CTA:Statement Showing Details Of Consolidated Tours Arranged For Foreign Tourists/Tourist Groups In India & Neighbouring Countries

Company Name(s): 

[Paragraph 8B.8]

Statement showing details of consolidated tours arranged for foreign tourists/tourist groups in India and neighbouring countries

Country to which remittance is to be made:.......................
Sr. Distinctive No.of Name Number of days Total Total
No. name of members country stay by the foreign foreign
the Group/ of the of over- Group/Family exchange exchange
family Group/ seas tour in due on the actually
family promoter/ India Name of tour received
agent country (stating so far on
currency) the tour
(To agree (stating
with Col.9 currency)
+ Col.10)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5a) (5b) (6) (7)
Details of bank certi- India's ........'s If full Remarks
ficates (supporting share (specify foreign
remittance shown under of foreign the name of exchange
Col. 7) exchange country) due on
Name of No. & Amount earnings share of the tour
authorised date of (including foreign (Col.6)
dealer of certificate Indian exchange has not
certifi- (stating travel earnings been
cate currency) agent/s (i.e. amount received
commission) to be so far,
(stating remitted reason
currency) stating for noncurrency)
receipt of
(to be balance
supported (Col.6 -
by original Col.7)
bills form and when
hotels/ balance
travel will be
agents in received
the foreign
(8a) (8b) (8c) (9) (10) (11) (12)
We hereby certify that (i) the particulars stated above are true and correct:
(ii) all the members of the groups covered by this statement are
foreign nationals resident outside India and no member is an
Indian national or a foreign national resident in India; and
(iii) a record of the names and nationalities of the tourists has been
maintained by us and will be produced to the Reserve Bank if
and when called for.
(delete if full amount We undertake with reference to the balance amount of foreign
of foreign exchange has exchange to be received by us for the tour (Col.6-Col.7)
already been received) that we shall repatriate the balance amount within a period of 3
months from date/within
(specify date if shorter than3 months) through an authorised
dealer in foreign exchange in an approved manner and produce to
you bank certificate in support thereof.
Amount remitted...............
(stating currency)
Date of remittance............
Stamp Signature of the authorised official
........................................ Name:
Countersignature and stamp of Designation:
authorised dealer Name & Address of .............................
Indian Travel Agent.............................
Place: Date: Date:.....................................................