Andaman & Nicobar Government Contact No. 03192-236 572

All India Number(s): 
  • 03192-236 572 (For Contact Support)


  •  asga123 [dot] and [at] nic [dot] in (For General Queries)

Important Links

Emergency Helpline Number

Sr.No. Name Contact No.
1 Police 100
2 Fire 101
3 Blood Bank (G.B. Pant) 03192-230628
4 Ambulance (G.B. Pant) 03192-232102
5 Shipping 03192-245555
6 Disaster 1070, 03192-238881

Officers Contact Details

Sr No. Name Designation Contact Information Email Address
1 Shri Keshav Chandra, IAS Chief Secretary 03192-233110/03192-234087, 03192-232656 cs-andaman [at] nic [dot] in
2 Shri Nikhil Kumar, IAS Commissioner-cum-Secretary 03192-233377, 03192-240495 commissioner-and [at] and [dot] nic [dot] in
3 Ms. Nandini Paliwal, IAS Commissioner-cum-Secretary 03192-233227 secyit [dot] and [at] nic [dot] in
4 Shri A.S.P.S.Raviprakash, IAS Secretary 03192-241774 secretaryuddm [at] gmail [dot] com
5 Ms. Smitha R, IAS Secretary 03192-232398 ceozp [at] and [dot] nic [dot] in
6 Shri Balwan Singh Jaglan, IAS Secretary 03192-235054 ceo_andaman [at] eci [dot] gov [dot] in, secy [dot] ani104 [at] and [dot] nic [dot] in
7 Dr. Satyendra Singh Dursawat, IAS Secretary 03192-230933 secretary [dot] and [at] and [dot] nic [dot] in
8 Shri Aman Gupta, IAS Secretary 03192-235658 secretary [dot] efst [at] gmail [dot] com
9 Ms. Veditha Reddy, IAS Deputy Commissioner 03192-233089 dcandaman2016 [at] gmail [dot] com
10 Shri Arjun Sharma, IAS Secretary 03192-233014 secy [dot] 215 [at] and [dot] nic [dot] in
11 Ms. Pallavi Sarkar, IAS Secretary 03192-233113 secytolg [dot] and [at] nic [dot] in, secedn [dot] and [at] nic [dot] in, secy-sw [at] and [dot] nic [dot] in
12 Smti Jyoti Kumari, IAS Deputy Commissioner 03192-265220 ndc [dot] and [at] nic [dot] in
13 Shri Ankit Yadav, IAS Deputy Commissioner 03192-262999, 03192-262997 nmadc [dot] and [at] nic [dot] in
14 Smti Nandini Maharaj, IAS Special Secretary 03192-232388 rcs [dot] and [at] nic [dot] in
15 Shri Dilkhush Meena, IAS Secretary 03192-231951 adm [dot] and [at] nic [dot] in, secypbmc [at] gmail [dot] com
16 Shri Kale Amit Marutirao, IAS Special Secretary 03192-230661 spl-secyani [at] and [dot] nic [dot] in
17 Shri Azharuddin Zahiruddin Quazi,IAS - - -
18 Shri Vinayak Chamadia, IAS - 03192-232575 acsasdmoffice [at] gmail [dot] com
19 Ms. Ranjana Deswal Secretary 03192-232382 secretary-201ani [at] and [dot] nic [dot] in
20 Shri C. Arvind Secretary 03192-230209 secretary208-ani [at] and [dot] nic [dot] in
21 Dr. Anil Agarwal   03192-243312 ss [dot] mduthm [at] gmail [dot] com
22 Shri Vishwendra   03192-230225 dirtpt [dot] and [at] nic [dot] in
23 Shri Manoj Kumar Dwivedi   03192-236234 ddm [dot] and [at] nic [dot] in, dirdmani2021 [at] gmail [dot] com
24 Shri Kuldip Singh Thakur   011-26871443 drcandaman [at] yahoo [dot] com
25 Shri Prashant Kumar   03192-234880 cpapmb [dot] and [at] nic [dot] in
26 Shri Vaibhav Rikhari   03192-232126 jtsportblair [at] gmail [dot] com
27 Shri Harminder Singh   03192-231639/03192-232321 tw [dot] and [at] nic [dot] in, dircs [dot] and [at] nic [dot] in
28 Shri Aditya Kumar Jha   03192-232777 dired [dot] and [at] nic [dot] in
29 Shri Anand Vardhan Mishra   03192-232229 anand [dot] vmishra [at] delhi [dot] gov [dot] in
30 Shri Deepak Pundir   03192-230507 osdtolg [dot] and [at] gov [dot] in
31 Shri Shiv Singh Meena   03192-233397 dirrdpriulb [dot] and [at] nic [dot] in
32 Shri Anuj Kumar Bharti   03193-263222 acnancowrie [at] gmail [dot] com
33 Shri Abhishek Bhukal   03192-232395 dirind [dot] and [at] nic [dot] in
34 Shri Aditya Kumar Asthana   03192-271888 ac-dpur [at] and [dot] nic [dot] in
35 Shri Nitin Shakya   03192-233356 director-sw [at] and [dot] nic [dot] in
36 Shri Vikram Singh   03192-232770 dirfish [dot] and [at] nic [dot] in
37 Shri Ashish Joon   03192-273027 achq-nma [at] and [dot] nic [dot] in
38 Shri Singh Piyush Vijaykiran   03193-265566 itdpnicobar [at] gmail [dot] com
39 Ms Sapna Priya   03192-274222 ac-rgt [at] and [dot] nic [dot] in
40 Shri Jatinder Sohal   03192-244013 thedirectortourism [at] gmail [dot] com
41 Shri Abhishek Gulia   03193-264264 campbellbayac [at] gmail [dot] com

Lieutenant Governor Office Contacts

Sr No. Position Contact Number Alternate Number Email Address
1 Hon'ble Lieutenant Governor 03192-233333/Fax: 03192-230372   lg [dot] and [at] nic [dot] in, lgandaman [at] hotmail [dot] com
2 LG Office 03192-233333 03192-230372 lg [dot] and [at] nic [dot] in, lgandaman [at] hotmail [dot] com
3 Secretary to LG 03192-233113 03192-232135 secytolg [dot] and [at] nic [dot] in
4 Joint Secretary to LG 03192-232126 9910435178 -
5 OSD to LG 03192-230507 9355125726 -
6 Sr. PS to Lt Governor 03192-233333 - spstolgrajniwas [at] gmail [dot] com
7 ADC to Lt. Governor 03192-232675 - -

Raj Niwas More Contact Details Name Designation Office Phone Mobile No
1 Smti. Pallavi Sarkar IAS Secretary to LG  03192-233113,
2 Shri Vaibhav Rikhari Joint Secretary to LG  03192-232126
3 Shri. Deepak Pundir OSD to LG  03192-230507
93551 25726
4 Shri. G.Radhakrishnan ADC to Lt. Governor  03192-232675
5 Smti. Q.Laila Sr. PS to LG  03192 - 233333,
6 Smti. A. Beena PS to Secretary to LG  03192 - 233113
7 Shri. Abdul Sajid ADC to Lt. Governor  03192 - 232675
7063910700, 9531852907
8 Shri. M V Rameshan Assistant Secretary  03192 - 233336
9 Shri. CH Shrinivas PA to LG  03192 - 233333,
10 Shri Subash PS to Secretary to LG  03192 - 233113,
11 Smti. Leena PA to Joint Secretary to LG   9474211129,9933211029
12 Shri. M Sathish Computer Assistant B  03192 - 235411,
 03192 -232135
13 Shri A P Harila Computer Assistant A  03192 - 232135 7063904030
14 Shri Ghanshayam Sr. Translation Officer   9531887825
15 Shri. Nagarajan Agriculture Officer   9474244888
16 Shri. P.S.Manoj PA to OSD  03192 - 230507 9434275812
17 Shri Mathik Kumar Junior Engineer(Civil), APWD   9476011119
18 Shri Abdul Shahid Household Comptroller   94342 89104
19 Shri S Saji Head Clerk   9434299994
20 Shri. S. Gunasekhar Sr. Accountant   9531862650
21 Shri.G.Sambath Sr. Investigator   9434289275
22 Shri. Remesh Kumar KV HGC   9476005470
23 Shri. Balaji HGC   9933251736
24 Shri. Amit Singh LGC   9476000471
25 Shri. Gopal Chakraborty LGC   9933239107
26 Shri. Sivaji Photographer   9933212572
27 Raj Niwas Exchange -  03192 - 246446 , 03192- 230369

Member of Parliament Office Details

Mobile No.- 9434266877, 9932086877 (Same For All)

Sr No. Name/AddressType Phone Number (Office)/Email Address
1 Shri. Kuldeep Rai Sharma 03192-242222 ,03192- 233375/ antccani [at] gmail [dot] com  
2 Permanent Address - MB 167, MG Road, Junglighat, Port Blair-744103
3 Office Address 03192-236898 MP Bhawan, near Raj Niwas, Port Blair,
Post: Head Post Office, Port Blair - 744101