Form A1:Application For Transfer Of Indian Rupees To Account Of Non-Resident Bank(Imports Payment Only)

Company Name(s): 

(To be printed on Light Blue paper)

Form A1
Application for Transfer of Indian Rupees to the Account of a Non-resident Bank

A.D.Code No._______________________
Form No.___________________________
(To be filled by authorised dealer)
(For Import Payments only) Serial No.__________________________
(for use of Reserve Bank of India)
Amount ____________ _____________
remitted Currency Amount
Equivalent to Rupees_________________
(To be completed by authorised
I/We wish to transfer Rs._____________________________________ from the account
(in words)
of____________________________________ at _____________________________________
(Name and address of remitter) (Name of the authorised dealer with
_______________________________________ to
whom remitter's account is kept) (Full title of the account of
_____________________________________________ at _____________________________
non-resident bank credited, stating country of residence) (Name of authorised dealer with
______________________ ___ for account of ______________________________________
whom account is kept) (Name and address of the beneficiary
___________________________ in payment of imports into India, detailed below:
of the remittance)
Details of goods imported or to be imported into India
Section A: Import Licence particulars
Import Licence Date of Issue Date of expiry
Prefix Suffixes
1 2
Licence No.
1 2 3 4 5
Date Month Year Date Month Year
Face value of
Amount to be endorsed (in Rs.)
@ Actual amount endorsed in rupees against each licence involved,
should be stated under this column.
Note: If more than one licence is involved, particulars of all licences should be furnished. If the space is inadequate, separate statement may be attached. The amount utilised against each licence should invariably be indicated.
Section B: Import particulars
Invoice Details
No and date
Terms (c.i.f.,f.o.b., c.&.f. etc.)
Currency Amount
Quantity of goods
Description of goods
System of
of origin
of goods
from which
goods are
Mode of
(air, sea
post, rail
port, etc.)
Date of
(if not
Section C: Other particulars
1. Details of forward
purchase contract, ____________ _______________ ____________
if any, booked against (No.& date of (Currency and (Balance under
the import Contract) Amount of the contract)
2. If remittance to be
made is less than
invoice value, reasons
therefor (i.e. part _______________________________
remittance,instalment _______________________________
I/We hereby declare that the statements made by me/us on this form are true and that I/we
have not applied for an authorisation through any other bank.
I/We declare and also understand that the foreign exchange to be acquired by me/us
pursuant to this application shall be used by me/us only for the purpose for which it is acquired
and that the conditions subject to which the exchange is granted will be complied with.
(Signature of Applicant/Authorised Official)
@ Name and Address of Applicant................
Stamp Importer's Code Number...........................
@ Nationality .................................................
Date:.................... @ To be filled in capital letters
NOTE : For remittances covering intermediary trade, form A2 should be used.
Declaration to be furnished by Applicant
I/We declare that
(a) the import licence/s against which the remittance is sought is/are valid and has/have not
been cancelled by DGFT.
(b) the goods to which this application relates have been* imported into India on my/our own
account* will be *
(c) the import is on behalf of @_______________________________________* and
(d) the invoice value of the goods which is declared on this form is the real value of the goods
imported * into in India.
to be imported*
If the I/We attach the relative Customs-stamped Exchange Control copy of Bill of Entry *
Import Post parcel wrapper (for imports by post)*/Courier Wrapper
has been (for imports through courier)*
If the I/We undertake to produce within three months to the authorised dealer the relative
import is Customs-stamped Exchange Control copy of Bill of Entry *
to be Post parcel wrapper (for imports by post)*/Courier wrapper
made (for imports through Courier)*
* Strike out item not applicable
@ Where the import is on behalf of Central/State Government Department or a company
owned by Central/State Government/Statutory Corporation, Local Body, etc. the name
of the Government Department, Corporation etc. should be stated.
Date:............... .......................................................................
(Signature of Applicant/Authorised Official)
Space for comments of the authorised dealer
(While forwarding the application to Reserve Bank for approval, reference to Exchange Control
Manual paragraph/ A.D.Circular in terms of which the reference is made should invariably be
cited. If any remittance application on account of the same import was referred to Reserve
Bank earlier, reference to the last correspondence/approval should also be cited).
(Signature of Authorised Official)
Name ...............................................................
Stamp Designation .....................................................
Name and Address of ......................................
Date:.................... Authorised dealer ...........................................
Certificate to be Furnished by Authorised Dealer (Importer's Banker)
We hereby certify that
(a) this payment is
Put a (i)  an advance remittance
tick (ü)
in the (ii)  in retirement of bills under Letter of Credit opened through us
block (iii)  against documents received through our medium for collection
(iv)  on account of documents received direct by the applicant/s against
undertaking furnished by the latter to submit Customs-stamped Exchange
Control copy of Bill of Entry of Post Parcel/courier wrapper within three
(v)  on account of documents received direct by the applicant/s against
Customs-stamped Exchange Control copy of Bill of Entry/post
parcel/courier wrapper (attached) submitted
by the latter
(vi)  __________________________________________________________
(any other case, to be explained)
(b) all the Exchange Control regulations applicable to the remittance have been
complied with
(c) the payment to the supplier of the goods has been* made
will be*
(Name & Address of the foreign bank)
We also certify/undertake that the relevant Customs-stamped Exchange Control copy of Bill of
Entry or post parcel/courier wrapper
* shall be verified by us within three months
[vide certificate (a)(ii) and (iii) above].
* has been verified [vide certificate (a) (v) above].
* shall be obtained from the applicant/s within three months
[vide certificate (a) (i) and (iv) above].
(Signature of Authorised Official)
Name ...............................................................
Stamp Designation .....................................................
Name and Address of ......................................
Date:.................... Authorised dealer ...........................................
* Strike out item not applicable