249250185
2 Director 2101 (Extn)
3 Jt Director 2103
4 Principal 2120
5 Vishwesvaraya Hostel 4251 & 4252
6 Abdul Kalam Hostel 4254 (O),
4260 (R)
7 SN Bose Hostel 4255
8 Homi Bhaha Hostel 4256
9 Sarabhai Hostel 4257
10 Kalpana Chawla
Girls Hostel
4258 (O), 4259 (Res)
11 National Anti-Ragging
helpline [at] antiragging [dot] in

Student Council

S.No Appointment Name Contact No. Email
1 President Priyanshu Priy_am 9784499354 priyanshupriyam20135 [at] aitpune [dot] edu [dot] in
2 General Secretary Bhaumik Maan 7387823677 bhaumikmaan20284 [at] aitpune [dot] edu [dot] in
3 Ladies Representative Khushi 9910390489 kushi20223 [at] aitpune [dot] edu [dot] in

Internal Complaints Committee

S.No. Name Contact Details
1 Dr. Pritee Purohit 9145231814
2 Prof. Vijay Kumar Karra 9823256569
3 Prof. Vaishali Ingale 9371165218

Alumini Contact Details

S.No. Responsibility Name of Alumni Email
1 President Mr Raju Kumar rajukumar [dot] ait [at] gmail [dot] com
2 Secretary Mr Amit Aggarwal amit_agy [at] rediffmail [dot] com
3 Executive Secretary Mr Deven Mali dev15j1998 [at] gmail [dot] com
4 Treasurer Mr Pawan Yadav bootstrapping [dot] pawan [at] gmail [dot] com
5 Treasurer Mr Jeetender Singh jeetender005 [at] gmail [dot] com
6 Ex-officio Executive
Prof Manoj S Khaladkar tpo [at] aitpune [dot] edu [dot] in

Download Forms


Army Institute of Technology
Dighi Hills,Alandi Road,
Pune- 411015
Ph: 7249250184/ 7249250185
Ext: 2123, 2170, 2174, 2173

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