WOW Air Toll Free Number 1800-102-9119

Toll free Number(s): 
  • 1800-102-9119

Important Link

Phone Number

  • (+1) 888 209 3170 (Booking)
  • 1-866-835-5322(Complaint)
  • 1-866-289-9673(Iceland Customer Care)
  • 1800-102-9119(Customer Care India)

India Office

WOW air Delhi Office
5A “M” BlockMiddle Circle,
Connaught CircusNew Delhi  110001 

Office Hours:  Mondays to Fridays: 9:30 a.m. – 6:30 p.m.


 wow [at] wow [dot] is

List of Call Center Worldwide

United States and Canada (+1) 888 209 3170
Iceland/International (+354) 590 3000
Denmark (+45) 78 76 90 30
France (+33) (0) 1 76 54 12 70
Germany +49 (0) 30 25 559 230
Poland (+48) 22 250 3038
Sweden (+46) (0) 850 927 930
United Kingdom (+44) (0) 164 245 0450 
Netherlands (+31) (0) 202 623 660 
Spain (+34) 911 868 841
India 1800 102 9119
Ireland (+353) (0) 1 437 8550
Israel (+972) (0) 33752018
Belgium (+32) (0) 2899-0807

Delayed Baggage Contact Numbers

Location Handling Agent Phone number E-mail Address Opening hours
Alicante ALC Iberia +34 966 91 9013 alckl4 [at] iberia [dot] es 07:00 - 00:00
Amsterdam AMS Menzies +31 (6) 83 69 3759 lostandfoundams [at] menziesaviation [dot] com 08:00 - 22:00
Barcelona BCN Groundforce +34 932 930 648 bcnllxh [at] groundforce [dot] aero 07:00 - 00:00
Berlin SXF AHS +49 30 60 91 3898 sxfll [at] ahs-de [dot] com 08:00 - 16:00
Boston BOS Flight Services & Systems +781-241-5052 bosbaggage [dot] wow [at] fsspeople [dot] com 12:00 - 20:00
Brussels BRU Swissport +32 2 788 33 44 bru [dot] lostbag [at] swissport [dot] com 08:00 - 22:00
Chicago ORD TOTAL Airport SERVICES (TAS) +1 312 316 6763 wowair [at] tasinc [dot] aero Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Saturdays 13:30 - 19:30
Cincinnati CVG Trego-Dugan +1 859 757 2346 cvg [dot] bso [at] trego-dugan [dot] com 7:00 - 13:30
Cleveland CLE FSS +1 +1 216 509 0676 and +1 216 509 0782 Clebaggage [dot] wow [at] fsspeople [dot] com None
Copenhagen CPH Menzies +45 3231 41 76 cph [dot] arrivals [at] menziesaviation [dot] com 07:00 - 01:00/ Phone- 9:00 - 21:00
Dallas DFW WFS + 1 816 398 4441 AND +1 972 579 3939 dfwwwbso [at] wfs [dot] aero 9:00 - 18:00
Detroit DTW AIRPORT TERMINAL SERVICES None Wowdtwbaggage [at] gmail [dot] com Monday, Tuesday,Thursday,Saturday from 21:30 - 24:00
Dublin DUB Swissport + 353 1 8125715 dub [dot] bagtrace [at] swissport [dot] com 08:00 - 22:00
Düsseldorf DUS AHS +49 211421 60410 dusll [at] ahs-de [dot] com 06:00 - 23:45
Edinburgh EDI Swissport +44 (0)131 344 3253 edi [dot] baggage [at] swissport [dot] com 09:00 - 21:00
Frankfurt FRA AHS +49 69 69 02 3682 frall [at] ahs-de [dot] com 08:00 - 21:00
Gran Canaria LPA Groundforce +34 928 579 262 lpainformacion1 [at] groundforce [dot] aero 24/7
Keflavik KEF Airport Associates +354 420 0750 baggage [at] airportassociates [dot] com 08:00 - 17:00
London STN Swissport +448708500038 stn [dot] baggage [at] swissport [dot] com Monday-Friday 9:00-18:00, Saturday and Sunday 9:00-15:00
London LGW Airline Services +44 (0) 161 489 4598 ADMIN1 [at] GLOBALBAGGAGE [dot] CO [dot] UK 24/7 / Phone: 8:00 - 19:30
Los Angeles LAX Hallmark +1 866 767 2247 BAGGAGESERVICE @HALLMARK-AVIATION.COM 6:30 - 13:30 / Phone: 24/7
Lyon LYS Avia Partner +33 825 100 221 lostandfound [dot] lys [at] aviapartner [dot] aero 09:00 - 19:00
Miami MIA Ultra Aviation +1 306 876 0015 lfmiami [at] ultra [dot] com 09:00 - 17:00
Milano MXP Avia Partner +39 274 868 490 mxp [dot] handling [dot] land [at] aviapartner [dot] aero 07:00 - 23:00
Montréal YUL Swissport +1 514 636 8783 yul [dot] bag [at] swissport [dot] com 12:00 - 20:00
New York EWR WFS-Worldwide Flight Services +1 201 341 8430 ewrwwops [at] wfs [dot] aero Phone 13:30 - 20:00. Service desk on level 2, Terminal B
New York JFK WFS +1 929 3521226 jfkwowbaggage.wfs@aero 17:00 - 01:00
Paris CDG Groupe Europe Handling + 33 1 84030305 cdgt1 [at] sba60 [dot] fr 08:00-20:00
Pittsburgh PIT Trego-Dugan +412-690-5433 wow [dot] bag [at] trego-dugan [dot] com Sun-14:00-19:30, Mon-14:00-19:30, Wed-14:00-19:30, Fri-14:00-19:30
Salzburg SZG Salzburg airport Service +43 662 858 0259 sas [dot] lostandfound [at] salzburg-airport [dot] at 07:00 - 22:00
San Francisco SFO Hallmark aviation +1 650 873 6131 cbssfo [at] hallmark-aviation [dot] com 08:00 - 23:30
St. Louis STL ATS +1 314 393 8739 ATSSTLOPS [at] ATSSTL [dot] COM Phone: 19:30 - 23:30
Stockholm ARN Menzies +46 (0) 87 97 8084 arn [dot] arrival [at] menziesaviation [dot] com 09:00 - 21:00
Tel Aviv TLV Aerohandling +972-3-9754008 l_found [at] aerohandling [dot] com 9:00 - 19:00
Tenerife TFS Iberia x tfsll1 [at] iberia [dot] es 07:00 - 00:00
Toronto YYZ Swissport +1 905 694 1736 mhb [dot] yyz [at] swissport [dot] com 09:00 - 22:00
Warsaw WAW Baltic ground service +48 601 433 156 lostfound [dot] waw [at] bgs [dot] aero 06:30 - 22:00
Washington, D.C. BWI FSS +1 443 883 5902 WOWops [at] fsspeople [dot] com 15:30 - 22:00