Appraisal Form For Sericulture Activity

Company Name(s): 

Interview cum Appraisal form for Sericulture Activity

Name of the Applicant _____________________

1. (i) Main occupation of the applicant (s)

(ii) Knowledge and experience in Sericulture

2. Indicate the type of Sericulture for which finance is required -
Tassar / Mulberry / Other.
(i) New plantation to be taken up for cultivation of crop?

(ii) Whether in the existing plantation gap filling or maintenance to be done?

(iii) For rearing silk worm, collecting from forest, equipment, seed (eggs) and working capital required, maintenance and other expenses.

3. In case of existing plantation whether it is owned or lease hold and period of lease.

4. Loan amount needed for :
(i) Plantation of new crop (give detailed cost data)

(ii) Gap filling and Maintenance in existing plantation (give detailed cost data)

(iii) Purchase of reeling equipment, rearing equipment etc. with cost (quotations)

(iv) Construction of rearing shed or reeling shed (give detailed cost data)

(v) Purchase of eggs of silk worms etc.

(vi) Others - specify
Total amount required for activity

Investment from own sources.

Net amount of loan required


5. Economics in Rs.
(i) Total expenditure 1st year 2nd year 3rd year
a. For fixed assets
b. For working capital

(ii) Gross returns expected
a. Yield (Kg.)
b. Value

(iii) Net Profit

6. Marketing Facilities
(i) Indicate Silk Trading Centres

(ii) Arrangement for preservation

(iii) Transport

7. Indicate demand for silk cocoons in general

8. Terms of repayment proposed

Signature of Appraising Officer Signature/Thumb impression of Applicant/s